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I use Spotify and Amazon Unlimited as music sources. If i go to their web pages and search for something, say “Rolling Stones” i get lots of results. From the Sonos mac desktop app I get nothing or perhaps 1-2 albums. This happens for Bach, Mozart, and just about any other search. I’m on the latest desktop app. I see the same issue with Amazon Unlimited and Spotify. Any ideas? I spent an hour with Sonos Support who said that Sonos has known problems with music sources and maybe they will fix a bug sometime.


Anyone have suggestions? 

One thing to note from your post, the desktop apps (both Windows and Mac) stopped getting updated a couple of years ago, and are only getting bug fix updates. You might want to try searching on a mobile device, either an Android or iOS device, rather than using the desktop app, you may get better feedback in that fashion. 

Sonos doesn’t actually do any of the searching themselves. They pass your request to the streaming company (Spotify, Amazon, etc) and then show you the results they get back, without any filtering. 

It’s possible the API that Sonos produces for everyone to use has an issue with more classical types of music, and the results being returned by the other company’s servers isn’t as complete as possible, although that does seem like a stretch. 

But just in case, it might be worth submitting a diagnostic after doing one of those searches, and then calling in with your concerns, so that they have hard data to look at. If you submit, but never call them, they’ll not look at your diagnostic for data.


Thanks. I can’t get my phone app to work at all. It stopped a few updates ago. I have a somewhat complex home network, but basically it asks to discover my devices, finds them, and then when i tell it to connect to them, it fails after a long timeout. Tried many times. Haven’t tried to work through support on that… 

I have the app now working. Support helped me reset the settings to restore to defaults and restart and now the app works, in which i am able to find a good amount of albums. Finally Bach returns to my home. Thanks for advice.

I’m somewhat fascinated that it has anything to do with your network. Glad it’s working for you now, I just can’t make it work in my mind ;)

Turns out it has nothing to do with my network, and the app somehow corrupted some info. Cleared, restarted, worked like a charm… Could be that because i have a complex network the support person decided that was what was most likely odd. Fortunately it is working again (app) and i will just give up on the desktop

I’m somewhat fascinated that it has anything to do with your network. Glad it’s working for you now, I just can’t make it work in my mind ;)

The Desktop apps have a cache of data from the music services (on the PC its at C:\ProgramData\SonosV2,_Inc\jffs) , sounds like this cache was corrupted which messed up music service searches. Clearing the cache (via reinstall) likely fixed it.

My app doesn’t cache anything like that, networks and devices are fast enough these days to not require it. (The only cached items are the album bitmaps, and I leave it to the OS to cache those).