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Apple music “activity playlists” (listed by genre on Apple Music - not in my library) are now showing only 3 to 5 playlists per genre in both Sonos PC desktop controller and Sonos Android app on my system. Up until recently there used to a whole long list of available playlists in every genre when I browsed Apple Music from Sonos. Has anyone else noticed this?  Any ideas what the problem could be?  Thanks in advance!

Hi Allan,

I have noticed exactly the same thing. It appears Apple has changed the information that is presented to Sonos through the APIs. Sonos needs to go back and explore how to re-access those lists. I use them all the time. Do you know whether Sonos reads these posts? Jenny

Sonos publishes a single API for all streaming companies to use. Perhaps it might be more useful to suggest to Apple that they need to fix their end of the data.

Music services are entirely responsible for providing the lists of items to play. If you don’t like what Apple are presenting on their SMAPI service, you need to ask them to fix it. Sonos have no control over these lists, obviously.

Hello - same issue here and all apps are up to date (incl. IOS).

Sonos does not seem to be aware of this issue ; only tip shared is desinstalling and reinstalling all apps and see if it fixes the issue (it does not). Apple does not communicate about third party’s software or app so they can’t help much either (as long as all apps are up-to-date).

It is frustrating to only have access to a handfull number of playlists and not being able to listen to all of them using Sonos….not knowing if this issue can be fixed or not…

I’ll probably start listening music using apps from other providers - if anyone knows how to fix this issue, I’d love to hear what the solution actually is :)

Thanks ! nicolas

Use the Apple Music app and AirPlay it to your Sonos system.

Noticed this as well. Take for example: Browse > Apple Music > New > Activity Playlists > Sleep


Sonos S1 app only shows five playlists, but Apple Music app has a couple dozen here.

Apple just recently divided these Activity Playlists further into subsections such as Featured, Popular, Rise and Shine, Lullabies and Bedtime Stories, and Sleep Radio. 

It appears Sonos is only showing the five playlists in the first subsection: Featured. (and omitting the featured radio station: Spa)

Hope to see this fixed regardless of whether it’s Apple’s problem, Sonos, or both. I’m just the listener and have my own software to debug...