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add songs to playlist - updates

  • 15 May 2024
  • 6 replies

Are there any plans to allow again the ability to add songs to an existing playlist? For example when playing from Apple Music or Tidal via Sonos app, I can no longer add to an existing playlist to either music service. If this does not come back, I have pretty much no reason to use the app any longer. Please update! 

Not til June. 

Yeah, I was trying to read through the lines on that June release. I understand they’ll improve the queue/play next but I didn’t notice anything about the playlist on other music services. I just want the ability to add a song to an existing playlist.

To clarify, I want to be able to add a playing song to a different playlist not in the queue. I build many different playlist as I hear interesting songs. 

This is a joke! It’s literally years of music built into a playlist and the functionality is lost. For good?

This app release (its not an upgrade) is very frustrating and disappointing. Good luck getting any new customers as current customers go else where.

Somos should have backed it out and waited to get a fully functional app. 


Are there any plans to allow again the ability to add songs to an existing playlist? For example when playing from Apple Music or Tidal via Sonos app, I can no longer add to an existing playlist to either music service. If this does not come back, I have pretty much no reason to use the app any longer. Please update! 

I had hoped this would have been addressed by now - but no. Some of the initial issues caused by the app ‘upgrade’ have finally been solved in updates issued by Sonos, but not this important one. Grrr!
