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Adding new Sonos One throws everything off

I have an existing Sonos setup with 4 speakers that is working fine. I had another Sonos One in my closet that I wanted to bring out.   I factory-reset the device, went through 4 attempts to join it to my network (all failed).

Worse, the app on my Mac is now all wonked out.  Even resetting it doesn’t work.

My controller is on iOS and it is the updated Sonos app.  The other app is on MacOS Monterey.  I rebooted my iPhone, rebooted the Sonos One, no luck.

All I did was try to add a Sonos One speaker to an existing setup.  

This error condition should not throw everything into disarray like this.

I’m a bit frustrated as this is not the only time I’ve experienced trouble like this.  Can anyone shed some light on how I can fix this and/or why this happens?




12 replies

Userlevel 1

It’s the new app. Turned my Move 2 into a $400 paperweight.  
Heard the fix is going to be weeks away.  Such garbage.  

Userlevel 4
Badge +6

It’s the new app. Turned my Move 2 into a $400 paperweight.  
Heard the fix is going to be weeks away.  Such garbage.  


Shouldn’t something like this reasonably be caught in a QA process?  I would test in QA for this scenario, especially if I knew there was only an iOS update. *shrug*  

Userlevel 4
Badge +6

So this “bug” has also ruined my configuration.  I have (had) a list of “TuneIn” URLs that I listen to quite frequently, that hasn’t been visible on the new iOS app (due to yet another bug).  Now with the above, it’s all gone.  WTAF?  

Come on, Sonos… you have to do better than this.

Can we still downgrade to an older Sonos controller.   I am going to look to see if I have any of the installers for iOS saved.

Userlevel 4
Badge +6

There was a software update to day, and now both my systems are blank.  My primary controller, iOS is blank. No music, no index. 

WTF is actually going on with Sonos dev?


You’re not alone. This is CRAZY! I opened my new medspa with only ONE out of 7 speakers functioning. And three of them brand new. The app won’t let me update. States I’m “not the owner” and to “have the owner login”. So unacceptable. And cannot get through on customer service line.

Userlevel 4
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Calling Sonos support has a wait time of 75 minutes. 

Clearly a lot of Sonos customers are very pissed off right now.  Someone at Sonos should get fired.  This should never happen like this.

Userlevel 1

Updated the app today and now my surround system is down.  Only my arc works.  Tried side loading the old app on my iPhone 14 Pro….  Turns out the old app needs me to update to the new version for connection.  What a joke.  

Userlevel 4
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Thought I’d be smart and get up early, so I could speak with someone at Sonos Support.  The recording says my wait time would be about 10 mins.  That’s tolerable.   Well, 40 mins later…… LOL still listening to this dreadful twang on-hold music and robotic voice.  Zzzzzz

Userlevel 4
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Does anyone have ideas or solutions to debug here?  I have reset all the controller software installations.  The next thing, perhaps, is to individually factory-reset the speakers -- I f’ing dread doing that, as I have a few.


Userlevel 4
Badge +6

The Sonos app has apparently been removed from the Apple App Store for MacOS.

So hopefully his is a good sign, that they know about this dumpster fire they created and are fixing it.

The Sonos app has never been in the Apple Mac store. You have always needed to download it from Sonos’ own website

Userlevel 4
Badge +6

OK, I stand corrected.  LOL  It’s been a while, and it’s just updated itself automatically. 

I note that the version for MacOS download is 79.x whereas the new on is 80.x. 

It’s still presently a dumpster fire, IMHO :)

Note to others, using 79.x for MacOS restores functionality.  It pulls your lists and settings from the existing Sonos speakers.  Yay, for now at least.
