I've been using Sonos app with Apple Music on an Android device since January without any issue. Last week, I had to reauthorize my Apple account for the TV and Apple Music disappeared from the Sonos app. Very frustrating. Sonos need to give this issue more attention!
I phoned Sonos.....don't bother. The guy started by telling me that you can't use Apple Music on an Android device so hopefully he's not in charge of fixing the problem..…
Expensive speakers which I can only listen to Sonos stations on and they keep skipping when playing.
The guy told me, as a solution, to buy an iPhone or borrow a friend's phone! Hopeless. Actually, I have an iPhone for work but it won't let me sign in with another ID.
Get this fixed please!
Hey, I’m in the same boat. The only reason why I have Apple Music is because it works (worked) with Sonos, AND I have 20-years worth of personal music uploaded to iCloud.
Does anyone know of another cloud music storage service that works with Sonos?
Just wanted to let you guys at Sonos know that I’m still frustrated like many others.
We still can’t use the expensive Sonos speakers with Android device…
You promised in advertising that it will work with Apple Music on Android. It doesn’t. You claimed this to be an issue of high priority.. it isn’t?
please fix it or let us know that you’re not working on it.
I’ve been using Apple Music with Sonos on an Android device for years. If I remember correctly, you need to add the Apple Music app to the device before adding it to Sonos or else the account won’t authenticate.
hi jgatie, thanks for your comment, but it doesn’t help.
Apple Music is on the Android device installed and works perfect on its own.
The problem is the same, as described by the TO. We can’t add the existing Apple Music account to the Sonos App. As Android has no Air Play, there is no possibility to play the music via the Sonos speaker.
br, Marina
hi jgatie, thanks for your comment, but it doesn’t help.
Apple Music is on the Android device installed and works perfect on its own.
The problem is the same, as described by the TO. We can’t add the existing Apple Music account to the Sonos App. As Android has no Air Play, there is no possibility to play the music via the Sonos speaker.
br, Marina
Presumably Sonos will have fired off a request to Apple to fix the issue at their end.. I suspect it’s a case of waiting for Apple to fix it.
I’ve been using Apple Music with Sonos on an Android device for years. If I remember correctly, you need to add the Apple Music app to the device before adding it to Sonos or else the account won’t authenticate.
Yes, everybody know that. The problem is that it’s now impossible to add a new Apple Music link or re-authorize an existing one if you lose connection somehow.
It’s obviously a low priority for both Sonos and Apple, because the problem has been outstanding for months, and Sonos has only recently acknowledged that it’s a bug after giving out pointless generic advice to people reporting the problem for months.
The sonos android app still dishonestly indicates apple music can be added. It can’t. I know this has cost them sales, at least to me.
The sonos android app still dishonestly indicates apple music can be added. It can’t. I know this has cost them sales, at least to me.
More of a software bug, rather than an element of dishonestly, in my view. The AM service can still be added by using Apple’s own devices and then all works fine on every device, including Android controllers.
It’s just an ongoing issue with the Android controller by all accounts and it’s not clear to us users who needs to fix it, but the growing speculation at my house, is that Sonos have likely fired off a request to their partners and are still waiting for them to get their finger out and fix it for the Apple customer.
Any update on this from the Sonos guys?
Are they aware that something like 70% of all phones are android phones. Suggesting "use a friend's iPhone" is really not a realistic suggestion at all. As anyone who's ever used an iPhone would be able to tell you.
These are not cheap speakers. The level of 'service' and 'support' they're providing here is just a joke.
I'm having the exact same issue as an Android use and it is EXTREMELY FRUSTRATING not to be able to connect to Apple.
I was also a big fan of Sonos streaming Apple for a couple of years and now this has happened. Very disappointed that this issue has not been resolved!
Nope. That no longer works. Android app is broken. Sonos is taking their time “fixing” it. It’s not clear to me the company is serious about resolving the issue.
My solution is no more Sonos products until this is fixed. I’d rather switch to speakers from a different manufacturer rather than commit myself to apple hardware. It’s more economical in the long run.
Also adding my extreme disappointment. Have enjoyed Sonos with Android and Apple music for years and now it is broken and what do we do? Just sell all our Sonos and move on? So disappointing.
There was an app update and… you still didn’t fix the glitch. Are you even trying?
There was an app update and… you still didn’t fix the glitch. Are you even trying?
It is indeed the case that the latest update did not deliver every possible bug fix and requested enhancement.
There was an app update and… you still didn’t fix the glitch. Are you even trying?
I still ‘suspect’ it is not something that Sonos are in a position to fix in their own software - it’s far more likely that Apple needs to fix the matter at their end, with their partners.
There was an app update and… you still didn’t fix the glitch. Are you even trying?
I still ‘suspect’ it is not something that Sonos are in a position to fix in their own software - it’s far more likely that Apple needs to fix the matter at their end, with their partners.
In that case why doesn’t Sonos say that, tell us how they are trying to resolve it, and give a possible time-frame? At least Sonos has recently acknowledged the problem, but It’s the lack of information causing frustration here.
In that case why doesn’t Sonos say that, tell us how they are trying to resolve it, and give a possible time-frame? At least Sonos has recently acknowledged the problem, but It’s the lack of information causing frustration here.
Simple answer? They aren’t going to throw a partner under the bus. But if you read between the lines just a little, it’s easy to see what’s going on. As to a time frame? How is Sonos going to tell you how long it will take Apple to fix something?
Apple has a long and proud tradition of changing things that have impacts on others, with zero consultation and no warning. Whether the partner (in this case Sonos) can fix it themselves or needs to work with Apple depends on the nature of the change. Either way, it requires resource to be shifted from other tasks, and so Sonos will have had to prioritise against other developments.
I am confident it will get fixed (but not certain, after ‘on this mobile device’). But it would surprise me if this were a high priority for Sonos or something they wanted to throw a lot of resource at. I suspect most Apple Music subscribers use iOS not Android. Most of the Android users of Apple Music don’t need to add it because it’s already added. And those who do need to add it just need to borrow a relative or a friend with an iPad or iPhone for 5 minutes. Obviously that isn’t ideal, or acceptable long-term, but it means that hardly anybody needs to be seriously inconvenienced by this. Nobody looking objectively could think this should be a high priority for Sonos, even if Sonos can do something about it.
Yup! Got my new Roam today, opened it up, only to find this issue. Sucks! Especially as a first time buyer into this ecosystem.
Only workaround I've found, which isn't going to be a solution for everyone, is to add a smart assistant like Google Voice or Alexa in my case...then go and add the Apple Music service in their app. Then I can just ask Alexa to play songs from Apple Music, using the Sonos device and control playback from either the Sonos App or Alexa app.
Sonos, if you're watching...this STILL isn't an acceptable solution as many have purchased these devices solely for their Apple Music integration and don't actually own iPhones 
All indications suggest that the issue is on Apple’s side, not Sonos’. But I feel your pain, for sure.
I suspect most Apple Music subscribers use iOS not Android. Most of the Android users of Apple Music don’t need to add it because it’s already added. And those who do need to add it just need to borrow a relative or a friend with an iPad or iPhone for 5 minutes. Obviously that isn’t ideal, or acceptable long-term, but it means that hardly anybody needs to be seriously inconvenienced by this. Nobody looking objectively could think this should be a high priority for Sonos, even if Sonos can do something about it.
One should never assume that one’s own limited experience and imagination is sufficient basis to judge what is or is not a problem for the many other people in the world. Read the threads here. It’s a problem for many. If it’s not a problem for you, that’s great for you, but not relevant to the rest of us!
Contact Sonos CEO Patrick Spence at ceo@sonos.com on behalf of all Android users to fix adding or reauthorizing Apple Music on an Android device.
The time has come to contact the CEO of Sonos, Patrick Spence. Mr. Spence is listed on the support page for Sonos to be contacted with issues. Just like everyone else who contacted Sonos support, I was told to add Apple Music via an IOS device. Support is fully aware of the problem, however will not admit how long the issue has been known.
Partial fix:. I create playlists and download the albums to my Android phone in Apple music, then do a search for the artist in Sonos app and it will bring up the album under MY MUSIC which I can then stream to my Sonos speakers. Bit of a pain but it does work.
I just ran into this issue. Luckily my wife has an iPhone so my issue is resolved. But this is tricky. You have a platfrom (Apple Music) not working on a competing device (Android) while using a 3rd Party app (Sonos). There's probably not much incentive for Apple to escalate a fix for competing devices if the issue lies with Apple. They would rather you have an iPhone. Google would rather you use YouTube Music so they may not feel a need to escalate a fix. And Sonos (if the issue is not on their end) gets hurt the most as people blame their software and their reputation gets damaged. I can't see Sonos risking their reputation for the thought of, “maybe they'll switch to Sonos Radio". Sonos relies on their software and agnostic approach to varies sources.
Was this problem introduced with the S2 app? I always used to be able to add Apple Music using my Android device, but cannot now. The only thing I changed recently was moving from the terrible S1 to the slightly less terrible S2. Or perhaps an update to the product (of which I think I've had a few) has introduced this?
What a pain eh..
No, it is across both S1 and S2. Apple appears to have made a change, and is slow to fix the change that they made.