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App update - cannot control room in system.

  • 22 May 2024
  • 2 replies

The day I updated the app on the S2. my TV room system magically disappeared from my system. Tried to add the system back, was forced to update the app. Downhill from there. Added the system, couldn't register is with my account. Restarted all speakers, router, modem, wired it in, nothing. Found out that I needed to reset the app, was able to register my speakers. Woo! 2 days later, here I am.. I have 2 systems and only one works. Beam + 2 One SL’s working great. Other room, Arc SL, One SL, One, Sub Mini, working part way. Sound comes out, surround is working, but I cannot control anything from the iOS app.

When using the iOS app, you can see the room, select the room but nothing will work with it. Select Spotify, it just spins. Select the other room, music will instantly play. Watching TV, cannot control volume, or select a source. 

Using the Web App, I can control the room, select a source, play music from Spotify (on the Sonos web app) but OS app, nothing. 


I know this new app is absolute garbage. Have thousands of dollars in speakers and cannot even control them properly, but has anyone else ran into this?

I am having similar issues. I can add another room to it BUT when I try to turn off one room (unchecking it and hit “apply” button) and go back a step it is atill on and the volume that I turned up in the other room has gone back to 0 volume.  This is one weird instance.

 Also the speakers that had been paired are now all separate instead of  the pair of Play 5 speakers being paired as a L/R speaker set.

The list of problems goes on and on

PLEASE give us option to roll back to oild app until you get these major bugs qorked out.  Yhnk you

This is how mine is acting 🤦🏼‍♂️ it’s been fine for a couple days and now today it’s back to being stupid

Experiencing issues where unchecking a room and hitting "apply" keeps it on, resets volume in another room, and paired Play 5 speakers are separated instead of L/R set. Visit also for information
