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App “upgrade”

  • 10 May 2024
  • 0 replies

I was a very early adopter of Sonos. I have 14 different Sonos products, multiples of some of them. In two different householdsUnfortunately,  I downloaded the new App on my phone yesterday when prompted.  In the past this did not result in the loss of the old App.   But, SURPRISE!, I got screwed this time. I HATE the new App.  And I can no longer access the old App. There’s nothing intuitive about it, it seemingly did not go through a sound testing process but fortunately I still have the last version on my iPad (so I’m not without a means to access my music). I’ve been one of Sonos biggest advocates over the many many years I’ve been a user. Now?  I won’t recommend it unless/until this debacle of a release is corrected.  

is there an easy way to get back my old App?  

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