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Support Windows 8 RT for Surface Tablet and Windows Phone 8 for Mobile Devices

This is not a full windows 8 platform but will work new surface tablet and Samsung and others plan to use this OS which is not fully windows 8 compatible. It would be very helpful if sonos would support this as the tablet looks promising.
I sell their products and can't demonstrate them. This is an issue, and I don't feel I should have to switch platforms.
Just thought I'd add to this, I also want a Sonos Controller for Windows 8 UI & Surface. To be honest I'd also like to see option of streaming the audio from your Windows 8 PC to Sonos too. Much like Apple AirPlay.
Dear Sonos I have just entered this discussion, since I am considering purchasing a Sonos system. When reading all the comments made on this issue (and for how long it has been going on), I really start to worry. One thing is that you haven't been able to plan it yet. Another is that your intentions are really unclear. Finally I navigated to the topics overview, and it dawned on me... are you using Scrum, and is that what keeps you from communicating clearly on intentions? - From the statuses you are using, it could seem that way. I have both been practicing and coaching Scrum for quite a few years now, and if that is what you are actually doing, I respect your dedication to the method. Either way - You (as a company) need to communicate clearly to your primary stakeholders (your customers). So what are your intentions? Hint: if you use Scrum, you could just update us on your current stack rank, with a short associated explanation. It will allow you to navigate, while keeping us in the loop.
About a month since the latest official response. I have a Sonos and have applications for it on Windows 8 (desktop), Mac OsX, iOs, Android but not for Windows Phone! Hope that it will be out soon! Let me know if you need beta testers
I'm planning to invest in Sonos. I am also looking at other solutions since there is no windows rt or windows phone 8 support. Panasonic makes a promising system that will play directly from rt or phone using WiFi ( And pioneer also has a nice looking system that also offers a water resistant rechargeable WiFi speaker so you can take it outside ( Sonos, set an expectation on when or how often you'll communicate on this thread. We want great sound throughout or homes that's simple - using the devices we choose. There are options, but we're here now. Can you help?
I'm planning to invest in Sonos. I am also looking at other solutions since there is no windows rt or windows phone 8 support. Panasonic makes a promising system that will play directly from rt or phone using WiFi ( And pioneer also has a nice looking system that also offers a water resistant rechargeable WiFi speaker so you can take it outside ( Sonos, set an expectation on when or how often you'll communicate on this thread. We want great sound throughout or homes that's simple - using the devices we choose. There are options, but we're here now. Can you help?

Hi Joseph, Thanks for your interest in Sonos. As indicated in the last official response, we're headed in a good direction but not ready to share any specific details about a Windows Phone or Surface RT control app yet. The Panasonic speaker looks like it uses either DNLA or Bluetooth (DNLA from a computer, Bluetooth from a phone). We haven't been too impressed with these types of Bluetooth speakers, the performance falls short in almost every way. In our opinion, the limited range, necessity of steaming from a phone, and a overall lack of features compared to Sonos put these in a separate category. The Pioneer uses WiFi direct, which can be an improvement over Bluetooth, but this looks like a stand-alone wireless speaker. If you do a feature comparison, we're confident you'll find that Sonos comes out on top. For example, there's no mention of any multi-room capability and music service options are limited as compared to Sonos. Like the Panasonic, it's more of a phone accessory than a true end-to-end audio system like Sonos. Back to the context of this topic, neither of these products has a control app for the Windows Phone, so you'd want to factor that into the decision as you think about how you'd control them in your home. We'd encourage you to check out some reviews for both products and compare them to reviews of the Sonos experience before you make up your mind. Thanks and let us know if we can answer any other questions for your during your evaluation.
Dear Sonos I have just entered this discussion, since I am considering purchasing a Sonos system. When reading all the comments made on this issue (and for how long it has been going on), I really start to worry. One thing is that you haven't been able to plan it yet. Another is that your intentions are really unclear. Finally I navigated to the topics overview, and it dawned on me... are you using Scrum, and is that what keeps you from communicating clearly on intentions? - From the statuses you are using, it could seem that way. I have both been practicing and coaching Scrum for quite a few years now, and if that is what you are actually doing, I respect your dedication to the method. Either way - You (as a company) need to communicate clearly to your primary stakeholders (your customers). So what are your intentions? Hint: if you use Scrum, you could just update us on your current stack rank, with a short associated explanation. It will allow you to navigate, while keeping us in the loop.

Hi Allan, We're not in a position in the moment to go into that much detail about our internal process but we understand the request for more communication. As remarked earlier in the topic history, we're positive about the future but not ready to share any detail at this time. Thanks!
Oh for gods why is this taking so long? I went in to Best Buy last week and ever laptop on sale, is running windows 8. At our office they're migrating to Windows 8 and Surface Pro's. Does any working at Sonos give a damn about their customers?

Hi Michael, The Sonos Controller for PC is fully functional with Windows 8 and has been since the launch last fall. You can also use the PC Controller on a Surface Pro, since this runs a full version of Windows 8. We understand that there's a request to integrate the Windows 8 UI (the tiles) with the Sonos Controller and this is currently under consideration. Thanks!
Windows phone is growing fast. Please make the app fast!
What is this "We're not at liberty to discuss...." crap. Look there are 900+ people who like the idea and figuring that they would or have purchased parts of the Sonos system and let's say that each one spent $500.00 on it. That's about $450,000.00 in sales... I think not making a windows phone and rt app is an huge oversight to say the least... Who else is with me?
What is this "We're not at liberty to discuss...." crap. Look there are 900+ people who like the idea and figuring that they would or have purchased parts of the Sonos system and let's say that each one spent $500.00 on it. That's about $450,000.00 in sales... I think not making a windows phone and rt app is an huge oversight to say the least... Who else is with me?

If you think they don't know the vast majority of the 900+ people who "liked" this are the result of a campaign on Windows 8 fanboy forums to shotgun this topic with "likes", then you underestimate their smarts. If 1% of the people who signed up here just to add a +1 to this topic actually buy a Sonos after they release the app, I'll eat my shirt.
Sonos I need my Windows apps! I want to actually use my Sonos system since I got rid of all apple related product and replaced it with Windows 8 and other people on this forum go to and tell Microsoft to get on the ball as well. A Sonos customer service manager said they are in talks with Microsoft.
My name is Kyle. I have been a fan of Sonos for some time now. I purchased a small Sonos setup for my apartment last year. This year my goal is to set up my home theatre system and to accomplish that I would like to purchase the 5.1 Sonos home theatre system. However, there has not been a controller app developed by Sonos that will operate on the Windows 8 Metro UI. The only device I own that can utilize the desktop controller is my 17" laptop which for obvious reasons I would prefer not to have sitting on my lap while relaxing and enjoying a movie. I have mentioned it several times to customer service on the phone to which the response was "it's under consideration". Also, I have been keeping an eye on the Sonos forums about the topic and I have noted that there are 914 individuals on the forums that are upset or desire to have a Windows 8 app for Windows 8 devices such as Windows Phone 8 and Windows Surface RT ( ; Needless to say for each individual that has made this desire known, there are multiple more that have the same desire that are not on the forum page (such as myself). I would like to make my 5.1 surround system purchase soon but unfortunately due to the lack of support for the devices that I own (Surface RT , Windows Phone 8, Chromebook) I am discouraged from making my purchase as the client base I am part of has been almost completely neglected by the Sonos team. Sonos has been an impressive product and company but after 10 months or so the amount of neglect of clients is almost staggering. The lack of communication to clients/customers from Sonos is also jaw dropping. Judging from how annoyed I am with not having almost any support for my small setup I could only image how annoyed or possibly even agitated clients are that have large Sonos setups. I'm sure that I don’t have to mention that if each individual on the forums purchased even the most basic zone player you're looking right in the range of $274,000.00 in revenue and that’s just with each person purchasing a single Play3. I am looking to purchase $2,000.00 worth of product alone but I'm deterred from this cause of the lack of support not only for my devices but myself as a consumer/customer/client. It is almost like Sonos is completely ignoring one third of their customer base. To elaborate, which I'm sure you are aware, the most popular devices on the market operate off of one of three operating platforms. These operating systems are Apple iOs, Android, and Windows 8 platforms. The only controller that operates for Windows 8 platforms is a desktop app that has existed since at least Windows 7 which means that in whole the only reason Windows 8 isn't completely ignored is because Sonos already had a controller that functioned on certain Windows 8 platforms. In conclusion, Sonos has completely ignored the Windows 8 client base as they haven't developed any type of support for Windows 8 platforms. The number of consumers that are disappointed in the lack of support and disregard for communication is something that Sonos should struggle to work on and mend that bridge. Please make a controller app for the Surface RT and Windows 8 Phone. Thank you for your time and consideration.
What is this "We're not at liberty to discuss...." crap. Look there are 900+ people who like the idea and figuring that they would or have purchased parts of the Sonos system and let's say that each one spent $500.00 on it. That's about $450,000.00 in sales... I think not making a windows phone and rt app is an huge oversight to say the least... Who else is with me?

I own sonos ($1,000+ of components) and a windows Phone. Unless you own Sonos or are planning to buy it who would give a crap whether the app is on the platform or not. No one has employed me for such a campaign, as a customer I would just like the application on the platform I choose to use.
I'm planning to invest in Sonos. I am also looking at other solutions since there is no windows rt or windows phone 8 support. Panasonic makes a promising system that will play directly from rt or phone using WiFi ( And pioneer also has a nice looking system that also offers a water resistant rechargeable WiFi speaker so you can take it outside ( Sonos, set an expectation on when or how often you'll communicate on this thread. We want great sound throughout or homes that's simple - using the devices we choose. There are options, but we're here now. Can you help?

Thanks John for your prompt reply and thoughts. I look forward to seeing and reading more timely, consistent communication around this topic. Thanks in advance.
It sounds like Sonos is listening and I'm hopeful they will announce something before years end. I’m a huge Sonos and Windows Phone 8/RT supporter and I can’t wait to see how Sonos responds to its loyal customers. Thanks for recognizing the importance of this platform and I look forward to what the future holds for both Sonos and the Windows platform.
As we can see the market share growth of Windows Phones and Windows OS keep on rockin: Go 4 it!
Would like to throw my support behind a Windows 8 application from Sonos! I've been using Sonos speakers for about 6 months and am very happy with Sonos, but I don't use either the iPhone or an Android device. I just started using the Nokia Lumia 1020 which uses the Windows 8 platform and would love to have an official application from Sonos to download to my phone. This would really make my experience with Sonos that much better. I am holding off adding to the system until I can have the ability to have control from our balcony area and so I need some type of mobile device....but...doesn't make sense to spend $300 on the Sonos controller when iPhone and Android have their own mobile application. It sounds like Sonos is close to coming out with something for the growing number of Windows 8 devices, so I look forward to an announcement soon!
+1 on Windows Phone and Windows RT app
Please!! Windows RT/Windows 8, and then Windows Phone. Hanging out for something on my Win8 tablets!!
What is this "We're not at liberty to discuss...." crap. Look there are 900+ people who like the idea and figuring that they would or have purchased parts of the Sonos system and let's say that each one spent $500.00 on it. That's about $450,000.00 in sales... I think not making a windows phone and rt app is an huge oversight to say the least... Who else is with me?

I own $4000 worth of Sonos equipment, including over $900 worth of useless CR200 remotes with non-responsive touch screens. I think a Windows 8 phone app is the least Sonos can do for me. Eat your shirt.
Come on guys, if you have money for multiple Sonos devices, you certainly have $1.50 left for this app: It runs on both Win 8 and RT, and no, I am not affiliated with it. I know it is a shame that Sonos haven't created one of their own yet, but why wait and whine?

It does not work regarding to searching music on Spotify, look at their facebookpage and you will see why and that it is a problem that is highly unlikely to be fixed according to the phonosteam so that app is not acceptable at all as a replacement for an official Sonos app. Best regards.
+1 Windows Phone App. Please Sonos!!
I wanted to chime in as well. I am a huge Sonos fan, and a Sonos dealer as well. My own system has 8 zones including Playbar, Sub, Connect Amps, Play 5;s, Play 3's, and a couple CR-200's. For business reasons, I have also moved to an all Windows 8 environment (Windows 8 desktop and laptop, Surface Pro, and Windows 8 phone). I am thrilled with this new environment after dealing with so many incompatibility issues with my previous environment of Windows XP at work, Vista at home, Android Phone, ipad at home, etc. I can't emphasize enough my disappointment with Sonos regarding their delay in developing a proper app for Windows 8 phone and RT. I am appreciative of Phonos which offers some decent control but definitely has some limitations. I am thankful for my Sonos Controllers for now. PLEASE SONOS! Stop with the "under consideration" comments and release a proper controller for Windows 8 Phone and RT soon. This is especially important since you abandoned the separate Sonos Controller. I have many Sonos customers and friends who also have moved to Windows 8 and feel as I do, but aren't ones to speak out on such issues. Please stop marginalizing all your Windows 8 customers!! I know that management listens, and I thank you for providing this forum to hear our concerns.
Really? PLEASE SONOS! Stop with the "under consideration" comments and release a proper controller for Windows 8 Phone and RT soon. Sent from my Microsoft Surface RT.