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Hi all,

i recently bought 2 Sonos One Gen 2.  They look 100% identical. As unboxed them i immediately recognized a difference in the Booklet Design. After Installing and registering the Products, i realized a second difference. Have a look at Hardwareversion and Serien-ID.


Now i was wondering if there is a difference? If one Version is improved over the other? Put short:

Should i go back to the Store, a swap the “older” Revision for the new one?


Thanks in Advance.




Hi @monoaural_ 

I don’t work for Sonos but you’ll see those numbers vary on new equipment such as a Beam. I believe it’s more internal to Sonos . 

If the box says Gen 2 then I’d say that’s what it is...a Gen 2.  I’ve seen no announcements indicating that a significant change was made to the Sonos One (Gen2) that would cause consumer concern.  Then again I’m not privy to Sonos internal workings.

Often times companies change vendors for a component and they will designate a reference number to identify which product contains the component manufactured by Vendor A versus Vendor B.

However, since you say the booklet design is different...then that could be the reason for the difference in the Series ID. They’re identifying which product has the design change in packaged literature.

I hope this helps. If not call Sonos to see if you can get a more definitive answer.


If you look at the serial number the first four digits are the year and month of manufacture, YYMM. 

Don’t think it matters but it might answer why they are different. I’d ask though.


thats actually the first thing i was thinking of. Thanks for your comment.


thank you for your detailed thoughts. 



thank you for the hint.