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15.1 Update not working on Sub Mini - Infinitely Updating and Blue Dot

  • 24 February 2023
  • 23 replies

I have a Sub Mini experiencing the exact symptoms reported with the Boost. It was connected to a Beam 1 and 2 Play:1s and working perfectly until yesterday evening. At point of update last night the Beam and Sub Mini were both failing to update to 15.1. I disconnected the devices from each other and the Beam then updated. The Sub Mini is now completely disconnected and shows as ‘unused’ in my devices list. It says it needs to be updated.

It won’t complete the update, failing at the ‘Finishing Up’ stage with the update problem and try again message after taking a long time and therefore, because all of the other devices are on 15.1 it won’t join the system and so, my expensive subwoofer now is unusable.

When the update does error out, it does also have the blue dot with ‘updating’ next to the Sub Mini in the System Menu but obviously, it never works. I force close the Sonos app and it asks to update again. And yes, I’ve tried rebooting routers, logging out, force close and everything suggested on the Boost thread.

Have you called Sonos Support directly to discuss it?

I have the same endless update-loop problem. The Sonos app (on android phone & also PC) says my system (Beam + 2 Play:1’s) must be updated but also says the app must be updated first. But the app is already the latest version (15.1). So I can't update my app (already with the latest version) or system and my system won't work properly without being updated. Many functions are greyed out in the app and I can't add back my Play:1 speakers which I reset to try to fix the problem (without success). My Play:1’s don't even appear when I scan for speakers to add, and using an ethernet cable from my router to the Play:1’s makes no difference. Error 1101 appears in the PC version of the app but no error code appears in the android version of the app. Sonos Customer Service wasn't able to fix it and denied any problem with app version 15.1 - however I think they're wrong.

I am having this same exact problem. I spent couple of hours with Sonos chat support and person was not able to resolve this issue. My disappointment with Sonos support was that whole diagnostic was based on the assumption that issue is with my network connection or phone. Just to prove that it was not the case, I installed app on iOS device which never had Sonos App installed and also connected sub mini with ethernet cable to my router. I disconnected all the other Sonos speaker and just kept my sub min powered on and connected to network via cable, but that too did not resolved this issue. So basically my sub mini is not working right now. 

I am having this same exact problem. I spent couple of hours with Sonos chat support and person was not able to resolve this issue. My disappointment with Sonos support was that whole diagnostic was based on the assumption that issue is with my network connection or phone. Just to prove that it was not the case, I installed app on iOS device which never had Sonos App installed and also connected sub mini with ethernet cable to my router. I disconnected all the other Sonos speaker and just kept my sub min powered on and connected to network via cable, but that too did not resolved this issue. So basically my sub mini is not working right now. 

Did the Support Staff have you reset both the main device that the Sub-Mini was bonded to, aswell as the Sub? It would be helpful to know what troubleshooting steps were done so far, as my own initial thoughts were to perhaps concentrate on the ‘master’ main player that the Sub is/was bonded to as the device IP address is usually proxied through that device from the routers DHCP server.

Anyhow, did Support escalate this issue to level-2 assuming some of the above things were perhaps tried first? It does initially sound like a router/network issue relating to the ‘proxying’ of the devices IP address, but that’s just a bit of a guess on my part🤔?

@Hinksy99 does signing out of the App help?

I am curios why Sonos Support are still going through the whole remove reboot reinstall diagnostic, its your network issue drama when @Corry P has already confirmed its an App issue and we need to wait for an update! Isnt this information passed to L1 support so that they dont waste customers time?

I am having this same exact problem. I spent couple of hours with Sonos chat support and person was not able to resolve this issue. My disappointment with Sonos support was that whole diagnostic was based on the assumption that issue is with my network connection or phone. Just to prove that it was not the case, I installed app on iOS device which never had Sonos App installed and also connected sub mini with ethernet cable to my router. I disconnected all the other Sonos speaker and just kept my sub min powered on and connected to network via cable, but that too did not resolved this issue. So basically my sub mini is not working right now. 

Did the Support Staff have you reset both the main device that the Sub-Mini was bonded to, aswell as the Sub? It would be helpful to know what troubleshooting steps were done so far, as my own initial thoughts were to perhaps concentrate on the ‘master’ main player that the Sub is/was bonded to as the device IP address is usually proxied through that device from the routers DHCP server.

Anyhow, did Support escalate this issue to level-2 assuming some of the above things were perhaps tried first? It does initially sound like a router/network issue relating to the ‘proxying’ of the devices IP address, but that’s just a bit of a guess on my part🤔?

@Ken_Griffiths  - 

My current setup is Sonos Beam Gen 2, pair of Sonos One as surround and Sub Mini. Here are the main trouble shooting steps I went with support staff.

  • Made me installed Sonos App on new device and connected to existing system in that newly installed app. 
  • Removed Sub mini from existing setup. I was able to remove sub mini even though app was report error on this device
  • Asked me power off all the devices other than Sub Mini. 
  • Connected Sub Mini directly to router using ethernet cable. 
  • After doing about steps, when I opened app, Sub Mini was displayed as “unassigned” and it was showing that update is required.
  • Even though Sub Mini was connected to router via cable, I was not able to disable wi-fi and clicking on disable wi-fi triggered software update for sub mini. I was not entirely sure whether sub mini was using ethernet connection or wi-fi connection for communicating to Sonos App. 
  • Update went on for sometime and it failed with generic error message without any error code. 

Char support informed me that I need to call support using phone on Monday , and gave me the ticket number which I can use to resume troubleshooting process using remote session or something. 

Ah okay thanks @SagarG. It would probably not be helpful for anyone to suggest anything to try at this point in time then, until after you’ve completed your remote session with Sonos Support. I’m sure they may need to establish what caused your issue, but maybe let us know how it goes and what steps were taken to (hopefully) get things back up and running as that may go onto help one or two others here too.

Same issue here on the Sub mini - chat support couldnt help, phone support couldnt help. Tried factory reset, using wired, back to wireless - issues are always with sub mini losing connection during the update: either 1005 or just “Sub Mini Disconnected from WiFi” 


Again - support seems to only try fixes based on the assumption someone has some kind of wifi router issue when its defo the update. right now i have an expensive brick in the living room...

I've got the same issue, error messages all refer to sub mini - either not connected or needs an update which feeds into the group it's linked to. 
Online chat directed me to phone call and went through all the same things, use ethernet, unplug device, unplug router and so on with no result until we got cut off 😢

I was able to get hold of support over phone. They tried to factory reset my sub min, but failed to factory reset it. Tried it for few time and did not work. Support person informed that boot routine on sub mini got corrupted. Luckily my sub mini is still under warranty here support personnel create case to replace it. So for me I will be getting a replacement, but I really do feel for other who might not have their product under warranty. I turned off auto update and will be really scared to update any future firmware update given this experience. 

Just to add the sub-mini has not been available long enough to not be under warranty and I’ve got two of them here at home that have each updated fine. I would always personally recommend updating the software as there maybe security updates included, aswell as fixes.

At least then you will know your setup is performing at its best. It’s more likely that ‘bugs’ will be removed rather than introduced… the issue reported here is not a widespread matter but seems isolated to a few cases only as I’m sure that this forum would have been bombarded with many hundreds of posts.

As it’s a new Sonos product I would definitely continue to do the updates otherwise you may end up with a sub-par system (pun intended). I think this was probably just a case of c’est la vie.

Just to advise that I have had the same issue with my Sub-Mini locking up and failing on the update at the beginning of March after only a few weeks of use. The Beam Gen2 next to it updated without a problem.

I went through everything with the technical team, including hard-wiring, factory reset, and full diagnostic check on my router, without response..

I now have no sub, as the unit is on its way back to the factory in Poland in the hope of replacement.

This appears to be indication of an issue with a manufacturing batch or the Sub-Mini hardware/firmware in general, and clearly from the above is not an isolated matter.


My sub mini is stuck ‘updating’ in the app now too, was the app required an update to set up the Era 100 and its borked my sub. 

Did anyone in this thread actually get theirs working again? Or are all these subs headed back to get repaired/replaced?

Worth also noting for anyone interested / stumbling across this thread—my sub has stopped working, and is stuck “updating”, after installing app version 15.2

I too have had the very same issues over time. First with a Port a few years ago with the only resolution being to have to buy a new one. 
Now, again, in the last few weeks, my 5, Sub, 2x1’s and Playbar all stopped working. 
After doing all the tests, resets, and various contortions we all now love so well, I’ve got the Playbar and 1x1’s working again. The rest …. nada. 

You would have thought that after years of this ‘update’ issue being a ‘thing’ that Sonos would know of a fix by now. It’s not like this is a new problem. 

I have a feeling that this will all end up with Sonos telling me the only fix is to upgrade or replace. 
What a surprise (not).


Literally just unboxed a brand new Mini Sub and can’t get any update to work.   If I have to call Support, send it back, etc. that is a MASSIVE QA issue that seems persistent.  I bought via Best Buy, so it isn’t inconceivable they have had stock on this Mini for months.   If there are this many issues with updates, they need to do a stock balance to get inventory updated.   I own way too many Sonos products, but this is one of the most disappointing unboxing experiences i have had.

While I don’t have a Sub mini, I’ve been updating products from Sonos for around 20 years, and only once needed to call in to get a special update build. It seems hard to believe there’s been enough time between when Sonos released the Sub mini and now for there to be that sort of issue. 

It sounds like there’s some other local network issue, and not a problem caused by Sonos. If you were to provide more details about your situation, it’s possible the community can help you correct the network issue causing you not to be able to update the mini. 

I appreciate the help, Bruce.  I have been escalated to Level 2 support with Sonos and have gone through two rounds of every type of hard reset, etc. guidance they have given.  It does seem like a network issue, except I can’t update my mobile iPhone app either.  It sees the device immediately but nothing will update.   All paths lead to the same error message:


I appreciate the help, Bruce.  I have been escalated to Level 2 support with Sonos and have gone through two rounds of every type of hard reset, etc. guidance they have given.  It does seem like a network issue, except I can’t update my mobile iPhone app either.  It sees the device immediately but nothing will update.   All paths lead to the same error message:

Did you consider trying the update whilst the Sub-Mini is ‘temporarily’ wired to the LAN - obviously though you do need to get your controller device Sonos S2 App updated first of all, but that can be done simply via the iOS Apple App Store.

And if you’re experiencing difficulty when running the update from within the Sonos controller, I’d really be looking at some sort of software blocking. Things like VPNs, virus protection, work profiles on the phone, any port blocking or permissions app of some type. More likely to be at the router level, but I wouldn’t exclude the device your controller is on, I’m not sure whether updates get funneled through that or not. 

As Ken suggested, uninstalling the controller would be a good first step. The controllers don’t store anything critical and the App Store has the latest version. Next, wire the player and attempt the update again. I’ve seen this behavior a couple times and I replied “Not now”. After checking all of the players I found that they had updated and everything worked.

Hi Ken and Bruce,

Thanks so much for the recommendations.  I have already tried

  • Uninstalling the controller (multiple times and multiple platforms).
  • Rebooting, hard reboot of network
  • Had a Sonos tech remote into my computer to check for any network blocks - VPN, virus, etc.  None found.  They looked on my Mac which has no company assets at all as well.  No blocking found.
  • Wired and wireless updates to the Sub mini.  Nothing worked there as well.  The challenge here was the Mac app wasn’t able to update, so that could have been blocking the app.

Clearly when I can’t get updates to either the apps or to the device, there is something blocking me on my network in some way.  I even fully rebooted the internet connection beyond just the router to see if a refresh of IP would lead to something, but it also hasn’t.

I have on-site support I have paid for from Best Buy, so that is my next step - to get them to come help, since I bought it all from them.

Hi Ken and Bruce,

Thanks so much for the recommendations.  I have already tried

  • Uninstalling the controller (multiple times and multiple platforms).
  • Rebooting, hard reboot of network
  • Had a Sonos tech remote into my computer to check for any network blocks - VPN, virus, etc.  None found.  They looked on my Mac which has no company assets at all as well.  No blocking found.
  • Wired and wireless updates to the Sub mini.  Nothing worked there as well.  The challenge here was the Mac app wasn’t able to update, so that could have been blocking the app.

Clearly when I can’t get updates to either the apps or to the device, there is something blocking me on my network in some way.  I even fully rebooted the internet connection beyond just the router to see if a refresh of IP would lead to something, but it also hasn’t.

I have on-site support I have paid for from Best Buy, so that is my next step - to get them to come help, since I bought it all from them.

Were you not able to get the latest Sonos App from the iOS App Store for your iPhone, as mentioned earlier?

Did you try uninstalling the MAC Sonos App and then getting the latest App from the official Sonos download site here…

On reinstall of the App just connect it to the ‘existing’ Sonos system on the local network.

Another thing to perhaps consider, is changing your routers DNS server - maybe try the Google public DNS servers ( or Cloudflare DNS ( and see if that resolves the matter.