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I've spent thousands of dollars on Sonos hardware, and it's fantastic. I'm ready to sell it all off and just go back to my wired system. Why? CONSTANT UPDATES that are disruptive and anything but helpful. As a former software engineer, I understand that code needs to be maintained in order to streamline the user experience, but this is bordering on ridiculous. It seems like every other time I open the app, I'm told I need to update, which often leads to me having to run around my office and reconnect ten players - VERY annoying. If you could simply reduce your updates to every quarter or at least every couple of months, I'm sure we would all appreciate it.
Have to agree with the majority of people here on the updates. I have 19 systems across two homes, everytime I move between them something doesn't work and its due to the updates. As someone who has touted the Sonos experience to many friends over the years, I now don't seem to have a reliable system just to listen to music. Maybe many new adopters like Alexa, and other inputs to control their life, but listening to MUSIC is what started me down this path (2005) so many years ago.

Is there any way for Sonos to limit updates to 2-3 times a year? Now that I can't control my system from a desktop anymore

( like in my office) I have to go find a phone or iPad to make room settings or update the system. Maybe I ask too much of a system that has evolved into a lifestyle rather than a music system. I for one need it to perform one task only. Just my .02.