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Unable to load pcdcr.dll

  • 5 March 2022
  • 7 replies

Hi all,
I'm having the same problem which have been mentioned in this forum a couple of times, the : “Unable to load pcdcr.dll. Please re-install.”
I have tried everything that has been sugested (Uninstall, reinstall, reboot, .NET fix, run app as admin, update windows) and so on.


But no luck so far …

I am running Windows 10, 21H2



Thanks for your support


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7 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

Hi @Charly75 

Welcome to the Sonos Community!

As that file is ours, I must assume that some residual problem from an old install is hanging around and affecting the Sonos app even after a reinstall.

Please uninstall the Sonos App once again.

Next, delete the following folders:

  • C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Sonos,_Inc (you may need to activate Hidden Files in the View toolbar of File Explorer to see AppData)
  • C:\ProgramData\Sonos,_Inc

When done, please reinstall the Sonos app.

If that doesn’t help, I recommend you get in touch with our technical support team for further assistance.

I hope this helps.

Hello Corry,


Many thanks for your feedback.


I have deleted files Sonos,_Inc, but issue is remaining …

I tried to reach out the chat box to get assistance but looks like nobody have a solution .. yet I hope


Maybe there is another idea ?



Thanks for your support,


Userlevel 7
Badge +18

Hi @Charly75 

Sorry - I see now that we have in fact encountered this issue before, though it seems to be exceedingly rare. We were unable to fix it for the previous user(s) despite a fair amount of troubleshooting, and we were also unable to reproduce the issue in our own testing. Due to these circumstances I really don’t know what to recommend, given that you’ve already looked into updates and .NET (the prime suspect).

I can only suggest using a different device, or reinstalling Windows (without restoring settings, as I’ve seen a report that reinstalling Windows and restoring settings did not help). If you do reinstall Windows, install Sonos after applying any Windows updates/drivers but before installing other software, so you can avoid possible conflicts. Check that the Sonos app still functions after installing 3 or 4 other applications and repeat.

I hope this helps, though I realise that it’s unlikely.

Userlevel 7
Badge +23

How technical are you? To root cause this, enable loader snaps with gflags and start the exe under windbg. That should reveal exactly why the dll is failing to load.

If you have no idea what I am talking about, sorry, and never mind.

You don’t have any “security software” installed do you? If so, try disabling it. In the past some has considered Sonos binaries as suspicious.

Well if you describe the process I should be able to handle this !


Yes I have tried to disable security soft + firewall

Also, I just tried to delete NVIDIA pilotes and reinstall, no success

Good news guys, I solved the thing.

I put the process here, hope it will help someone …


Go to Win register -> system -> control → Windows → set error mode as “2” instead of 0 and switch to deci


I wish you luck


Userlevel 7
Badge +18

Hi @Charly75 

That’s good news! Thanks for updating the thread!