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We set out to create a more personalized and effortless listening experience with the updated Sonos app. It was rebuilt from the ground up to ensure it could support future innovation in the years to come. For its initial rollout, we focused on how we could answer some of the most common requests from our customers, including increased reliability, performance, and faster access to music.

Many of you have shared valuable feedback on both the improvements that have made your experience better, as well as the areas where we fell short. We are listening to all of your comments and working to address them as quickly as possible. Over the coming weeks, we will reintroduce the below features, while fixing bugs and performance issues. Thank you for your engagement and we look forward to building upon this first step to create a listening experience that meets everyone’s needs.


Available now


To access these changes, check for updates in the iOS / Android app store to download the latest version of the Sonos app. Make sure your Sonos products are also up to date.

Last updated: Sept 19, 2024. See release notes.


This update will be rolled out for iOS and Android separately.


iOS - (Available starting today)
Version 80.09.05

  • Improvements to setup flow
  • Improved performance when browsing content in Home and in Browse
  • Improved queue management including ability to delete, reorder and scroll
  • Added ability to set appearance between light mode/dark mode/system default
  • Continued improvements to the user interface
  • Added Trueplay support for iOS 18


Note: This iOS update will be deployed in phases over the coming days. Please allow until Tuesday to receive via automatic updates. If you add a player to your system, you’ll be prompted to update during setup. If you’d like to get the update sooner, go to the App Store, locate the Sonos app, and tap the Update button. 

Android - (Scheduled for September 24


  • Improvements to setup flow
  • Added ability to set appearance between light mode/dark mode/system default
  • Added setting to change the Alexa wake word language


You can also follow along with updates in this article: 


Thanks BVRx2 - been there, tried that and failed miserably - not to mention that I had my NAS happily serving my music for a decade until whoosh, it’s gone AWOL with the update. Connecting the app and the NAS shouldn’t be rocket science and it wasn’t. It’s simply broken and I am thoroughly dissatisfied that it hasn't even received a mention in the upcoming fixes ☹️

I was planning the extend our system with some outdoor units (until I learnt that the latest hardware isn’t compatible with the older ones), now I am contemplating to chuck the whole lot into the bin…


So you aren’t going to try the new instructions specifically written to account for the new sharing methods because you’ve “been there”?  You’d rather “chuck the whole lot into the bin”?  Seems to be cutting off your nose to spite your face. 

I am pleased that finally Sonos has accepted that the upgrade was a stuff up.

Kind regards


@jgatie recently wrote:

The latest support pages go into great detail how to add your music library using the current apps.  You need to follow the link to add a share on Windows, MacOS or an NAS drive before you attempt to add the library.  Then you must add the library as a Network Share (not as a Music Folder).  The above error looks like you attempted to add a Music Folder, which uses HTTP sharing that is no longer supported by the Sonos mobile apps.  Follow this link (and the links contained therein EXACTLY, the instructions are not intuitive!):

Thanks BVRx2 - been there, tried that and failed miserably - not to mention that I had my NAS happily serving my music for a decade until whoosh, it’s gone AWOL with the update. Connecting the app and the NAS shouldn’t be rocket science and it wasn’t. It’s simply broken and I am thoroughly dissatisfied that it hasn't even received a mention in the upcoming fixes ☹️

I was planning the extend our system with some outdoor units (until I learnt that the latest hardware isn’t compatible with the older ones), now I am contemplating to chuck the whole lot into the bin…

Sorry to hear that. I was under the impression that link solved the problem.

I’m using a third party app called SonoPhone until the new Sonos app is up to par.

Hope you get your issues resolved.

Sorry to pile in on this.




I had hoped I might be able to play my music on my Sonos 9 Sonos devices soon.


They are pretty looking devices but would really like to play music from my music library.


I know there has been and shake up and re-prioritzation of features is there any hope for using them to well play music again soon? It has been a few months.

Trying to re-add my Music library just gets this error message.


Anyway I hope that this eventually gets fixed and allows my music speakers to be used for playing music.


The latest support pages go into great detail how to add your music library using the current apps.  You need to follow the link to add a share on Windows, MacOS or an NAS drive before you attempt to add the library.  Then you must add the library as a Network Share (not as a Music Folder).  The above error looks like you attempted to add a Music Folder, which uses HTTP sharing that is no longer supported by the Sonos mobile apps.  Follow this link (and the links contained therein EXACTLY, the instructions are not intuitive!):


Not so much….

you were close, I had tried adding the local music by selecting 


‘Another folder or a drive connected to any computer ‘ because my Music folder is a drive connected directly to my Mac. I had not occurred to me that the hard disk in my computer was a connected network drive.


but this is Sonos logic so.

created an SMB share of the Music Library.

Created a Sonos Library user - granted full permissions

Go to another computer and smb://Plex-M1/Music Library using the credentials created for it


and voila takes me straight to the Music Library, logged in and all.


now try to add the local folder as a network share in Sonos using the networked share option.


//Plex-M1/Music Library and using the same credentials, copy pasted to ensure consistency 

and you get 

of course…


Sonos was unable to add the music folder 


Access to the shared folder “//Plex-M1/Music Library” is denied check username and password

Now in all fairness 

attempting to access an smb drive from the same computer as the destination, ie from Plex-M1 to smb://Plex-M1/Music Library fails, where it does work from another Mac on the LAN.


So we return to, given that you cannot connect to a local Music Folder using Sonos either through it is a local folder or even a networked folder.

When will the ability to play your own Music be restored to Sonos?

For giggles I will setup the Sonos App on another Mac and see if I can get it to access the Music Folder.

but realistically if it works, it is a workaround but a damning indictment of Sonos if you have to have two computers to get a local music library to work.

Nah doesn’t work either.


Sonos asks me to enter using backslashes not the macOS forward slashes and then reports failure using forward slashes.


tried using forward or backward slashes they end up with same forward slash error.


A step forward for Sonos, consistency…….. all we need now is consist working rather than the now default consist fail.


Added as a NAS share per jgatie’s instructions.  Make sure that you have authorized the NAS to access Music through Privacy & Security

Perhaps you missed a step on the should work as I have been using my Mac Mini with restored music access for over 1 month...happy to help you further with my settings if that helps.

Just waiting for the truth to come out on the news- that the new Sonos App was held ransom by a Russian hacking conglomerate halfway across the globe.  

Sorry to pile in on this.




I had hoped I might be able to play my music on my Sonos 9 Sonos devices soon.


They are pretty looking devices but would really like to play music from my music library.


I know there has been and shake up and re-prioritzation of features is there any hope for using them to well play music again soon? It has been a few months.

Trying to re-add my Music library just gets this error message.


Anyway I hope that this eventually gets fixed and allows my music speakers to be used for playing music.


The latest support pages go into great detail how to add your music library using the current apps.  You need to follow the link to add a share on Windows, MacOS or an NAS drive before you attempt to add the library.  Then you must add the library as a Network Share (not as a Music Folder).  The above error looks like you attempted to add a Music Folder, which uses HTTP sharing that is no longer supported by the Sonos mobile apps.  Follow this link (and the links contained therein EXACTLY, the instructions are not intuitive!):


Not so much….

you were close, I had tried adding the local music by selecting 


‘Another folder or a drive connected to any computer ‘ because my Music folder is a drive connected directly to my Mac. I had not occurred to me that the hard disk in my computer was a connected network drive.


but this is Sonos logic so.

created an SMB share of the Music Library.

Created a Sonos Library user - granted full permissions

Go to another computer and smb://Plex-M1/Music Library using the credentials created for it


and voila takes me straight to the Music Library, logged in and all.


now try to add the local folder as a network share in Sonos using the networked share option.


//Plex-M1/Music Library and using the same credentials, copy pasted to ensure consistency 

and you get 

of course…


Sonos was unable to add the music folder 


Access to the shared folder “//Plex-M1/Music Library” is denied check username and password

Now in all fairness 

attempting to access an smb drive from the same computer as the destination, ie from Plex-M1 to smb://Plex-M1/Music Library fails, where it does work from another Mac on the LAN.


So we return to, given that you cannot connect to a local Music Folder using Sonos either through it is a local folder or even a networked folder.

When will the ability to play your own Music be restored to Sonos?

For giggles I will setup the Sonos App on another Mac and see if I can get it to access the Music Folder.

but realistically if it works, it is a workaround but a damning indictment of Sonos if you have to have two computers to get a local music library to work.

Nah doesn’t work either.


Sonos asks me to enter using backslashes not the macOS forward slashes and then reports failure using forward slashes.


tried using forward or backward slashes they end up with same forward slash error.


A step forward for Sonos, consistency…….. all we need now is consist working rather than the now default consist fail.


Added as a NAS share per jgatie’s instructions.  Make sure that you have authorized the NAS to access Music through Privacy & Security

Perhaps you missed a step on the should work as I have been using my Mac Mini with restored music access for over 1 month...happy to help you further with my settings if that helps.

Not getting anywhere


Tried adding as a local drive and as a network shared drive - with a credentials that I can log in with form another computer and have full permissions.


So nothing wrong with the login or permissions - it is just the Sonos MacOS App is shit and shit for months and months and no intention to fix it



I was able to add my music library on my Windows 11 computer by:

  1. Adding a local account (using the Microsoft article linked above).
  2. I then shared the folder as follows:  Navigate to the folder, click on properties, select the sharing tab, go to advanced properties, create a share name,  and add the user created above as a share user with only read access.
  3. When adding the folder in the Sonos app I using the second option (Add a folder). I did not search for the folder.  I used the \\ComputerName\SharedFoldername and clicked next.  It then asked me for the user name and password that I created.  Click Next and it added the Music Library.

Good Luck



but I suspect this current issue is on MacOs.


but good that Windows users can listen to their music on Sonos ! 

The music library issue is affecting both Windows users and Mac users.  I was providing a fix for Windows users.  The thread started as a generic thread with issues about the new app.



but I suspect this current issue is on MacOs.


but good that Windows users can listen to their music on Sonos ! 

Sharing the Music folder was key, unfortunately I don’t remember.  If you search on jgatie about 1 month earlier in this thread, he provided a video link with instructions that I followed. 

Do you File Sharing and Media Sharing checked in General?  Have faith, it will work, I just don’t remember all the details…


I’ll try it!,!



Ok 22 days since this message and I still have issues!  I can’t play music in my other rooms! The stupid app recognizes the incorrect speaker playing music. Let’s go already!

Ok 22 days since this message and I still have issues!  I can’t play music in my other rooms! The stupid app recognizes the incorrect speaker playing music. Let’s go already!

What happens when you drag up the Now Playing area at the bottom of the screen (or tap the name of your system top left of the home screen)? Are you not then presented with your list of speakers/rooms?

What happens when you then tap one of these other speakers/rooms? Can you not then search for music and press play, to play the track on that speaker/room? 

Thanks all for all the suggestions - some techy and some (to me) very techy!!!   I just want to be able to wake up one day and think, ‘I’ll play something from a playlist while I eat my breakfast’ and then do just that. (And possibly add to playlists!!!) Right now I can’t. The only thing I can rely on is playing bbc radio through Alexa and that’s only about 75% reliable.   I’ve spent a lot of cash on this system and expect better.    

Come on Sonos/CEO, sort out the mess you’ve made, for whatever reason, and think of people like me who need nurturing through the techy bits to enable us to just use the system we thought we’d bought.


QUESTION to techy people from a non techy please re suggestions above to delete and reinstall the app. I just play through the app on my IOS IPhone.  Are my SONOS playlists on the speakers or the app?  If I delete the app will I lose my playlists or can I delete and reinstall the App safely without losing the playlists?


Playlists will not be affected by un-installation and reinstallation of the app.

I have just purchased 4 speakers to kit out my new house and can't use a single one of them. The app says I need to update but won't let me and won't move past that stage. Everytime I try to log on I have to sync the speakers again just to get no where. What a waste of money. Glad I didn't the sound bar. Heart broken

Aug 6 update ruined any progress that was made. Get this thing working or let me go back to legacy. I’m typing this while I hear all my speakers going in and out of connectivity while playing. Give us a date for the legacy app. I’m sick of checking. 

I have just purchased 4 speakers to kit out my new house and can't use a single one of them. The app says I need to update but won't let me and won't move past that stage. Everytime I try to log on I have to sync the speakers again just to get no where. What a waste of money. Glad I didn't the sound bar. Heart broken

Try using the Windows or Mac version of the Sonos app which you can download from the Sonos website. (Google it if you can’t find the download page.) That will usually let you update your system where the phone fails.

QUESTION to techy people from a non techy please re suggestions above to delete and reinstall the app. I just play through the app on my IOS IPhone.  Are my SONOS playlists on the speakers or the app?  If I delete the app will I lose my playlists or can I delete and reinstall the App safely without losing the playlists?

You can prove to yourself where your data lives (Sonos box, app, cloud) by installing the app on other devices, using the (vastly superior) Sonos desktop app or 3rd party controller, disabling your wifi, factory-resetting your system, etc, but… Sonos stores everything - Sonos playlists, local library meta info, etc. on the Sonos players, not the app (with data shared/propagated to all your Sonos speakers/boxes).

I did see a rumor here once that “recently played” data was actually stored offsite in your Sonos account, but of course it’s stored locally, because it would be the the dumbest engineering decision imaginable (except from a customer-data-mining perspective) to store “ephemeral local data for a system with local storage” in the cloud.

Thanks BVRx2 - been there, tried that and failed miserably - not to mention that I had my NAS happily serving my music for a decade until whoosh, it’s gone AWOL with the update. Connecting the app and the NAS shouldn’t be rocket science and it wasn’t. It’s simply broken and I am thoroughly dissatisfied that it hasn't even received a mention in the upcoming fixes ☹️

I was planning the extend our system with some outdoor units (until I learnt that the latest hardware isn’t compatible with the older ones), now I am contemplating to chuck the whole lot into the bin…


So you aren’t going to try the new instructions specifically written to account for the new sharing methods because you’ve “been there”?  You’d rather “chuck the whole lot into the bin”?  Seems to be cutting off your nose to spite your face. 

no of course not, spent too much $$ to do that - I just said it out of frustration
I will persevere and hopefully fix it, but I need to find some solid hours when I can figure it out…, which shouldn’t be the case in a product of this caliber


I did see a rumor here once that “recently played” data was actually stored offsite in your Sonos account, but of course it’s stored locally, because it would be the the dumbest engineering decision imaginable (except from a customer-data-mining perspective) to store “ephemeral local data for a system with local storage” in the cloud.

So if it’s just a rumour why is the app unable to show me recently played when all access to is blocked on my network. ie the Sonos cloud is unavailable?

As you think it’s a dumb engineering decision, where would you store it so that my phone, tablet, other family members tablets, the online web player and 3rd party controllers using the api can all show the same data?

Surely not a copy in every Sonos playback device with write lifetime limited storage. Or should every controller have a unique view so when I use a different controller I have a completely different list of recently played? That would be annoying.

There are far more useful purposes for it being stored centrally for controllers which are randomly switched on/running to show the same view than there is for data mining. Details of what you play are already available to Sonos as you play it, no additional benefit wasting storage or processing time harvesting a list of recently played items which a short duplicate.



I did see a rumor here once that “recently played” data was actually stored offsite in your Sonos account, but of course it’s stored locally, because it would be the the dumbest engineering decision imaginable (except from a customer-data-mining perspective) to store “ephemeral local data for a system with local storage” in the cloud.

Surely not a copy in every Sonos playback device with write lifetime limited storage. Or should every controller have a unique view so when I use a different controller I have a completely different list of recently played? That would be annoying.


OK, so I’m making a guess here about how Sonos stores other local data eg. Local library meta info and Sonos playlists, both of which have a fairly long lifespan. They’re probably propagated to all your Sonos boxes, because if you have two Sonos speakers and turn one of them off, you don’t have to wait ages for the library to re-scan or playlists to re-sync. You play local music/playlists “from your Sonos system”. So we can discount app or individual speaker storage, which leaves the option of cloud or “Sonos boxes all sync’d together” storage. Sonos boxes will happily store meta info for several thousand tracks, so recently-played (which is basically “a playlist that can handle individual tracks or whole albums as an entry type”) isn’t much extra data.

Recently-played data has always been a bit flaky (the app currently doesn’t include local library plays and only seems to track half of my plays from Qobuz, and they never added it to the desktop controller), so I wouldn’t be completely surprised if Sonos had ended up storing that info differently from your Sonos playlists.

As far as I’m concerned, any unnecessary connection between one of my Sonos boxes or controllers and the internet (which is anything - setup, play history, track selection - that doesn’t involve a music service hosted outside my house) is a “dumb engineering decision”. But I still think of Sonos as a “music system for my house” because that’s what I bought into - I’m starting to think they have a different vision for the product.

Plenty of home automation products require a connection to the internet to do “interactions between two devices on your home network” (and therefore require the company who sold you it to still be in business and running their servers) because “reasons”. The fact that the Sonos web player currently contacts a server running on Sonos servers (for technical reasons or those “I forgot to turn off the music when I left the house” use-cases) rather than a small web server on your Sonos system (eg. the way your router config app works) is very interesting. But Sonos do have a recent history of making some extremely, er, “interesting” engineering decisions recently.

I’m with you on the cloud connection for things I consider essential. I don’t have a use for an external web controller, but I can see it as an example to show how the api can be used. In a commercial environment if they just wanted a controller to play/group things on a restricted device that only has a browser it could work.

I did have a poke around in the web controller and you can see the messages that get sent and received through the websocket. In the code there is config for whether it is a local or remote controller. I’d guess if set to local, then it will connect to the devices across the lan rather than the cloud api. Maybe the idea longer term is to put a wrapper around it and make it downloadable to replace the current desktop apps.

No idea whether it was my OS and/or browser security or a bug, but while it would group players and you could seem them grouped locally, the interface didn’t update.

The local library is definitely on the players. Asking for a library update causes on of them to extra the metadata into database files. Whether it’s just copied or diff-synced between players I’ve no idea but they all get a copy. Playlists may sense to be the same to me, although I’ve never used them, so don’t know how often people would change them. Many of them the guys who write 3rd party controllers will probably know. Favourites could be either, most of my favourites are against streaming services so it’s easy to find again :)

Certainly, creating a “desktop” controller that’s just a “bundled web app” is a no-brainer, the sort of thing Sonos should have done years ago instead of endlessly refusing to learn about cross-platform development and producing wildly different desktop and mobile controllers.

Although the current desktop client (and previous mobile app, obviously) beats the new mobile app for features and “clean intuitive design”, I’d probably be happy with a desktop client that was just “the same mobile client bundled as a Windows app but without setup options because reasons”, even if it meant killing some of the really useful desktop-only features (eg. error logs showing network interruptions and skipped tracks, sensibly-ordered favorites, local library browsing) and suffering the busy confusing “sliding panel” new UI design.

I presume Sonos do something in the Apple App Store to prevent their official iPhone/iPad controller software from appearing on an Apple M-whatever silicon Mac… if they made the iPad one available, you should be able to run it as is, unless it flouts some rules that disallow it. That would be the easiest way to create a functional Mac controller perhaps. 

I use this for the Naim/Focal app and that seems to work ok. 

Certainly, creating a “desktop” controller that’s just a “bundled web app” is a no-brainer, the sort of thing Sonos should have done years ago instead of endlessly refusing to learn about cross-platform development and producing wildly different desktop and mobile controllers.

Although the current desktop client (and previous mobile app, obviously) beats the new mobile app for features and “clean intuitive design”, I’d probably be happy with a desktop client that was just “the same mobile client bundled as a Windows app but without setup options because reasons”, even if it meant killing some of the really useful desktop-only features (eg. error logs showing network interruptions and skipped tracks, sensibly-ordered favorites, local library browsing) and suffering the busy confusing “sliding panel” new UI design.

Apple developer rules (which they have been clamping down on over the past year or so) define a number of aspects regards the UI, how it should function etc … don’t follow their guidelines then they refuse to put your app in the App store  …. A good android UI is rarely identical to a good Apple iOS UI ...
