Hey all. have a pretty decent sonos and UI setup, and it's worked pretty well for years based on the feedback in this thread. (similar feedback on reddit, etc)
But now, based on all the changes they've made to the new system (app/cloud, etc)... it's very intermittent. It's been a mess (as I'm sure you know). I'm just looking to see if anyone had any ideas on the next best way to set things up, as it seems the old way may not be appropriate anymore.
Currently I have about 10 zones, all S2 compatible. Following the old advice:
- all hardwired when possible, with wifi off on those devices.
- No devices daisy chained.
- Those ports set to STP, with the priorities setup appropriately.
- Using my own 2.4 wifi channel (not sonosnet). (since I also have a Roam).
- IGNP Snooping ON
- IoT Auto-discovery OFF (these are NOT on a VLAN)
UI setup is typical setup of a mix of switches and APs, managed by UXG Gateway.
if you look on the Sonos site, there is a recommendation that either all devices are wired, or wifi, but no mix. Problem is that it doesn't state the time of the article, but I'm pretty sure it was before this app mess.