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I recently became a Spotify Premium subscriber. Knowing I can play Spotify on Sonos systems, I was shocked to find that Spotify podcasts cannot be played through Sonos. Why the hell not? Why is Sonos blocking part of the Spotify content?

Sonos doesn’t block any content. Spotify chooses what content is made available through the Sonos system. 

So Spotify is the culprit? Good to know. Thanks.

It would be nice if Sonos had any control over what is presented to them by the Spotify servers, but unfortunately, all they can do is point the player at the server supplied by Spotify (or, for that matter, any other streaming service other than Sonos Radio) and play what is available on that server.

Sometimes, I wonder if there are legal issues around why particular content isn’t available, but that’s based on my past history on wrangling music rights for games, which had all sorts of random issues associated. I have no idea if that is what is keeping Spotify from presenting the podcasts through Sonos or not. 

Thanks. I tried to contact Spotify about this but got no answer.

Hopefully their CS folks added a check mark or your name to the list of people asking for this content to be added to the stream they supply to Sonos.