On my PC i have a folder for all my music. iTunes uses that basic directory, some tracks are in their own sub directory, and some are listed as normal files with the main Music directory.
Whatever the previous version of the Sonos S1 software (SW), I updated to the latest v 11.2.12.
Playing music using my iphone Sonos app and PC S1 app works fine.
However, upon downloaded the latest the PC S1 SW, the cover art is messed up.
Almost all the tracks, which had their own cover art, have been replaced by a SINGLE cover art image.
I have no idea why.
The songs and cover art all in the same Music folder (I don’t manage the cover art, whatever comes with iTunes is what I have). Nothing has changed for years actually.
The music folder and my PC w/the S1 SW are on the same computer. So I have no idea what the hell happened.
Any suggestions- it’s annoying as hell.