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I'm using my Play 1 in living room, bathroom and bed room, moving the speaker from a room to another.

Unfortunately it seems that I must re-calibrate trueplay every time I move the speaker to one of those three rooms...

Is it possible to create an update able to store the settings for each room, avoiding the re-calibration procedure all the times?

My rooms won't change (no new carpets, furniture, etc). I put the play 1 always in the same specific position in each room. Does it seem so weird for you? In any case I didn't ask how trueplay work. I asked to have settings stored. That's it.

Weird or not isn't the point; we told you why Sonos very probably won't do what you ask, with reasons, and a workaround. Use it or not, it is up to you.
My rooms won't change (no new carpets, furniture, etc). I put the play 1 always in the same specific position in each room. Does it seem so weird for you? In any case I didn't ask how trueplay work. I asked to have settings stored. That's it.

Well that would be fine but that isn't all you did is it? You posted your suggestion and then posted "This reply makes me thinking that Sonos won't allow us to save trueplay settings per room on purpose: they want us to purchase additional speakers". It was pointed out that actually persuading people to buy speakers is what Sonos do, how they manage to pay their supplier, their employees and make a profit. Sonos have never, and currently do not make a portable speaker so it makes zero sense, however much you may want it, to store more than 1 Trueplay setting because Sonos don't make portable speakers.
My rooms won't change (no new carpets, furniture, etc). I put the play 1 always in the same specific position in each room. Does it seem so weird for you? In any case I didn't ask how trueplay work. I asked to have settings stored. That's it.

This is a USER discussion forum, if you don't want other people to discuss your question email it to Sonos support, don't post it here.
My rooms won't change (no new carpets, furniture, etc). I put the play 1 always in the same specific position in each room. Does it seem so weird for you? In any case I didn't ask how trueplay work. I asked to have settings stored. That's it.
the previous Trueplay setting may not be as ideal as if it were run while it's in the location it will stay in. There are likely a lot of people in this world who might say "Well, it's in the same room, why doesn't it sound the same,

Excellent point that, and why assigning/storing the tuning to a room will not work; the tuning is specific to the exact location of the speaker in relation to everything else in the room. Even changing furniture/curtains/carpets in a room will require a retune for the best results.
As a guess, I would say that the reason is that you ( the generic you, not the specific you) may not put the speaker back in the exact same location as before, and therefore the previous Trueplay setting may not be as ideal as if it were run while it's in the location it will stay in. There are likely a lot of people in this world who might say "Well, it's in the same room, why doesn't it sound the same, even though I moved it 10 feet and put it under the bed" . It's simpler and less likely to cause further issues if they "require" you to run a minute long process each time, rather than counting on people to be able to be precise about where they put the speaker back to.

Just a guess, though. For discriminating people like you, it's not an ideal solution, but as many companies likely do, I think they're focusing on the potentially less thoughtful folks. Just remember, their majority of sales are likely to people like your grandparents (or at least, you probably should think that way. I honestly don't know who their specific market segment is).

Ça va?
This reply makes me thinking that Sonos won't allow us to save trueplay settings per room on purpose: they want us to purchase additional speakers...

Well that is their raison d'être, n'est pas? Besides, the play:1 isn't strictly portable, so moving it from room to room probably wasn't what they had in mind.
I think that you have been confronted with fact that disagrees with what you like fact to be.

With the Play 1, placement is everything. Trueplay merely fine tunes the placement generated bass element. Which is exactly what correct placement does.
This reply makes me thinking that Sonos won't allow us to save trueplay settings per room on purpose: they want us to purchase additional speakers...
Not at this time. Note though that for a play 1, Trueplay has little effect if the speaker is placed in a halfway decent location to start with - away from walls or room corners. And if kept on a table or shelf, if it is placed close to the front edge of the shelf.

Use this information to tune the speaker for the room where this placement isn't being achieved or is furthest from being achieved and toggle on/off based on which room the speaker is being used in. Until you get more speakers:-).