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We set out to create a more personalized and effortless listening experience with the updated Sonos app. It was rebuilt from the ground up to ensure it could support future innovation in the years to come. For its initial rollout, we focused on how we could answer some of the most common requests from our customers, including increased reliability, performance, and faster access to music.

Many of you have shared valuable feedback on both the improvements that have made your experience better, as well as the areas where we fell short. We are listening to all of your comments and working to address them as quickly as possible. Over the coming weeks, we will reintroduce the below features, while fixing bugs and performance issues. Thank you for your engagement and we look forward to building upon this first step to create a listening experience that meets everyone’s needs.


Available now


To access these changes, check for updates in the iOS / Android app store to download the latest version of the Sonos app. Make sure your Sonos products are also up to date.

Last updated: Sept 24, 2024. See release notes.


Last week we released a new version of the Sonos app for iOS.

As announced, today we are releasing a new version for Android as well.


iOS - (Released on September 19)
Version 80.09.05

  • Improvements to setup flow
  • Improved performance when browsing content in Home and in Browse
  • Improved queue management including ability to delete, reorder and scroll
  • Added ability to set appearance between light mode/dark mode/system default
  • Continued improvements to the user interface
  • Added Trueplay support for iOS 18


iOS Service Pack - (Available starting today)
Version 80.09.07

  • Resolved a bug affecting users with multiple language keyboards configured
  • Resolved a bug preventing users with VoiceOver enabled from accepting the terms and conditions during setup


Android - (Available starting today

Version 80.09.04


  • Improvements to setup flow
  • Added ability to set appearance between light mode/dark mode/system default
  • Added setting to change the Alexa wake word language


You can also follow along with updates in this article: 


Hi, So when I move between homes from 1 Sonos system to another, I have to delete the app, download it again, search for existing Sonons system, which it finds and I’m up and running.  However, with the prior version it just worked out that I’d moved from 1 system to another.  Am I doing something wrong or is this just the new normal… 

Not sure if you have iOS or android but on iOS you don’t need to delete the app, when you open the app at the changed location you should see system settings or something similar pop up (can’t recall as I’ve just done it but will check next time) and then click to join the system you want. It works it’s just clunky like the rest of the now awful app. Good news is if you dropped a few hundred pounds on them you can have some headphones that integrate with the useless app, great bonus!

Anyone know how to turn the white led off, was previously an option in hardware settings. Looks like there’s almost no option there now. To add insult to injury if you search Sonos help it’s there still on their site… for the S2 App!!! It’s kind of “here’s all the things our system did before we destroyed it all folks”!



Come on Sonos, get your act together. Understand a new app may have been required but why did you release such a shit app, so few features that the existing app had and in an ecosystem where the app was essential. Really poor planning, poor management.

You are losing sales, losing customers.

@SonosUser1125  “Anyone know how to turn the white led off, was previously an option in hardware settings.”


Settings / nSpeaker] / Status Light

While I have to admit, I’ve been totally checked out on the drama since this new app version, as I’d already given up on support and 2 years of constant frustrations with my whole Sonos ecosystem chaotic and unusable.  We had came to sort of adapt and just take what we could get out the system any given day. We bought a new house and when gradually starting to reconnect a device I noticed the new app update, etc. To my surprise, I will say for whatever reason it may actually be, my entire system has been setup and with no reconfiguration required on my part at all, it has been working LIKE A CHARM!! I realized now though, while still super grateful, I’ve not encountered an issue using it solely through my Spotify app. However, the moment I want to group any variation of speakers, which can only be done in Sonos, it is clear the app is just failing on that aspect. It will say it’s now playing this music on all or both speakers yet literally will hear it playing on some random speaker elsewhere in my house. Maybe. Then if you get too screwed up it starts freezing up and delays playing thru whichever speaker it was seeping through anyways. Other than this ONE feature, literally EVERY THING with this new app has and is still working flawlessly!! And I do mean every thing!!

While I have to admit, I’ve been totally checked out on the drama since this new app version, as I’d already given up on support and 2 years of constant frustrations with my whole Sonos ecosystem chaotic and unusable.

I was in a similar position; my Sonos configuration before the new app was usable but somewhat unstable, with speakers sometimes joining groups on their own or dropping out of them, or refusing to connect. 

Eventually it got to the point that I needed to use the app to correct the configuration, but the app refused to do anything but basic information functions, and insisted that I needed to upgrade to the new app.   I could see that new firmware had already been pushed to the speakers.  I had disabled auto-update for the app but I apparently didn’t disable the auto-update of the firmware.

I was hoping to avoid upgrading to the new app until its reported issues had been addressed, but as it turned out, the new app install was surprisingly uneventful for me.  It detected the existing system and allowed me to fix the configuration without issue.

All my music is local, but since I play it through the Line In on my Sonos Connect using the output of an external music streamer and a local server running on a NAS, I was fortunately not affected by the new app player issues.

Groups are also not working as I expect.  My workaround for now is to not use them and set up all the speakers individually to play from Line In, turning them on or off manually as needed.  Hopefully this configuration will be stable for me.

Can not use the Himalaya app since the new app 8.0 launched,which can listen to many broadcasts and radios in China. It's very easy to use. Hope to update and fix it as soon as possible, thanks.

What is the chance we throw this new app away completely and return to the old app? This is a huge detractor to Sonos at this point - the app was the glue. This new app is non-intuitive, very slow, clunky, and setup so poorly I have reduced my sonos usage by 80 %.


I would suggest adding a classic interface button so customers can continue to use their app while you UX team is replaced with a group that knows what they are doing.

What is the chance we throw this new app away completely and return to the old app? This is a huge detractor to Sonos at this point - the app was the glue. This new app is non-intuitive, very slow, clunky, and setup so poorly I have reduced my sonos usage by 80 %.


I would suggest adding a classic interface button so customers can continue to use their app while you UX team is replaced with a group that knows what they are doing.

Totally agreed!

What is the chance we throw this new app away completely and return to the old app? This is a huge detractor to Sonos at this point - the app was the glue. This new app is non-intuitive, very slow, clunky, and setup so poorly I have reduced my sonos usage by 80 %.


I would suggest adding a classic interface button so customers can continue to use their app while you UX team is replaced with a group that knows what they are doing.


What’s the chance?  Zero percent.  Sonos made a conscious decision to release the app in the condition it was, and that decision is not being rescinded.  The best you can hope for is to receive timely updates and fixes. 

Has anyone not been able to connect to their existing system, even after uninstalling and reinstalling the app, and remaking their system? I own a Sonos Arc SL, a Sonos Sub Gen 2 (maybe 3, can't remember) and 2 Sonos One SL's. It's worked just fine for the last 4 years, and the previous app didn't have any issues connecting to the system. 


I thought reinstalling the app and re-setting up the system might make it stick, but it still is showing "Product Not Available" whenever I open the app. 


Please help 😭😭

Has anyone not been able to connect to their existing system, even after uninstalling and reinstalling the app, and remaking their system? I own a Sonos Arc SL, a Sonos Sub Gen 2 (maybe 3, can't remember) and 2 Sonos One SL's. It's worked just fine for the last 4 years, and the previous app didn't have any issues connecting to the system. 


I thought reinstalling the app and re-setting up the system might make it stick, but it still is showing "Product Not Available" whenever I open the app. 


Please help 😭😭

Use the Sonos desktop app for Windows or Mac (Google them and download them from Sonos’ site), and see if that works. Their new app and system settings have affected device discovery, in Sonos’ wisdom. I’m sure it will be fixed but for now the desktop app might be your only hope…

What is the chance we throw this new app away completely and return to the old app? This is a huge detractor to Sonos at this point - the app was the glue. This new app is non-intuitive, very slow, clunky, and setup so poorly I have reduced my sonos usage by 80 %.


I would suggest adding a classic interface button so customers can continue to use their app while you UX team is replaced with a group that knows what they are doing.


What’s the chance?  Zero percent.  Sonos made a conscious decision to release the app in the condition it was, and that decision is not being rescinded.  The best you can hope for is to receive timely updates and fixes. 

I also suspect the tech is different so it’s likely not even possible

Has anyone not been able to connect to their existing system, even after uninstalling and reinstalling the app, and remaking their system? I own a Sonos Arc SL, a Sonos Sub Gen 2 (maybe 3, can't remember) and 2 Sonos One SL's. It's worked just fine for the last 4 years, and the previous app didn't have any issues connecting to the system. 


I thought reinstalling the app and re-setting up the system might make it stick, but it still is showing "Product Not Available" whenever I open the app. 


Please help 😭😭

@YT CoastersandCosplays 

When you say “remaking the system” I assume that when you reinstalled the App you chose “Setup a new system”. If so, in order to use that option you must factory reset at least one Sonos product to get started. A factory reset means the LED on the Sonos component will be flashing Green. In your case I’d Factory Reset all products and setup the Arc first. The downside to a factory reset is that it destroys any playlists you may have created.

Now…if you chose “join and existing system” try rebooting your router before reinstalling the App. Then upon reinstalling the app select “join an existing system”. This option assumes you haven’t factory reset your Sonos components. Also that they are plugged-in with their WiFi card enabled or at least one product is connected by Ethernet to your router which in your case would be the Arc.

Please would you confirm that SONOS is planning to re-introduce the capacity to edit the Queue, including (i) adding individual songs, albums or albums to play next or at the end of the Queue,  (ii)  deleting individual songs and (iii) moving the position of songs to anywhere else in the Queue.

Please would you confirm that SONOS is planning to re-introduce the capacity to edit the Queue, including (i) adding individual songs, albums or albums to play next or at the end of the Queue,  (ii)  deleting individual songs and (iii) moving the position of songs to anywhere else in the Queue.

You can already ‘Play Next’ and ‘Add to End of Queue’ for individual songs and albums.

As for the rest, Sonos has said “Improved playback settings including Play Now*” is coming this month. No idea if that involves queue management (and playlist editing) but we can only hope. *Not sure what Sonos means by “including Play Now” as that is already available for tracks and albums...  

The new phone/tablet app is pretty much non functioning. Rarely I can t select a playlist, Tune a XM channel and forget adjusting volume. 

Live Chat is non existent, the only option is to chat with a ineffective Bot.

If you call its a 30-40 minute wait to speak with someone and when I did connect with an agent I was disconnected in the middle of the call.

The only way I can control the system is with the P.C. App.

Please would you confirm that SONOS is planning to re-introduce the capacity to edit the Queue, including (i) adding individual songs, albums or albums to play next or at the end of the Queue,  (ii)  deleting individual songs and (iii) moving the position of songs to anywhere else in the Queue.

You can already ‘Play Next’ and ‘Add to End of Queue’ for individual songs and albums.

As for the rest, Sonos has said “Improved playback settings including Play Now*” is coming this month. No idea if that involves queue management (and playlist editing) but we can only hope. *Not sure what Sonos means by “including Play Now” as that is already available for tracks and albums...  

Using iOS, I cant add to the queue or indeed, play next.

Queue management is not mentioned specifically in the Coming Soon section, although it was an integral part of my Sonos usage previously. The ability to add/delete tracks, albums in a queue is really a pain. As is trying to actually find music from my local library, searching shows every other source except for my own g’dam collection. The only way for me to do it is to search through the folders in the app.

I had high hopes to have another update this week… sadly its not yet materialized. We were getting a weekly cycle the past 3 weeks which built my hopes for a release on the 8th. Perhaps next week… or not…

This debacle is 65 days old… and really not much has changed from the mess we were gifted.


Put S2 to S1 downgrade back in the app! Cannot use speakers without it.

I have been using the windows app to listen to my music library, today that has stopped working. It asks me to sign in then check for updates then says no registered products and gets itself into a loop. 


I hope they are also working on the very annoying new bug/feature that you can’t play one thing on certain speakers and another thing on others. My house is filled with Sonos products and after this new app dropped, I am so stressed and upset because it has made the products unusable and unmanageable. It’s sluggish, completely hostile to the user and refuses to communicate with its products 60% of the time. Whatever is going on over there, please get it together. 

I hope they are also working on the very annoying new bug/feature that you can’t play one thing on certain speakers and another thing on others. 

Sounds like you’re not working it correctly. Are you sure you’re not grouping the speakers? 

I hope they are also working on the very annoying new bug/feature that you can’t play one thing on certain speakers and another thing on others. My house is filled with Sonos products and after this new app dropped, I am so stressed and upset because it has made the products unusable and unmanageable. It’s sluggish, completely hostile to the user and refuses to communicate with its products 60% of the time. Whatever is going on over there, please get it together. 


You most certainly can.  See below for how to switch rooms that are playing.

Below: Now Playing room is the Den

I want to play something different in the Bathroom.  Swipe up on the little bar at the top of the Den (Now Playing) room.



Scroll (if needed) to the room you wish to select (Bathroom) and tap anywhere in the highlighted area to select the room.  


Whatever room you tap (ex. Bathroom) is now the default room.  Anything you select for a source above will now play in that room. 

Thank you so much! I have played around with the app for a cumulative total of hours and never found the swipe up. I normally have no issue with apps so I maintain this is a massive UX issue that should be addressed in the update. I appreciate the walk through and my whole household thanks you!

Thank you so much! I have played around with the app for a cumulative total of hours and never found the swipe up. I normally have no issue with apps so I maintain this is a massive UX issue that should be addressed in the update. I appreciate the walk through and my whole household thanks you!

(You can also bring up the list of speakers by tapping the name of your Sonos system, top left of the home screen.)
