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Hi guys! Sonos 2 version 14.0 is out. Changelog claims “bug fixes”. Is there a list somewhere what bugs that has been fixed? Would be nice to get some more details here before updating.

Discovered “bugs”in a software/firmware design aren’t necessarily discussed in detail if they aren’t global across a vast majority of units or were voiced by a user that has the potential to morp into something bugger. In that case companies  will make the announcement just to get out infront of it before someone tries to escalate it into something bigger.

Others are bugs that were known at the time of a roll-out but were not serious enough to derail release. Those  are handled in an update such as X.1.

Some are just annoyances that the engineers discover after rollout testing or crop up during the resolution of another fix.

Apple, Microsoft and Android to name a few follow the same line of general silence when pushing out “bug” fixes. 

In short “why make a mountain out of a mole hill”.

Note: In most cases not installing the updates have a more adverse effect on systems and/or will prevent the user from moving forward with future updates/enhancements. In some cases updates that appear to make things worse are often due to peripheral hardware that needs to be updated as well. Routers are a prime example. On the subject of routers (or network design) some are just not compatible with Sonos.

As a user, the most detailed list of changes can be found in the Release notes for S2

Bug fixes and performance enhancements is a catch all and unlikely to be broken down any further.

The only substantial change documented was:

  • You can now initiate the account deletion process from the Sonos S2 app for iOS. 

The software update to 14.0 did take longer to update on all Sonos devices, but why that was the case would purely be a guess.


The software update to 14.0 did take longer to update on all Sonos devices, but why that was the case would purely be a guess.

Given this is a full release rather than just a point release, and I’m guessing here, its to enable to key stuff to come, be that new features or products.  So a lot of work behind the scenes to the app that wount become apparent till further point releases.


  Remember the CEO “promised” two new products per year.

Yes, as it stands it is quite underwhelming for a major release.

I get why the number makes people are looking it as ‘full’ or ‘major’ release but it’s just numbers, and the software developer is under no requirement to structure the release number in a such a way that a new full number means lots of goodies.



Agreed @melvimbe but it does make for a nice tidy process which developers like and gives us the opportunity to speculate. Are the much rumoured headphones or mini sub going to surface (say early March)?


There is an enhancement in version 14.0 of the SONOS app for Apple iOS/iPadOS: it finally introduces dark mode support.

I’ve been running dark mode on my iPad since it was originally released. It certainly wasn’t something new with S2 14.0, sorry.