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Sonos Update to 3.7 and Linux

  • 21 March 2012
  • 72 replies

Sloved / Solution in page 3.


Who has a success with updating the Sonos 3.7 on Ubuntu + Wine desktop ?

From my side, I get :

- in the wine windows

"The wizard was interrupted before Sonos ..."


- on shell

"fixme:ole:DllRegisterServer stub

fixme:storage:create_storagefile Storage share mode not implemented.

fixme:storage:create_storagefile Storage share mode not implemented.

wine: Install Mono 2.8 or greater for Windows to run .NET 4.0 applications.

err:msi:ITERATE_Actions Execution halted, action L"InstallFinalize" returned 1627

err:msi:ITERATE_Actions Execution halted, action L"ExecuteAction" returned 1627


Could you please help me ?

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72 replies

Userlevel 2

System is currently running version 19.4-60120.
Updating DLL version 16.7-48310 to 19.4-60120...

Now when I open sonos for setup I have the screen to connect the component to the DCR and it does not connect. I am on the same network as other computers/cellphones that can connect. The only thing that is different is now v.19 is out and I hope the 3.6 software is compatible.

Any help on how to get my system connected to the DCR would be appreciated!

Make sure you don't have any firewall rules (iptables) blocking traffic on the PC running WINE.

Version 19 should run fine for you, although you won't be able to use the DCR to control music services, because something changed a while back in the way the credentials are passed by Sonos and the DCR pre-dates the new way of doing things.
Make sure you don't have any firewall rules (iptables) blocking traffic on the PC running WINE.

I don't know what the issue with wine was but I uninstalled the package from ubuntu and added the backport to wine 1.5 and reinstalled. after that it worked great! Thanks
Userlevel 2
Dear All

Just stumbled across this. I have old Win XP machines that I use for midi and sequencing etc (P3 512 RAM) minimal software installed - Antivirus is the biggest killer of limited resources, so don't bother with that and these PCs don't do internet. When Sonos V3.7 came out and required Net 4 it almost killed them.
So after updating to Sonos 4.0 last night, I tried this and it works. I only want to add some music and pause, so didn't want to spend any money on controllers or other kit.
I am sure it won't take long for you guys to come up with your own controller for LINUX.

Regards and thanks

Userlevel 4
Badge +14
Anybody tested to run the Android controller on linux?

Apparently there is a working Sonos app for Intel platform, which would be the preferred choice (instead of the ARM compiled one). One would need to extract that from an intel phone (RAZR perhaps), but requires root. Unless Sonos is kind enough to offer a direct download of the apk :)

Maybe that's a better option than trying to run an old version in Wine.
Userlevel 2
I don't know what the issue with wine was but I uninstalled the package from ubuntu and added the backport to wine 1.5 and reinstalled. after that it worked great! Thanks


I have encountered the same problem while installing Sonos. Could you elaborate on how you solved the non-detection of the devices?

Thanks a lot!
Userlevel 1
BTW I noticed this thread hasn't been updated, so I thought I would just update it in case anyone didn't notice that version 4.1 of the Sonos controller works pretty much perfectly with wine 1.6, provided that the dotnet40 package and the tahoma font are installed through winetricks.
Userlevel 2
Hi guys, first of all many many thanks to you all for this great thread!! I confirm what baroncelli said: 4.1 controller works great with wine 1.6!!
At first the application didn't start on my Ubuntu 12.04LTS, but I configure it following steps from a link I cannot insert in this post because it's my first message on the forum... 🙂 I'll post for sure in the next ones...
Now the controller starts and I can manage music and services from my Ubuntu pc!
The only problem I have is to share local folders on the Sonos network:
I go in Music Library Settings -> Add Folder -> Choose the right path -> Next
Sonos asked me to - add windows file and printer sharing to the windows firewall exception list; - set windows sleeping settings to never
I checked both than -> Next
The application crashed and in the terminal I read this phrase I cannot understand:
err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {e2b3c97f-6ae1-41ac-817a-f6f92166d7dd} could be created for context 0x17
fixme:hnetcfg:fw_app_get_Enabled 0x843e498, 0x10bee444
fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"Sonos.Controller.Desktop"

Unhandled Exception: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> Sonos.Controller.Desktop.Utilities.BugsenseWrappedException: Rethrown exception. See innerexception for details. ---> System.NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not implemented.

I've also the output of wine: (it's much longer than this, I can post in a future post if someone think it could be usefull...)
Unhandled exception: 0xe0434352 in 32-bit code (0x7b83bbd5).
Register dump:
CS:0023 SS:002b DS:002b ES:002b FS:0063 GS:006b
EIP:7b83bbd5 ESP:03b2db34 EBP:03b2dba8 EFLAGS:00000287( - -- I S - -P-C)
EAX:7b8267d5 EBX:7b8b4ff4 ECX:80131604 EDX:03b2db54
ESI:00000005 EDI:e0434352
Stack dump:
0x03b2db34: 03b2dc0c 00000014 03b2dbb0 e0434352
0x03b2db44: 00000001 00000000 7b83bbd5 00000005
0x03b2db54: 80131604 00000000 00000000 00000000
0x03b2db64: 79140000 00000059 00000000 03b2dc0c
0x03b2db74: 00cd24b0 02000059 03b2db8c 79150579
0x03b2db84: 03b2db94 02000059 03b2db98 7915bc5e
=>0 0x7b83bbd5 in kernel32 (+0x2bbd5) (0x03b2dba8)
1 0x791cac08 in clr (+0x8ac07) (0x03b2dc40)
2 0x793b5e83 in clr (+0x275e82) (0x03b2dc60)
3 0x793b5eff in clr (+0x275efe) (0x03b2dc8c)
4 0x793b5f3d in clr (+0x275f3c) (0x03b2dcbc)
5 0x793b5f50 in clr (+0x275f4f) (0x03b2dcd0)
6 0x79445b9f in clr (+0x305b9e) (0x03b2de10)
7 0x7933b2a3 in clr (+0x1fb2a2) (0x03b2dfc0)
8 0x792cefc9 in clr (+0x18efc8) (0x03b2e190)
9 0x792cf122 in clr (+0x18f121) (0x03b2e258)
10 0x039f57ee (0x03b2e27c)
11 0x039f5729 (0x03b2e294)
12 0x039f56e3 (0x03b2e2b4)
13 0x039f53db (0x03b2e2d0)
14 0x039f530b (0x03b2e2ec)
15 0x039f520b (0x03b2e304)
16 0x791421db in clr (+0x21da) (0x03b2e314)
17 0x79164a2a in clr (+0x24a29) (0x03b2e390)
18 0x79164bcc in clr (+0x24bcb) (0x03b2e4d4)
19 0x79164c01 in clr (+0x24c00) (0x03b2e4f0)
20 0x792db512 in clr (+0x19b511) (0x03b2e6fc)
21 0x791f5c05 in clr (+0xb5c04) (0x03b2e710)
22 0x791f5c87 in clr (+0xb5c86) (0x03b2e7c0)
23 0x791f5d42 in clr (+0xb5d41) (0x03b2e820)
24 0x791f5dd9 in clr (+0xb5dd8) (0x03b2e844)
25 0x792db3e5 in clr (+0x19b3e4) (0x03b2e85c)
26 0x792db2e0 in clr (+0x19b2df) (0x03b2e8f4)
27 0x791f5a08 in clr (+0xb5a07) (0x03b2ea18)
28 0x7bc78e30 call_thread_func_wrapper+0xb() in ntdll (0x03b2ea28)
29 0x7bc7be3d call_thread_func+0x7c() in ntdll (0x03b2eaf8)
30 0x7bc78e0e RtlRaiseException+0x21() in ntdll (0x03b2eb18)
31 0x7bc820f9 in ntdll (+0x720f8) (0x03b2f368)
32 0xf75edd4c start_thread+0xcb() in (0x03b2f468)
0x7b83bbd5: movl 0xfffffff0(%ebp),%ecx
Module Address Debug info Name (162 modules)
PE 330000- 343000 Deferred sonos.controller.desktop.startupC:\Program Files\Sonos\Sonos.Controller.Desktop.Startup.Glue.dll
PE 400000- 40e000 Deferred sonos
ELF 5cd0000- 5eb9000 Deferred sonos.controller.desktop.sonosadC:\Program Files\Sonos\Sonos.Controller.Desktop.SonosAdm.Glue.dll

I'm sure it's not a problem concerning iptables:
$ iptables -L

showed me no rules...
Reading this thread, before find the last post, I tried to install the 3.6 controller following the (thank you very much, it's great!!) procedure by ianmacd at #17. I installed the controller and I could manage radio and music, but at the same exact point as with the 41 controller the procedures stopped when I tried to add a share folder.
Does someone have any suggest?
Thank you very much in advance!
Userlevel 1
This does not work for me. Winetricks says .net 4
or higher is already installed. Installing Sonos under Wine 1.6 , Linux Mint 14 KDE 64 bit says .net 4 must be installed. I will just use my tablet and smart phones as Sonos refuses to support Linux.
I see no way to uninstall donet40 under wine.
Userlevel 2
This does not work for me. Winetricks says .net 4
or higher is already installed. Installing Sonos under Wine 1.6 , Linux Mint 14 KDE 64 bit says .net 4 must be installed

The application should work with Mint 14, you can search "sonos controller" in the search box of the wine official page, there are some pages of documentation, with the procedure to follow. (I'm sorry, as I wrote in the previous post, I can't show you the direct link)

The problem for me is the impossibility to add shared folders from ubuntu desktop (that I want to use as server)

I will just use my tablet and smart phones as Sonos refuses to support Linux.

It's fine to use Android app for that, and I don't want to control Sonos from Ubuntu. But I want to add the local music I store on the desktop. Does anybody know if there is a place where to define the paths of the folders without using the application?

Thank you!
Userlevel 2
Hi guys, I want to share with you the partial solution I found:
with the last update of Android controller App Sonos permit to streaming on the Sonos network the files stored in the Android device. So I configure my Ubuntu Desktop as SSH server (it's very easy, it's enough to install the components:
sudo apt-get install openssh-server openssh-client ssh )
and I mount the folders on Android through SSHFSAndroid App. Sonos sees the files as if they were local files on Android.
Hi guys, I want to share with you the partial solution I found:

I'm not too sure what you think this is a solution for...

This thread is primarily about being able to run the Desktop Controller GUI app on a Linux desktop.

What you are describing seems an excessively clunky, error-prone, and unnecessary way to give Sonos the ability to play music files on a Linux system.

If you want to be able to access the files on a Linux desktop (or server) you simply install the Samba server on Linux, set up the music folder as a share, and point Sonos at it. You've been able to do this since the day Sonos launched.

Or am I missing something?


Userlevel 2
Hello Majik, you are absolutely right: I was trying to do exactly what you wrote. The problem is that since many attempts the Android App couldn't find the Linux pc with the folders shared through Samba. Maybe I wrote the wrong path in the "add new share" box or... I don't know, but just now I can add the folders in the right way, as you said... Up to now I was searching for different ways, and between these I found the "partial solution" I wrote in my last topic.
I apologize for the off topic and I thank you very much for the answer.
Userlevel 2
To all Sonos works fine with the latest version using wine AND playonlinux. After installing wine and playonlinux, run playonlinux make sure you have installed wine engine version 1.7.0. Then run install and select use a different version of wine and check against install libraries.
When a list of libraries is shown put a check against dotnet4, msxmsl3 and tahoma font then next. Let it do its bit then click browse and select the sonosinstaller.exe then next and go through the standard sonos installer. When it asks for a shortcut select sonos.exe then next. After this a shortcut will be placed on your desktop. Double click to use! Works fine
Userlevel 2
To all Sonos works fine with the latest version using wine AND playonlinux.

I've tried many times before to get the new DCR to work, but always by manually performing the steps that PlayOnLinux so nicely automates.

For the heck of it, I decided to follow your instructions anyway to see if they would work. You detailed everything so nicely that I was feeling quite optimistic.

Well, I followed them to the letter and was able, as always, to get the package to install. Unfortunately, however, the Sonos binary still dumps core as soon as it tries to progress beyond the splash screen.

The only difference between my system and your instructions is that I'm running WINE 1.7.1, but I've had similar results in the past, all the way back to 1.5.x. I don't think my newer version of WINE is the issue.

Oh well. Thanks for posting, anyway. Presumably these instructions will work for others, too, but not for me, I'm afraid.

Back to 3.6.1 with the hacked pcdcr.dll.
Userlevel 2
Sorry mate i have no idea what your problem is there. I am running Ubuntu 13.04 with nvidia 550gti card. Runs great here found the sonos after initial setup and plays fine
Userlevel 2
Thanks Bladeforce. It worked for me. My hard drive had died so it was on a fresh install of Ubuntu 13.10.
To all Sonos works fine with the latest version using wine AND playonlinux. After installing wine and playonlinux, run playonlinux make sure you have installed wine engine version 1.7.0. Then run install and select use a different version of wine and check against install libraries.
When a list of libraries is shown put a check against dotnet4, msxmsl3 and tahoma font then next. Let it do its bit then click browse and select the sonosinstaller.exe then next and go through the standard sonos installer. When it asks for a shortcut select sonos.exe then next. After this a shortcut will be placed on your desktop. Double click to use! Works fine

This worked for me! Ubuntu 13.04
Userlevel 2
I had a similar problem, followed the instructions on appdb and Sonos was crashing immediately after splash screen. I chased error messages for a while and found I needed three additional pieces. I now have it working under wine 1.6 in debian jessie

1: ntlm_auth
for me this meant installing the windbind package

2: fonts
I had to install corefonts via winetricks

3: mscms.dll
For me this was in a separate package called libwine-cms which I had to install.

I've tried many times before to get the new DCR to work, but always by manually performing the steps that PlayOnLinux so nicely automates.

For the heck of it, I decided to follow your instructions anyway to see if they would work. You detailed everything so nicely that I was feeling quite optimistic.

Well, I followed them to the letter and was able, as always, to get the package to install. Unfortunately, however, the Sonos binary still dumps core as soon as it tries to progress beyond the splash screen.

The only difference between my system and your instructions is that I'm running WINE 1.7.1, but I've had similar results in the past, all the way back to 1.5.x. I don't think my newer version of WINE is the issue.

Oh well. Thanks for posting, anyway. Presumably these instructions will work for others, too, but not for me, I'm afraid.

Back to 3.6.1 with the hacked pcdcr.dll.
Userlevel 2
I finally have the overhauled DCR working in Fedora 19, but cannot access any music services that require a user name and password.

Clearly, some module or other is either not installed or not working correctly.

Have any of you encountered and surmounted this particular obstacle?
Thanks @ Ian for your great instruction getting DCR 361 run under Wine.

In former posts, you mentioned that music services interface has changed in later versions.
Thats why I guess I cannot access spotify for example.

Do I get your last post right? You managed to get 5.4 running, but still no music services?
So putting more effort in getting 5.4 run under wine would be silly?

Is there any solution to access music services under linux?
Thats the reason I bought my connect. Didnt expect that there is no webinterace/linux support...
Userlevel 2
I have a really old PC from 1999, running a very cut down version of XP (No .net). I have been using this Sonos 3.6 and updating the version number - works a treat until the last couple of revisions. There now appears to be an extra digit in the version number. It got to version 31.9-26010, but now it is 33.15-32291. I have used Hexedit and used up an extra dot after the version number for this extra digit. It works but crashes on exit. Any ideas?