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One of our Nexus 9 tablets recently went into “eternal reboot” and we have had to do a factory reset/Android “recover from cloud” operation. Which was fine, except it doesn’t restore what was there, bur reinstalls the Apps from scratch.

So, suddenly, we have SONOS S1 app appearing instead of the v10.3 of the app that was there originally.

It is correct, as we only have the old S1 kit (9 older units), all at the same upgrade state as the V10.3 software.


We also have six Nexus7 V2s as Sonos controllers distributed round the house. These had a final upgrade (August 2016) on Android 6.01, and could only run up to Sonos V10.3 (build 51166240). 

Yes, Sonos V10.3 eternally nags about “update available” and “upgrading our device” – which is not possible. So we have stayed at V10.3 as everything is still fine and we don’t want to buy 6 new tablets just for “upgrading” to Sonos S1, as the old ones work fine for all our other uses.

Of course, running S1 on the recovered tablet just brings up a load of spanners saying we need to “update”. If we don’t run the update the Sonos S1 app will not allow us to control any of the units.


  • If we accept the "update my device" on the SONOS S1 app, what will happen to the other Nexus controllers which are running the v10.3 app ? 
    That is, will allowing the update destroy us using our six Nexus 7 V2s as our primary controllers?

We need a clear picture of what we might lose. The minimum function we need to retain in all our controllers is to be able to group and ungroup rooms, control volume, switch between playing sources/radio, and occasionally force a music library update.

This is important as we don't want to be forced to replace six tablets, as my understanding is once the Sonos devices are updated we CANNOT rollback to the previous configurations.

Unless you can find a v10.3 APK for the Android controller (and I’d be wary of third party download sites) you’re stuck.

Installing the latest S1 controller on your N9 (presumably running Nougat) will result in (a) the controller not working with the 10.3 players and (b) the chance that it will upgrade all your players to 11.2.4. Your N7 controllers would then be marooned. 

I've used APKMIRROR a few times, never had an issue.


It's listed under S1 but looks like the original 10.3 and compatible with older Android.


Thanks ratty,
This confirmed that just accepting "update" was a really bad idea. I appreciate that you didn't just come back with a standard "buy new stuff" response.

Thanks Keithmac,
We have just installed an older version from APKmirror and current evidence is it works like a dream, so lots of praise and points for that.  This is the best outcome I have even had from posting on a forum.

Problem to fix in less that 48 hours !

Good wishes for the new year to you both.

Nice to see you got it sorted, I wouldn't want to retire 6 controllers either!.

Happy New Year.

Nice to see you got it sorted, I wouldn't want to retire 6 controllers either!.

The Nexus7 (2013) was a great tablet. I used them for years. Now I have several gathering dust on a shelf...


I’d like to chip in & say my situation is similar, and this is the first set of answers who have taken the issue seriously (I’ve posted before along these lines and got nowhere towards a way forward)

So thanks, ratty and particularly Keithmac; that has sorted out my (longstanding) problem too.

I had no idea there was ANY mechanism to rollback Android Apps, so your info about APKMIRROR has been a bit of a revelation ! 

Thanks also to CEH212 for posting the OP - without you all, I’d still be stuck

Mucho thanks :-):thumbsup_tone4: