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As per my 8 year old thread - I would like virtual zones - for example, an upstairs zone or downstairs, or outside so I can quickly get the music I want to the areas I want.
This really needs to be added. Users have been asking for this over and over again. Sonos, please make this happen.
Really needed feature! I stopped expanding my system (8 components so far) because it became annoying regrouping the zones...
Is there any reason given by sonos not to implement this? by they way, I'd love to programm my alarm clock like a "normal" alarm clock...not just online with the max. 2hours or endless play option - m I wrong or can't this be sooo complicated? cheers for at least a short feedback from sonos!!! THANKS!
Great idea. Would love this.
I want to be able to set the alarm for a group, but all we have is one checkbox saying "include grouped" - which only applies to what is currently grouped. This post explains it nicely:
I second this feature request. I have 22 devices across my house. I'm constantly grouping the 7 "downstairs" and 2 "upstairs master bed/bath" into seperate groups. I've got 4 for the backyard, 2 out front, and three for the "guest" side of the house, where roomates/kids sleep, and 2 for the front yard. I have resorted to prefixing these "zones" with A, B, C, D, E so that 1) The most commonly used ones (my bedroom and the downstairs) Are toward the top of the list for quick grouping. And 2) Things I group together are near each other in the list so I don't have to hunt around their alphabetical naming do this sorting in my head every time I reset the grouping. I'd like to see the ability to have a feature that accomplishes these for me. If A-MasterBed and A-BasterBath are only and always used together, I'd like to flag these as a "zone" so that they are functionally 1 un-seperatable thing. Then, when I have a party, I only have to worry about grouping "upstairs zone" and "downstairs zone" and "Backyard", rather than each individual component. This would also avoid the hassle of seperating them, where currently I have to ungroup A master bed and A master bath... then group A master Bed and A master Bath together again.
I just want the same music in my bedroom and bathroom at the same time without extra steps. I cant hear the bedroom music with the shower on. This is why I haven't bought the play1.
I've also stopped to expand, it's annoying to group/ungroup and adjust volume every time! I need presets with predefined players and volume settings. These presets schould be selectable also for the timer.
Seems like this thread stalled but i want to second this idea as well,

"Virtual Pairing" shouldn't be difficult to implement ... well, i can see how DLNA might be impacted, but honestly who uses their Sonos speakers as DLNA servers anyway. Make it happen, and please don't hold out on this idea like on Airplay functionality.

I get that you guys want to protect your business model and app integrity (and sell Sonos controllers), but Sonos is stretching its customer's patience on features that are everywhere else available, plus you are limiting your sales potential forcing people to buy Bose or B&W speakers (which actually sound very nice) and if you wait a little too long, Bose caught up on their streaming app ... so better hurry for once. Thanks
Because of the lack of this feature, I've just gone ahead and unplugged about 1/3 of my sonos amps (I have a staggering 21 of them driving every room, bathroom and closet in my house).  Grouping rooms isn't entirely stable, so I've unplugged the lesser used ones (stairwell, front rocks, etc...) to avoid the hassle.  I'm not considering rewiring some of my in ceiling speakers to the sonos amps, by combining cables on an amp, to "hard group" zones because of the lack of this feature.  Comeon... This isn't a hard one to do!  Be kind to your high end customers!
This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Way to save multiple groups or formations with the same speakers?. I just bought two play 3's and a soundbar. I'm curious, how do I save multiple formations of the speakers? Like create one group with both speakers and the soundbar and then another group for one speaker and another for the other speaker, or one group where the two are paired? Seems pretty straightforward and it is annoying to have to change room settings every time I want to change where sound is being directed. 
so, Sonos does not support speakers in multiple groups?  seems like a lost opportunity.
Hey guys - suggest sharing this on Twitter, Facebook or Google to get some traction behind the idea using the hashtag #SonosZonesNow  - lets get it trending so Sonos actually take action!
I submitted this 10 years ago. Not sure trending is going to have much effect.
This should be a higher priority than adding more streaming services or screwing with Airplay integration. Virtual zones would benefit everybody.
It's a complete no brainer. Although Sonos have made it easier to group/ungroup zones, it's still quite a clunky operation that could be simplified by virtual zones. You would have thought that any feature that would get users buying more speakers would be a priority!!
I submitted this 10 years ago. Not sure trending is going to have much effect.

You are right Palm that there's no guarantee it will work, but public discussion can change company policy- remember the United Breaks Guitars song - 14 million views and some real action from United.
Bump.  +1 to wanting zones.  This would improve my sonos experience more than any other feature.  I have 18+ sonos boxes in my house.  I've unplugged several of the less used ones now, because it clutters up my grouping.  Virtual zones would solve this, and I'd plug them back in.  Please sonos!  I know this isn't top priority for you, but we've been wanting this for years!!  find time please!
@Sonos Team:

When can we finally expect virtual grouping and bonding, please?

I mention virtual bonding specifically because i would like to use a pair of Play:1 in my work nook together with the Sonos Sub that also serves a Playbar / Play:3 surround setup in the same room.

Due to the room layout i prefer a pair of Play1 on my desk instead of hearing music from the back of the Play3.

Dealing with 'odd' room layouts is certainly tricky with audio setups, but come on guys, you have the power to do it and to distinct your product through enhanced setup flexibility from competing offers. 

What makes the implementation so difficult or time consuming?

It feels like even Apple listens more to its customers than Sonos does (and i don't mean the customer service / social media reps here in the forum. You guys listen and respond to us all the time and given the lack of info your marketing wants to share i can only imagine how frustrating this must be at times)

I'm not going to comment on how long it should take and we also don't know what kind of a priority it is for Sonos.  But permanent groups does seem like a long overdue enhancement.
+1. Considering the wizardry you all are capable of, this seems like a gimme.
+1. Permanent groups and/or virtual groups where devices can be used in more than 1 virtual group would be great. I've seen others refer to them as "scenes." Anything to make grouping and un grouping faster.
100% agree on permanent groups that stay in tact through power failures. I would like to be able to unplug a player that is part of a group to clean or shift it to a different spot in the room and have it rejoin the group it was in when it is powered back up.I'm not as clear on how the scenes would work though. If I have two different virtual groups playing at the same time and I have a player that is a member of both of them then which program is that player going to play?
I would like to see more group options available in the Sonos app.

I would also like to preset the default volume for each individual speaker in a group. This way, when the group is enabled, the speakers are at a known volume.
I meddle with some software development and sometime you make design decisions that you really, really regret. And reengineering the code costs a fortune...