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Album list limited to 50 items

The new Sonos app shows no more than 50 items in the album list. This means that it is no longer possible to browse typically older albums of artists who have many, For example David Bowie and Frank Zappa. But there are many many more of course.

Will this be solved soon? Is this a known issue?

Some of the lists to me seem dynamic (like the play queue) that you need to scroll before it fetches rest of the items. 

Which view do you mean? Do you mean that if you search and then go to e.g. the search results in Spotify/Amazon Music/Apple Music and the artist’s albums results, you’ll only see 50 even when scrolling the list? 

Or some list in the Home Screen?

I’m having the same issue.  When I search for an artist (I primarily use Qobuz) I only see 50 albums.  Attempting to scroll further does not result in any more albums being shown.  However, if I search for a particular album that is not included in the 50 albums shown in the list, I am able to find it and listen to it.

I misspoke in my last post.  I actually see 100 albums in the list, but it still is not everything.


I experience this problem when first searching for an artist, then click on the artist to see all albums.

@Baehrmmi @JHZ050 thank you for the info. If the issue isn’t the music service’s API just providing 50 results then it seems like whoever designed that feature at Sonos does not browse for music or doesn’t know how users use their system. If they need a hard coded value then make it at least 500 to cater for all the great artists who have released more than 50 albums.

Given all the serious issues users are facing with the new app, you would expect they wouldn’t be these kind of UI issues. 

And if there is nothing Sonos can do then at least give us a list of known issues and limitations in the new app. I find the communication from Sonos could be much better during this update. 

It is certainly not caused by the service’s API. Otherwise we would have had the same issue with the previous app. Which we didn’t.

The same happens with local libraries, the old app worked fine, the new app limits the list to 100 albums. 

Both albums and playlist from Spotify are limited to a very small part of what I have saved. It seems like only the latest 100 are visible. When will this be fixed? It shouldn’t be necessary to open two different apps to play an album or playlist.

My music is on a NAS and on a couple of artists I have a limit of 100 too. It first seemed like I got to letter L and nothing after which is frustrating.

is there a way around this please?

still hating the new app, S2 worked brilliantly for me.


The updated app can’t handle long lists of things (that’s why there’s no real Queue view yet), so many (all?) are truncated to 50 or 100 items.

Sonos fix this please
