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I have a number of dance compilation albums by global underground which are WAV files stored on my Huwawai P30.  Using other media apps such as poweramp i see all the album art on my device, yet in the on this device section of Sonos i don't see any album art.

OK this isn't a first world problem, but a really frustrating one, as i have to sift through all the different albums one by one to locate the one i want to play.  when i select an album it opens the detail with artist and track list but again Minus the album art.

Anyone have any ideas if i can get round this.

Thanks in advance.

Album cover smaller than 250kb in file size, 72dpi and around 800x800 should work fine.


Like i say it works on other apps, i’m not sure how i would check the file size or DPI?

Any ideas?





Maybe have solved my problem but without the album art.

By going into settings->Music Library->sort folders by->file name, and filter my library by artist rather than album (artist comes up as unknown) I can at least now see the album name and artist.

Not perfect but solves my problem


I play music from Tidal to Sonos. Todal didn't my albums show up om the Sonos S1 app. They show up om my Tidal app, so I can play them from that app, but not from my Sonos S1 app. I don't understand why

WAV files are eccentric with metadata, to put it mildly.  If you converted to FLAC I suspect the album art issue could be resolved.