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The New Sonos App and Future Feature Updates

We set out to create a more personalized and effortless listening experience with the updated Sonos app. It was rebuilt from the ground up to ensure it could support future innovation in the years to come. For its initial rollout, we focused on how we could answer some of the most common requests from our customers, including increased reliability, performance, and faster access to music.

Many of you have shared valuable feedback on both the improvements that have made your experience better, as well as the areas where we fell short. We are listening to all of your comments and working to address them as quickly as possible. Over the coming weeks, we will reintroduce the below features, while fixing bugs and performance issues. Thank you for your engagement and we look forward to building upon this first step to create a listening experience that meets everyone’s needs.


Available now


To access these changes, check for updates in the iOS / Android app store to download the latest version of the Sonos app. Make sure your Sonos products are also up to date.

Last updated: Aug 27, 2024. See release notes.

In this update:

  • Accessibility improvements in Settings
  • Improved smoothness and reliability for product setup
  • Added the ability to clear the queue on Android
  • Added Night Sound toggle in Room Settings for sound bars


You can also follow along with updates in this article: 


How about roll back to the old version.  Fix all the stuff, and then release it after June!  Make a dang headphone only S3 version if you must.  Try to win back some good will by doing it right!

Agreed. This latest app is horrible. It always was so simple and functional. Your latest app release is truly disappointing. It takes three times as long to start or change music. What was seamless interaction is now troubling. If I was not already heavily invested with SONOS I would stop buying your brand. 

bring back the prior apps. 

Roll back to prior apps. I appreciate your planning for future functionality, but the interface is a current fail. 

Access to my speakers is delayed awkwardly slow. And even then when they do start, it goes to another channel. 

Until you return the app to prior functionality and simplicity, I won’t invest in growing my SONOS speaker collection. 

My wife and I were so happy when we got our Sonos speakers because it was so cool to put the speakers anywhere in the house and listen to music. We ignored how difficult it was at times to get the speakers to connect or would just stop playing in the middle of night but we dealt with it. We had playlists and loved editing the queue on the fly from several musiC sources. Then the “May App” which removed so many features and completely locked down queues and playlist with no notice!  No notice!!!! Now I see the CEO is sorry and plans to add those features back on October? Why bother at that point? Why would customers trust this company in the future? Would you buy a new system after hearing about mess? The only people remaining are those who have already invested heavily in components. Will they spend more? I know I won’t. Sonos is probably looking at few new customers and existing customers who complain constantly because Sonos has lost their trust. This last email from the CEO shows they finally have realized the damage they’ve done and their “courage” has finally left them. That only took took 3 months. 

Honestly, I need to know if/when disable wifi and connect via ethernet will be fixed. If there is no plans to fix it any time soon than I’ll need to get new speakers, and unfortunately trash this setup.

When will this particular problem be addressed?  I have 3 groups supposedly playing together.  The volume section of the app shows that all 3 are playing but in reality only 1 is.  This happens all the time.  All such a dreadful mess isn’t it!!!

When will this particular problem be addressed?  I have 3 groups supposedly playing together.  The volume section of the app shows that all 3 are playing but in reality only 1 is.  This happens all the time.  All such a dreadful mess isn’t it!!!

It certainly is. I've got the radio playing in four rooms. The controller has one again launched without the stop play button enabled. Curiously the volume on the conservatory is -1. The mute button eventually worked after several goes and after 20mins or so the stop button woke up. It's a pretty hopeless experience at the moment 

Local Music Library still isn’t working on iOS and on MacOS Playlists aren’t working.

I can’t believe it took you (Sonos) more than two whole months for you to apologize to your customers.

I can’t believe you thought it was ok to release such an update in the first place.

I can’t believe you didn’t do any testing of the app before releasing it and still don’t test the updates before releasing them to make sure they actually work as you advertise them.

Unbelievable incompetence from Sonos and their CEO. Unbelievable the CEO is still in charge.


How is it even possible to take such decisions? There must have been at least SOMEONE at one meeting realizing what a bad decision that was. Wasn’t there?!

It is difficult for me to express the depth of my frustration with the new App.  I own over 30 Sonos products, and the new App has caused me so much frustration and anxiety - I can’t believe that Sonos did this!  I will never buy another Sonos product as long as I live.  It is as if Sonos hired people that were fired from Microsoft for incompetence, and then got rid of all the Apple engineers they had on staff -- and then put the Microsoft people in charge of the new App. It is clear that Sonos is trying to force its users to use the Sonos Music options, and try to sell us more Sonos products -- all while destroying an easy to use App and making it very difficult to use.

I’ve been a Sonos user for quite some time. Recently, I thought I would add a few more speakers--BIG MISTAKE because my system has some older components on S1. I thought I’d just downgrade the new additions to S1, as I had done with other things I bought previously. My purchases exactly coincided with this truly INCOMPREHENSIBLE move to the new app, that took the downgrade functionality away. When I called support, they were absolutely no help. The person with whom I spoke even joked that it could be “10, 20, 30, 40, or 50 years” before that functionality was restored. I couldn’t believe this! Not only does Sonos completely undercut its customer base, but someone on support actually jokes about it in what I regard as a completely insulting way. NONE OF THIS IS FUNNY. As others have said, restore the old app, or at least provide firm dates when all the functionality that you took away prematurely will be restored. Now I have speakers that I can only use on S2 and not play with the rest of my system (= THE WHOLE PURPOSE FOR GETTING THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE!!). When SONOS works, I love it. When it doesn’t--and especially when there are these ridiculous, inscrutable unforced errors, I’m embarrassed for having sunk so much money in this system that I can’t use any more. Sonos badly needs to restore trust with its customer base. And I’m just waiting on the announcement that they won’t support S1 anymore. The longer it goes without the ability to downgrade, the more likely I think this is. And Sonos wouldn’t care about those of us who invested so much money S1. HORRIBLE!

Dear Sonos:


I am a loyal customer with 12 of your products in my home.     I am so disheartened that you screwed your customers over this way.   I am tired of excuses and dates when you are going to fix things.   It’s pretty simple.  Revert back to the OLD app to at worked!!! And then once you are 100 percent confident that the new app will work then you can put it back out.   We should not be FORCED TO ACCEPT THIS GARBAGE when we spend $10,000 dollars or more on all your products.  Fix it now not in October!!!! Or I will never buy another product from you. 

Mr. CEO, why mess with what’s works. Not to belabor the point of your customers, but GO BACK TO THE OLD APP. Your “paying” customers are what keeps the company in business. The cardinal sin in business is screwing the customer. Keep the simplicity of the old app. I do not want or need to take a tech class to listen to music etc. Hopefully you kept the old app in your closet and didn’t bleach bit it.

I’m going to add to the chorus of people here. 
Sonos is not the cheapest option and was alway a little clunky on its integration with other Systems.

But to release an app that is a major step backwards in functionality and then expect clients to wait six months while you reinstate that functionality is very poor customer service.

If something is not ready, then roll back to the original app and allow the developers time to bring the new app in line with the old lap and preferably with new features and better stability.

The new app wouldn’t have anything to do with the headphone launch with it

I have three locations that I manage Sonos on including home and restaurants.  I find that since the app update switching locations is much slower and more involved than before the update.  This is really annoying for me.  Hope updates can fix this.  Sonia’s should recognize when my WiFi zone changes and reconnect to the same Sonos system used on this zone last time.  

Nobody at Sonos much cares about all the negative feedback posted here...


They’re all busy polishing their CVs and looking to jump from this sinking ship. Take a hint already.

Nobody at Sonos much cares about all the negative feedback posted here...

They’re all busy polishing their CVs and looking to jump from this sinking ship. Take a hint already.


1) How do you know this? 
and 2) How do you know this?

Did everything suddenly just get a whole lot worse?

I have been managing since the disastrous app launch by using the desktop controller to control my system. This has been fine right up until this evening. Now in the last hour it has become glitchy accessing my local music library and will not access Imported Playlists at all, just saying “Unable To Browse Music”, after which it will not access any part of my Music Library (which is sizeable) at all.

The web app also will not access my Local Music Library. It just hangs until it eventually gives up and says “Something went wrong.”

So at this point I have no way of controlling my system at all. The desktop controller which has always been reliable until now was my last refuge What gives?

So at this point I have no way of controlling my system at all. The desktop controller which has always been reliable until now was my last refuge What gives?

Oof, @GubGub! Check your version of the desktop app … the latest v16.3 was released 16 July.

So at this point I have no way of controlling my system at all. The desktop controller which has always been reliable until now was my last refuge What gives?

Oof, @GubGub! Check your version of the desktop app … the latest v16.3 was released 16 July.

It is up to date. I actually run the controller on three different PCs, one desktop and two laptops and they have all been fine until this evening. They all took the 16 July update but I did a check for further updates this evening and there were none. I have checked all this on two out of the three PCs and they are both behaving the same way.

Nobody at Sonos much cares about all the negative feedback posted here...

They’re all busy polishing their CVs and looking to jump from this sinking ship. Take a hint already.


1) How do you know this? 
and 2) How do you know this?

This one’s gotta sting a little.

It is up to date. I actually run the controller on three different PCs, one desktop and two laptops and they have all been fine until this evening. They all took the 16 July update but I did a check for further updates this evening and there were none. I have checked all this on two out of the three PCs and they are both behaving the same way.

Confounding! Whenever you updated the desktop apps to v16.3, I’m sure they ‘insisted’ on a system update to install the v16.3 firmware. Point being, you’ve been running the same desktop apps and the same firmware for over a week. My only suggestion, and it’s not terribly brilliant: power down all of your Sonos devices … and then power them up one by one … start with the “most contemporary” device and see what your local library looks like with only the one device before powering up the others.

I definitely did not read this entire thread, but let me say the #1 thing I’d like added back from the old app is a numeric counter on the volume slider. I know, it sounds like a small thing, but no, I can’t eyeball it, and my fingers are kinda too fat for fine control without proper cues — and yes, it really matters to me.




I definitely did not read this entire thread, but let me say the #1 thing I’d like added back from the old app is a numeric counter on the volume slider. I know, it sounds like a small thing, but no, I can’t eyeball it, and my fingers are kinda too fat for fine control without proper cues — and yes, it really matters to me.




It’s there on my app… Do you need to update your app to the latest version?

The latest update has broken yet more things that have worked perfectly for years. 

We returned home from holiday, and now our roam which we took away with us refuses to partner with any other device, and yes we’ve tried all ‘logical’ remedies.

Local music library (on our Synology NAS) has previously been more than happy with ‘various artists’ albums but no more, these are now split up into separate tracks by song artist with no way to alter how they are displayed. If it hadn’t been bad enough that the a-z column had disappeared months ago for no reason, my album list is now 20 times as long and none of the tracks are in order.

Please stop breaking things, 

Ich kann jedem nur die SonoPhone-App empfehlen. Mit der bin ich sehr zufrieden.

Schnelle Reaktion in allen Bereichen.


I can only recommend the SonoPhone app to everyone. I am very happy with it.

Fast response in all areas.


There is a new SONOS APP UPDATE just gone live - for iOS it’s version 80.05.05 (not sure if there is an update for Android as the release notes are yet to go live).

iOS App Store says:

  • Improves stability when adding new products
  • Addresses excess battery usage.
