I’m pulling what hair I have left out over this. To be honest it’s also bloody annoying that of all the wifi enabled gadgets connected to my network Sonos always, always gives me grief! I hope the software team is listening in on this, as you can consider your programming skills get a grade of E-, must try hard, see me after lesson!
Rant over...
So, I’ve changed broadband provider and am trying to connect to my Play 5 Gen 2. I’ve separated my wifi into 2.4 and 5.8 and connected my app/android phone to the 2.4. I’ve made sure I’m in wireless mode 802.11b/g/n, chan 11 with WPA-WPA2-Personal set and yet my Sonos app still can’t see my 5.
I’ve tried going through the Sonos network and again all I get asked is to name the network and enter a password to a Sonos network I have no idea what that password is!! Or I simply get no wifi networks available, spinny wheel.
I’m this close to chucking the bloody thing out the window unless someone can save me in this circle of Sonos Dantean despair!