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add to queue in new sonos app

Where can I find “Play next” “Play last” “Add to end  of queue” functions?

I only see the option to “replace queue”. I hope Sonos fix this soon!

Where can I find “Play next” “Play last” “Add to end  of queue” functions?

They aren’t there. They aren’t part of the app. 

Absolute madness that these features aren’t on, I’ve looked everywhere and assumed I was doing something wrong but seems not. These are literally some of the main features 🤦🏼

Surely this is temporary. They can’t be serious. 

Queue doesn’t display, says it’s empty or try later. Bizarre.

Looks like Sonos are aware that all the features are needed - they appear in the screenshot on their promotional page so will presumably show up eventually. They just preferred meeting their release deadline to respecting their customers.


This was my favorite feature. You used to have access to this menu by clicking individual songs. They made it harder to get to and now it's gone. Even if temporary this is ridiculous. Let's go sonos. The queue is vital. I don't see how this is "respectful of customers."

Several app updates later and still no queue or sleep timer that I can find?

Several app updates later and still no queue or sleep timer that I can find?

The thing is you can't find it because IT ISN'T THERE. SONOS!?!? 


Sorry MaltZero not yelling at you, just frustrated. 

Several app updates later and still no queue or sleep timer that I can find?


Several?  There’s been one app update since the original release.  Sonos has stated queue functions will be released in early June.  

Jgatie, Do you have a source for the June time-line? 

Pretty sure I’ve had at least 3 iOS app updates and one system update since the app refresh. 

it’s not the end of the world. Just a bit annoying as I can no longer queue up bedtime stories/music for my kids 

Pretty sure I’ve had at least 3 iOS app updates and one system update since the app refresh. 

it’s not the end of the world. Just a bit annoying as I can no longer queue up bedtime stories/music for my kids 


No, there’s been one app release since the initial release of 8.0.  You may have updated several devices, but there’s been only one release. 

Jgatie, Do you have a source for the June time-line? 



Coming soon

  • Continued improvements to navigation for visually-impaired customers: mid-June
  • Adding to queue and playing next: early June
  • Sleep timer: mid-June
  • Local music library search and playback: mid-June
  • Update WiFi settings: mid-June
  • Snooze alarms: TBD

it’s not the end of the world. Just a bit annoying as I can no longer queue up bedtime stories/music for my kids 

If you use a music service like Apple Music or Spotify you could create a bedtime playlist in their app and either airplay/spotify connect direct to the speaker or find the newly created playlist in the music service area in the Sonos app.

Thanks @Bumper . Good idea. Unfortunately it’s Calm sleep stories that we use and I’m not sure I can create playlists. I’ll have a look though.

@jgatie, this really isn’t that important but I checked the app version history and there looks like several updates to me (see attached) 🤷

Wow. How incredibly stupid. Who beta tested this. 

Sonos please fix this downgrade? Like some in this thread, I was using Calm to queue sleep stories for my kids at bedtime. The previous app did this just fine. 

Sleep timer and queue functionality is back. Thanks Sonos!

Sleep timer and queue functionality is back. Thanks Sonos!

Queue functionality in the loosest sense of the phrase. You still can’t amend the current queue (or edit a Playlist), only add a song to the end of a queue or play it next.