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How can I see song ratings (1-5 stars) using ipad2 as sonos controller? I copied my CDs to hard drive in Aflac format.
Hello, If these are songs from the music library shared with Sonos there is no way at present for Sonos to pick that information up. What I will do is move this question to the Share an Idea section. This will become a feature request for Sonos to read&display ratings metadata. This will allow the Sonos Product Development Team to review the request and allow other users to vote on it.
It would be also nice to set the rating in the controller software.
I use my sonos as my main way of interacting with my music. I'd love to be able to rate my music from a sonos controller (I have mac, ipad and android tablet controllers). So I am definitely adding my +1 for this function.
I would love to be able to filter my search with my song rating, e.g. play some of my favourite songs.
I would like to add that all that should be needed to support this functionality is expanded support for IDv2 tagging. Being able to view and edit rating tags. Although there would also need to be permissions on the PC that holds the content to allow editing from the device.
I was shocked when I realized, that this feature isn't already implemented. Nearly every music playing / managing software or system supports the standard 5-star rating system. Ergo a must-have and state-of-the-art feature for the leading multi-room audio system Sonos wants to be!
It's incredible this functionality isn't there from day one and that you guys are not even considering it. Hope you'll change your mind soon.
I can understand why they haven't implemented because the song could come from anywhere and there may be no way to update the tags in the song remotely. However storing metadata somewhere in the sonos cloud infrastructure should be possible.
I´d love to see a implementation of a star rating system like itunes has. But if somehow possible please write the rating back to the file tag (if supported)
Come on guys, just bought sonos today and rating support is the one thing that, 30 minutes after purchase, I am already regretting is unavailable. Cannot be that difficult; very grateful if you could please sort! thanks paul
SONOS, people have been asking for this feature for over 2 years. When will it be available? -ready to replace iTunes with SONOS library but cannot until this feature is added!
Would be great addition to a great product.  +1
Don't hold your breath guys. Sonos is TERRIBLE at adding features customers actually want.
Adding a +1 here. One of the best ways to interact w/ music is to add some personal rating (the star system is well known and easy). It would be fantastic to be able to add that level of personalization to the whole collection of music sources that Sonos provides (for example, instead of needing to create a specific saved queue, I could Star-rate songs from any source, and then have a custom Sonos 'top rated' play list)
Seems like this request has dated back for over 10 years and is still unanswered. I would also +1 the ability to rate music through the Sonos app or even better, add the metadata to iTunes itself. Really want to enjoy the leap from my old speaker set up and airplay through the airport extreme. My bad for not fully researching.
Basic music functionality missing from Sonos. Kind of pathetic.