Wishlist for Sonos Controller Improvements

Userlevel 7
Badge +22
So on the old ask forum wishlist items would get lost. Thought I would post a topic where people could vote their biggest wish for controller software improvements.

Wishlist Items for Controller

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291 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +22
of the frequent requests though ... really only more native integration and interface changes (good or bad) have been addressed by Sonos. They truly don't really look much at individual user requests. Well they see them - but customization doesn't normally fit into their plans.
I miss the possibility to give individual music numbers a stars on the fly - like in the old Winamp
Userlevel 7
Badge +22
You can with some ervices
You can with some ervices

On which devices would that be?
I use PC, Android phone and Android tablet and on these it is not possible
Userlevel 7
Badge +22
Sorry jay should say services. It is dependent on the service (like Pandora has the thumbs up in Sonos)
Userlevel 5
Badge +13
On the controller app I never remember where to look to view a room and where to look to group/ungroup rooms.
Maybe logically they should be in the same place.
Userlevel 7
Badge +22
The rooms button at bottom gives list of rooms then click on room to view it. The rooms button bottom middle pretty hard to miss.

There is the quick group menu under the song title but that is just to add subtract players currently playing.

5) wildcards for track searches... if you don't put the title in EXACTLY right sonos won't find it. or at least support fuzzy searches.

Agree. I'm using Google Play Music from the Sonos Controller, wildcards would be really welcomed.
Viewing the "Last added playlist" (and "Thumbs-up playlist"), already discussed on other threads, would be also interesting.
I would LOVE to have a way that we could restrict access to certain rooms/zones because i wouldn't want kids to suddenly turn up loud music at night while we were sleeping, for example!
Userlevel 7
Badge +22
3 wishlist items coming (including asked for directly above)

Volume limiting and wifi disable

New Sonos Amp - - - play mono to speakers

Userlevel 3
Badge +4
The feature that got the most votes is still not implemented. Sonos, please get on this!
Party Mode (Limited user mode zones, queue manipulation)
Userlevel 7
Badge +22
Never seems to make their radar. I’ve been holding out hope a third party would make something but no luck yet. We just need a Sonos Jukebox app.
A feature I would love to see implemented is the ability to double tap/click on the master volume control slider and have all grouped speakers synchronise there volume to the master volume setting.

Another feature I would like implemented is the ability to use my Sonos speakers as PC speakers so they play whatever sounds my PC/Laptop is playing. This way I could stream YouTube, Netflix, or any other audio over them. Alas, I'm not going to hold my breath for this feature to be implemented as I'm sure that the Sonos company are either prevented from implementing this feature by their licensing agreements with Audio Content providers, or like most other big companies (like Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, etc.), don't care about what their customers want ... they will take whatever scraps we deign to throw their way, and they WILL like it!!!
Interesting on the first feature, for sure.

As to the second, it would make Sonos speakers irrelevant. So, you would end up having no need to pay Sonos any money, which generally speaking, is contrary to what a public company wants to do. The only way Sonos makes money, at this point in time, is selling hardware.
Userlevel 5
Badge +10

Another feature I would like implemented is the ability to use my Sonos speakers as PC speakers so they play whatever sounds my PC/Laptop is playing. This way I could stream YouTube, Netflix, or any other audio over them.

You could use Sonos to broadcast the audio from your PC around the house via line-in, if you have a compatible Sonos connect/amp - your Sonos system just becomes a really expensive set of PC speakers. Technically, you could integrate Spotify and Sonos this way, if you really wanted to. But I'm guessing you're actually looking for something different, and something that doesn't involve cables. Or have I missed the point of your post?
Userlevel 2
Never seems to make their radar. I’ve been holding out hope a third party would make something but no luck yet. We just need a Sonos Jukebox app. I can see you are pretty active here, Chris so I thought I would put out my thoughts to you on this thread. I recently reinstalled Winamp on my Windows PC and it made me realize what I've been missing by using Sonos to browse and play files from my personal collection. I have 46k files in about 5k albums from about 8k different artists.I am attaching a screenshot of the Winamp layout which is of a font and organization that allows me view my library from any angle or with any cross section I could want, the playlist is easy to adjust while listening and I can also use it to view and edit metadata while listening which is critical. There must be others out there that are looking for the same usability.