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Android App crashes while adding sub

Well, like the title says. When adding my Sub via the (latest) Android app it crashes. I wired it to the router and that makes it crash even faster. The setup was fine until I bought two Era100s which was a pain as well to add to the environment. 

So in the end I factory reset the ARC as well which helped to get the Era100s to work - because they got the blinking green LED just after pairing with the ARC. So that works atm.

The crashing of the Android app still remains and I cannot add my Sub. I uninstalled the app, I cleared the cache, I reset my router, I restarted my phone, I reset the SUB (and the ARC). Nothing helps. Weird, right?

19 replies

Userlevel 1

Can't edit the post anymore. I wanted to add the following. I can't add my Sonos Port as well. Results in a crash of the Android app. Figures. This is ridiculous. So my whole €2500,- costing system is useless atm.

Userlevel 1

Update: Tried another Android phone. Same thing happens: crash! 

Userlevel 1

I had this same thing, do you know anyone with an IOS device? when i used my ipad instead of my android phone i managed to add the sub to my system, previously on my android phone i had the same symptoms as you.

Userlevel 1

I just tried our Android tablet. Same stuff.

Userlevel 1

I had this same thing, do you know anyone with an IOS device? when i used my ipad instead of my android phone i managed to add the sub to my system, previously on my android phone i had the same symptoms as you.

Thanks for the reply. Ill ask a neighbor if he can help

Userlevel 1

I had this same thing, do you know anyone with an IOS device? when i used my ipad instead of my android phone i managed to add the sub to my system, previously on my android phone i had the same symptoms as you.

Well, managed to hook up everything again. Thanks to my neighbor. Still leaves the port which is detected and included in my list but is in a different virtual room. Now to find out how to play the output of the port into the room where the Arc etc is. I knew it with the previous app but have no clue how to do that with the new one. 

Userlevel 1

And why haven't they updated their HELP

Userlevel 1

So using an IOS device fixed it for you?

Userlevel 1

Yes, and now I accidentally marked your question as best answer which can't be reverted. :) 

I have an iPhone and my app also crashes when trying to add a Sub :(

Userlevel 1

What a mess...

Okay, so I was able to get it to Not Crash on IOS by resetting my ARC, adding it to my system again, and then it allowed me to add the Sub without crashing.

Userlevel 1

Nice to hear!

Same problem here with Sub and Android tablet and Android Phone.  Even re-adding existing configuraties to another WiFi area (with same ssid and password) had a problem.  Solution for my arc and one:  reset it completely and restart from scratch.  Sub still not possible to add (crash)

Userlevel 1

I feel you. Maybe you can ask a friend with an IOS device. Although that's not a guarantee for succes. GL!

Userlevel 2
Badge +2

Similar issues.  If my sub is power on, the system goes crazy.  If the sub is unplugged, the rest of the system seems stable and working properly.

I have seen many people having issues and Sub is mentioned.  Seems to be a common thread to me.

I have left it unplugged and given up until Sonos can figure it out.

Has the issue with the app on the iOS device been solved?  Adding my sub to the room crashes my app on iOS…

Userlevel 2
Badge +2

I have not even tried. The release also broke my IR remote, so I have disconnected the whole system and using my TV speakers for now. 

When can we expect a fix for this ?

I just received my sub-mini, and now it seems I can't use it 
