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I believe every audio device should have a standard feature (or at least option) to fade in an out when you turn the music/speaker on and off. If you go over to a speaker and hit play or do the same on your app the volume should slowly ramp up to the level instead of instant on - you can decide what to do when you simply pause it but I would always prefer a fade. In addition, it would be even better if the system tracked speaker usage to determine preferred sound levels. For instance, I might always use a speaker at level 3 but the last time I used it maybe I cranked it for a really good song. A day later I’m much more likely to want it to start at 3 than cranked. This can also happen if someone else happened to use the system. It would be very easy to create some basic AI to track speaker volumes and use that to determine what to do on start. That in combination with fade in would make the system feel much more elite. 

Hi @TheBlaze 

Thanks for another idea - on a roll? :grin:

This one sounds like it might confuse more people than it would help, but I’ve marked this as a feature request too.

Keep them coming!

I like the idea of giving the option to fade in/out when initiating playback.  I don’t think I would make a designation between stop/start/pause/resume though, as many times, there is little difference between the various states, since Sonos speakers are always on (with the exception of Move and Roam).


Not sure about the volume AI.  While it sounds good in theory, not sure it would work as smoothly in reality. I don’t run into high volume issues very often, but if I do start playback when I need to make sure the volume isn’t too loud, I set the volume before initiated playback,  Also, my most commonly used speakers are scheduled to come on in the morning at a set volume.  Lastly, the AI logic would need to reside in the speakers themselves, which is limited space. It can be in the app since that is just a controller, and not always involved in initiating playback.


Good feedback. Well perhaps I am different than many. I have a Sonos amp I use to drive speakers in my workout area. I don’t generally use the app just the buttons on the front. There are times when I am working out and have it up and other times when I come down in the morning to work out and it’s a little shocking when you turn it on. Even when I just hit play in the app I don’t always pay attention to the volume setting. While the AI might not be useful to most I think it is pretty simple. All you really need to do is keep an average over a time period and it would be okay. 

Good feedback. Well perhaps I am different than many. I have a Sonos amp I use to drive speakers in my workout area. I don’t generally use the app just the buttons on the front. There are times when I am working out and have it up and other times when I come down in the morning to work out and it’s a little shocking when you turn it on. Even when I just hit play in the app I don’t always pay attention to the volume setting. While the AI might not be useful to most I think it is pretty simple. All you really need to do is keep an average over a time period and it would be okay. 

As a perhaps temporary solution, you could create an alarm to play music at a low volume every morning.

Part of my GA good morning routine is setting the volume to normal in case my kids used it last the evening before….