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I have Sonos in 2 properties. Property 1 has older items, so uses the old version of app. Property 2 has newer items so uses the newer app. Property 1 has a NAS drive connected to router, for my music. How can (is it possible?) I access this property 1 music source from property 2, so I do not have to copy music onto a second different NAS drive?

thanks for any help.


Hi @ShadyGray, welcome to the Sonos Community!

I don’t think this is possible with your current setup as Property 2 would need to access Property 1’s network for access to the NAS drive. While this is possible, it’s very much out of scope for us to help you set this up. 

However, you could instead use a service like iBroadcast or Plex to have music across both your systems. 

I hope this information helps!

+1 for iBroadcast. Works really well. Free tier does the job, or you can pay for higher quality steaming.

Plex would definitely work, although a little more setup involved.

Does your router at property 2 have a USB port? I know you were hoping to avoid copying your NAS’ contents, but USB and SSD drives are sooooo cheap these days. I have a 256GB thumb drive in my Asus router, and it works well. You’d have an offsite backup of your music too 👍

Thanks guys. Since posting, I’ve found some online articles about accessing a remote NAS drive, although they were of a more general nature rather than specifically to link to Sonos.

iBroadcast looks a good bet. I shall read up about it.

as for using a router USB drive, until I visit property 2, I cannot remember if the router has one. That said, when I first acquired Sonos kit some years back, I initially used a portable hard drive connected to USB socket in router, and I was advised to change to a NAS drive and Ethernet connection, but I cannot now remember what the problem was, or where the solution came from. Could the problem have been speed of file access?

thanks again,


I’d think it more likely that the router in question didn’t support the use of a USB drive as an NAS, I’ve had that situation in the past. Speed of file access would be a very unusual reason, in my opinion. 

Bit of a non-technical brain dump…..

I agree with the reply above - file access speed won’t be an issue at all. You only have to start considering this where higher quality video is concerned.

Using a USB drive plugged into a router can be considered inelegant; functionality is limited, and you are putting load onto a router’s (relatively weak) processor. And you don’t have the redundancy of a dual-bay NAS.

BUT…. a 256GB thumb drive can be bought for £15 or less, and who cares about redundancy when it’s just a quick, solid state backup. My Asus router serves up the music and album art really quickly from its USB port.

One point to consider is a known issue with some NAS and USB setups using SMB2/3. Timeouts when trying to index the library. Fortunately my Asus allows me to fix SMB1, so no problem while I wait for the fix.