So it’s obvious that Sonos Executives are ignoring the torrents of criticism about the new app, so I want to move forward, and ask if…
- has anyone found an alternative app that can be used with Sonos equipment? There is no question that the executive know users are currently tied to their Sonos hardware, but there already must be people looking for alternatives to the audio world’s “ New Coke”
- is anyone currently developing an alternative app that I can sign up for as a Beta tester?
- has anyone managed to work out any means of rolling back to the “ old version”? If so, please share details. Again it goes without saying, that if the Sonos executive p/CEO were serious about listening to their user base, they would provide a rollback option, and see how many took it up. The shock would likely cost them their jobs.
a final comment. Great strategy by the Sonos executive to edit/censor feedback in this community to focus on one rather trivial shortcoming with the new app, the alarm option. This leads other users to believe it’s the main shortcoming. Meanwhile I and a large sector of their loyal user base are ignored when the many, many other mistakes, are posted. ….starting with the fact that they had the arrogance to release the new app with so many blatant bugs, most of which still exist.
As time has passed since this disaster, ultimately releasing new hardware and censoring comments will not stop hundreds of thousands of former loyal, long term Sonos users looking for alternative products…both hardware and software.