
What do you think of the new 6.4 software?

  • 17 September 2016
  • 45 replies

Userlevel 7
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  • 1649 replies
A poll to see who prefers the older or the newer software version.
Opinion seems very strong.

EDIT: I can't edit but would like POLL: In front of the thread title.

What do you think of the new 6.4 software?

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45 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +7
I think this poll could end up being misleading as people who like it will not necessarily come on to this forum and vote. As I have said before I personally love the changes and definitely would not want to go back to the old version. The only thing Sonos can do to please everyone is to implement a configuration option, or perhaps introduce some form of lock for the queue. I can understand though, why Sonos may be reluctant to do this as the user experience will vary depending upon configuration and could cause confusion when someone connects to a different users system.

I agree that a poll created within a space that has on average been against the update will not produce a useable outcome for Sonos or anyone for that matter. As more and more persons update and existing users sit with it for a while longer you will then get a better impression of the level of satisfaction.
I agree that a poll on this Forum is not the right way forward.

So check out the reviews on the iOS App Store (sort by most recent). Sonos is bombing on there and currently only has two stars. I remember when it was always 4 or 5 stars and their customer base loved the app. I think this shows how out of touch Sonos is with what their customers want. I am not saying roll back, but gives us the option to choose our method of play - I'm in the classic camp.
Userlevel 1
What has happened to my Sonos!! I thought I was doing something wrong at first, but was blown away to realize this replace queue thing is a feature… done on purpose. I tend to use the Sonos system socially, and this just kills the party. Once a queue was erased while just scrolling through in albums view, and my thumb accidentally tapped one. Boom, now the queue is wiped out and I’m listening to some random album. Please fix this.
Userlevel 3
Badge +1
I am a no answer on the Poll as I don't want Sonos to roll back (and they categorically will not role back software) I want them to improve next version and bring back better options to secure the queue and keep play now from interrupting music.

Sonos WILL NOT role back software - this was a huge topic in the 5.0 software update.

My bar tablet is safely still on the old version.

Maybe Sonos won't roll back software, but I did. I just went back to 6.3 by restoring my iPad with a backup from a few days before the debacle--I mean, update. No more whole-album pileups from choosing one song. No more wiped-out queues! Yea!
If you don't like it then do not just complain here, please leave a review on iOS App Store as well to help Sonos listen to its customer base. It is not looking good for Sonos on there at the moment!
Userlevel 3
Badge +4
Either make the new behaviour optional, or allow people to revert to previous versions of the controller. This is 'customer is wrong' attitude is very Apple-like...
This is 'customer is wrong' attitude is very Apple-like...

That's certainly how it is starting to feel. I'm fine with the software as it is as I don't really curate a queue, but there was a lot of negative chatter about the new update regarding the queue on here while it was in beta so i was surprised to see Sonos went forward with it anyway. Seems like they're trying to catch up to features of other music services, which is short-sighted.
Userlevel 3
Badge +4
It seems like a poorly thought through thing to do. I now notice after updating to 6.4.1. that when I touch on a song, a popup appears, warning me that this action will override the existing play queue, giving me the chance to back out, which I do, and I then go to the three dots on the right. So it seems Sonos have responded to the negative feedback by introducing this extra step after touching on a song.

This is welcome I suppose. However, why not just revert to the previous behaviour, if you are going to re-introduce another stage of user input? It makes no sense at all.

That's certainly how it is starting to feel. I'm fine with the software as it is as I don't really curate a queue, but there was a lot of negative chatter about the new update regarding the queue on here while it was in beta so i was surprised to see Sonos went forward with it anyway. Seems like they're trying to catch up to features of other music services, which is short-sighted.

Catch up? In my mind they are regressing, back to an iTunes interface made for one person listening on ear buds. Multi-room streaming was invented by Sonos, and the queue was perfect for it. The fact they want to regress to an inferior quasi-iPod interface is not catching up to anything.
Userlevel 1
I simply wish the Play Now one-touch feature added the selection (the album or the song to the end of the album) to the end of the queue and started playing it.
I hate this software update! Why on earth do i want the whole damn album when i selected one song? This ruins sonos! I bought two of these things and now i am not using them and wont be using them anymore! Putting them on craigslist if this isnt fixed and soon!
Looks like BlueSound did the same thing to their queue, an "enhancement" nobody asked for, and customers complained bitterly about it. BS relented, and made it opyional. Let's hope Sonos does the same.
Looks like BlueSound did the same thing to their queue, an "enhancement" nobody asked for, and customers complained bitterly about it. BS relented, and made it opyional. Let's hope Sonos does the same.

Problem is that of the 6 people in the world who like to listen to music in a manner that matches the new Sonos UI probably 4 of them are relatives of people on the Sonos development team. Why else would they have pushed out this change in spite of the vocal protests during the public beta? I think there must be something along these lines preventing Sonos from reversing their mistake the way Bluesound did.
Userlevel 4
Badge +1
We just need some Sonos executives to have their first party with guests.
Given the nature of my use, I am not seeing enough change in the user experience to get excited about it - in either direction. What puzzles me though is that I don't remember seeing as much reaction to the public beta as I am seeing now. Did Sonos do things beyond what was in that? Or did I miss seeing these reactions then, and Sonos simply ignored them?

moving comment to newer thread
Userlevel 7
Badge +17
this is a year old thread about version 6.4. I suggest you make a new post about version 8.0 !!!
Userlevel 4
Badge +1
moving comment to newer thread
There will be no attempt to fix anything. We will all either have to like the update and just deal with the ineptitude or use out stored libraries or Spotify or similar that dont summarily delete your lists. Use Spotify and an old hifi and a heaphone jack. Much more secure. Much.
In short, I don't care for it. I find it more awkward to deal with while adding no features. The community has been asking for simple changes like direct access to Tone and Loudness controls for some time but that was not even included. It bears no resemblance to the Mac Desktop app. Not sure what the attempt was but I don't think it succeeds.
I find it ironic that this thread was started years ago to poll people about how terrible the 6.4 release was compared to the old one, and now the 6.4 release is the one everyone wants to bring back. 😉