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Better low volume control -

  • 26 November 2023
  • 2 replies


Situation at this point in time: L+R pair of Sonos Play-1’s, listening to Apple Music Sunday Morning playlist at volume level 1 (one), and it is TOO LOUD!


I’ve played with the volume limit feature to control the slider to no result. Setting the limit to 10% gives me no audio at levels 1-9 and too loud at 10. 

I’d like to control the level to all the way from whisper levels to as normal talking level. Currently the lower levels resolution is just not existing.


Please Sonos, allow us to control the lower volumes better!

Can this be a feature request please!?


Erik Tamminga

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2 replies

This issue has been generating complaints for as long as I can recall. Reducing the volume limit doesn’t help because the speaker internals apparently work in integers, not real numbers. So a limit of 10% combined with a slider setting of 5% results in 10% * 5% = 0.5% and Sonos rounds that down to 0%.


Since I have a Port whose digital output is connected to a Bluetooth transmitter I can re-use the analog outs for other purposes when the BT Tx is turned off. So I wire the Port’s analog outs to its analog ins, play the source on the Port then have the speaker(s) play the Port’s Line-In. By fiddling with the Port’s Line-In Source level and its volume I have much more volume granularity at the speaker(s).

Pretty ridiculous to have to go to such lengths but needs must.

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I remember reading this problem is more acute with Apple Music.