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Boost missing in new updated sonos app May 7th 2024

The Boost is missing in new updated sonos app May 7th 2024. I cannot find it anywhere in the app. Anyone else having the same issue?

Should add trueplay not working properly or at all on the main system and still not available at all on android. WHY ? conflict issues with Alexa too.

Shame because sound is great when the system works properly.

Hi Reporting on the same issue.  


Several random disconnects happening on my 18 devices system after the app and firmware upgrades.  Unbearable to say the least…


After reading this thread I checked and found out my Boost was missing from the app System, although still active in my router map.  My Boost is connected directly to my router and acting as the main wired unit and broadcasting to the others. Result: choppy connection with devices dropping out and stopping to play.


Today I disconnected the Boost and power it down, this connected my system directly to my Mesh network (Netgear Orbi 850) and after a few minutes it connected in full all devices through my mesh network.  Since then, no dropouts or disconnects.

I’m happy to have the system back again, but utterly bitter about Sonos communication on the forced obsolescence of my Boost, which has been the cornerstone of my expansive system for years. Not to mention that more information about the shortcomings of this update.


now the question, would I get a trade-up discount for my no longer useful Boost? At least an explanation on future lifecycle plans?


Mixed feelings here from loyal Day-1 Sonos user…


Regards, Dexter



Hi Reporting on the same issue.  


Several random disconnects happening on my 18 devices system after the app and firmware upgrades.  Unbearable to say the least…


After reading this thread I checked and found out my Boost was missing from the app System, although still active in my router map.  My Boost is connected directly to my router and acting as the main wired unit and broadcasting to the others. Result: choppy connection with devices dropping out and stopping to play.


Today I disconnected the Boost and power it down, this connected my system directly to my Mesh network (Netgear Orbi 850) and after a few minutes it connected in full all devices through my mesh network.  Since then, no dropouts or disconnects.

I’m happy to have the system back again, but utterly bitter about Sonos communication on the forced obsolescence of my Boost, which has been the cornerstone of my expansive system for years. Not to mention that more information about the shortcomings of this update.


now the question, would I get a trade-up discount for my no longer useful Boost? At least an explanation on future lifecycle plans?


Mixed feelings here from loyal Day-1 Sonos user…


Regards, Dexter



Hi Reporting on the same issue.  


Several random disconnects happening on my 18 devices system after the app and firmware upgrades.  Unbearable to say the least…


After reading this thread I checked and found out my Boost was missing from the app System, although still active in my router map.  My Boost is connected directly to my router and acting as the main wired unit and broadcasting to the others. Result: choppy connection with devices dropping out and stopping to play.


Today I disconnected the Boost and power it down, this connected my system directly to my Mesh network (Netgear Orbi 850) and after a few minutes it connected in full all devices through my mesh network.  Since then, no dropouts or disconnects.

I’m happy to have the system back again, but utterly bitter about Sonos communication on the forced obsolescence of my Boost, which has been the cornerstone of my expansive system for years. Not to mention that more information about the shortcomings of this update.


now the question, would I get a trade-up discount for my no longer useful Boost? At least an explanation on future lifecycle plans?


Mixed feelings here from loyal Day-1 Sonos user…


Regards, Dexter



I called in on Boost issues since I upgraded to Eero Mesh.  The first answer from support was an unsupported config change on Eero. The next time I called in they gave me a ‘workaround’ to setup bridge mode which wiped out my Wifi. I had tor reset to original and reconfigure. I asked if I should eliminate the boost to fix the problem with speakers dropping out. They said “maybe”!  Bad support especially since I provided diagnostic output from Sonos app for each call. I worked my life in software, network and OS support teams for HP, Sun, Oracle,Dell but I gave up on them.. My issue was intermittent dropouts of  speakers in 5.1 setups. And, like you, my router map always shows all speakers present and connected via boost hardwired to the primary router. So this looks like a boost issue, app issues, or boost coexisting in mesh env. They know they have an issue and won’t own up to it is my best guess. I guess I’ll try eliminating the boost at some point. Really really disappointed in this company and am upset I spent THOU$ANDS on these speakers and worse - recommended to others who purchased. Now I own THEIR problems too!!!

Just adding my voice to this. Have also lost my Boost and therefore my Sonos system is unstable and I have an expensive bit of kit I can no longer use. Sonos need to start owning this mess. I feel like we’re getting nothing back. Even emailing the CEO doesn’t even get you an auto-reply. 

any ideas on where we start with getting all these problems fixed?

Same issue as the rest of you all - boost is missing and like many of you I tried a reset and no joy. The new app is horrible. They need to republish the old app and make this new one a “beta” and optional for those willing to test it for them while they get it working. This whole experience has completely damaged the reputation of Sonos.

Tried adding screen shots of the usual messages ie system not found something went wrong etc 

Come on Sonus get your ... act together. Oh screenshot s could not be added...something went wrong !

So 4 years or so ago, I had 3 Play 5s, 2, Play 3s, 2 Connects, and a Move and a 3000sqft home with 5 Orbis, 1 hub and 4 spokes. Whenever I would try to play stuff everywhere the system became flaky. Devices would randomly appear and disappear, changes in volume on one device would stop all the others, and, basic system sluggishness.

When I called support, their solution was simple. Buy a Boost. I did and it fixed everything. Snappy response, no more slugishness or negative performance.

That was of course until this new app.

I have reset the poor thing a least 20 times and tried to add it back in the last two apos but this is what consistently happens. The apps finds the newly reset Boost (wired directly to the router, of course); prodeeds to add it to the system; determines the Boost needs a firmware update which it does successfully; reports that the Boost has beeb added.

Sadly, the system details report it is unavailable.

Sonos support had me try connecting one of the other devices to the wired ethernet (of course, connected directly to a port on the router) but that basically took me back 4 years. Whenever I would try to play stuff everywhere the system became flaky. Devices would randomly appear and disappear, changes in volume on one device would stop all the others, and, basic system sluggishness.

Most recent app doesn't fix anything, the behavior is the same.

Additionally my Onkyo Amp which has a “works with SONOS” feature whereby playing through the Connect connected to it would previously turn on the amp and play the connect feed automatically. Opps, broke that too.

My only guess at why this new app sucks so bad is that the CEOs son just got his degree in programming and was giving this chance to show his digital metal. Results apparent.

As far as finding your missing Boost goes, try tapping the fear in the upper right. This should display the “available” devices in you system. Now tap the “manage” link at the top of the list on the right.

If your system is like mine your Boost will probably be the 1st device in the list but it's status says “unavailable”. There may be a “fix it” button present. For me, when I click it, the system tries but the reports “something went wrong.” Nice, huh. No error code just that cryptic message.


Also suspect that once included in the system devices cannot revert to the old app, even when sideloaded. So, we're stuck. Hitched to the good or bad updates.

Does Sonus listen ??

All very irritating...

I'm facing the same. My 300's were stuttering and the boost would not reconnect after the update.

I've had to hard reset my Arc, Sub & 300's. After starting from scratch and reconnecting everything back, the boost was found and registered to the system but is only showing Unavailable under "About your system"

Turning the status lights on/off works on everything except the boost. I have no idea whether or not it's working.


@Sonos are you listening to us? 

I’m thinking……. “NO” …. ?!?

Following my comment from earlier this week, I can confirm the Boost is working. But this can only be verified by my Eero app, as its showing all the speakers are wired (I have only wired the Boost)

The Boost is still "Unavailable" on the Sonos app and can NOT be accessed



I don’t know what I can add to this thread but Sonos is definitely not the company it was 10 years ago.  Issuing an app or software update and not suggesting, anywhere that I saw, to “remove the Boost” has caused me a few hours of frustration on  a system that was so dependable for a long time.  I think the new regime is feeling the financial pressure of trying to get the stock price up and turning out some very buggy and lame software at the same time.  Although I commited to Sonos a long time ago, I cannot in good faith recommend their products to any of my friends.

After removing the Boost and wiring one of my Play 1’s directly to the Orbi Router everything seems to be back to normal.

Thanks to all of you who helped on this journey.

Beautifully worded and terribly sad Michael_287.

Hear you loud & clear and I feel your frustration.

Is this what reputable & respected global organisations call “progress” in todays world ?

Their silence is deafening!

Perhaps it’s more …. “noise cancelling” and it’s all just a marketing ploy to sell their new headphones?!?

Sad !


My songs have been dropping and skipping bad both upstairs and down. Keep losing Music library too (not sure if it’s related to Boost.) I’m disconnecting Boost and connecting system to Wi-Fi.

Shame on Sonos for not giving us an update of either a tech problem or Boost retiring. How hard is it to make an announcement in the community. 

Disconnected the Boost. All speakers connected to my Google mesh in less than 5 minutes. So far, no skipping, no dropping. In my case, it appears to have improved things. For those with poor wi-fi, not so much.

So far, I’ve had to call Sonos Tech Support 3 times in 3 days, after waiting forever to get through each time re the new app. My 17-speaker system’s connection to my PC iTunes music library file has supposedly been fixed each time. After extensive times indexing, still no playlists; no Boost showing; erratic speaker connections; skipped songs; etc. Pathetic & unconscionable!

Instead of Sonos now being pre-occupied with peddling new products, how about them getting existing systems & components back to proper functionality, as originally marketed!