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With Sonos announcing that are expanding their developer program (Click here) and created some new API that operate through the cloud, it has me thinking of would want out of new/party controller app.

The first thing that came to mind is that I want a single app that fully controls both my Sonos speakers and my pool. To give a little background, my pool has a 'smart controller' of sorts on it. I have an app (Hayward) that can control the pumps, heater, lighting, and the electrical board connected to my pool. It allows scheduling and creation of scenes as well. On the Sonos side, I've got outdoor speakers in place.

So on a typical afternoon in the backyard, it's not uncommon for me to be switching between my Sonos and Hayward app. Although it's a 3rd world problem, wouldn't it be great if I could do all the usual changes through a single app? As added bonus, it would be great to be able to associate certain lighting schemas with certain Sonos favorites. How about turning on the hot tub also kicks off some Barry White? That sort of thing.

I understand that there Is Control 4 and other control systems that can do this, but I have no desire to pay a ton of money for this and really wouldn't need the extra equipment.

If I'm a pool installer, I see this as a big plus. Integrating with Sonos helps me sell the more expensive smart package. I use an electrician already for the pool, so it wouldn't be a huge problem to lay speaker wire through conduit around the pool area during contruction. I can partner with an AV installer on more complex jobs.

I don't know just random thoughts. Any one else with ideas?
I could see controller apps that might look similar to other music service apps, for people who prefer a particular interface... Someone could create a proper Linux app without fear of it breaking after a software update... let's see someone create a web-based controller too finally (though that might require each user to get an API key, since each user would be running it on their own web server)...
I could see controller apps that might look similar to other music service apps, for people who prefer a particular interface... Someone could create a proper Linux app without fear of it breaking after a software update... let's see someone create a web-based controller too finally (though that might require each user to get an API key, since each user would be running it on their own web server)...

And along those same lines, since these new APIs are supposed to be cloud based, you could create an app that gives access to guests without giving them full access to the wifi network. Possibly with certain restrictions on volume, rooms, and content. Would be great for a BnB.
What I'd like to see is a Controller Lite version:

Only show a minimal set of controls, pretty much just leave out the more menu.

Bigger, cleared main function selection buttons that are always visible and in the same place on screen.

Get rid of the nearly invisible up/down arrows to change screens from menu options and the player screen, just give us a button as above.

Add a bit of text to the back arrow when it is shown, just say "Back" to make it clear.

I hate the triple-dot menus, something clearer than dots would help older folks, at a minimum add a Close option to each pop-up.

Do something to fix the horrible and confusing dog's breakfast that is the My Sonos page. Do I really need almost half my screen showing an artist entry with various options for their music sprawled across the full screen width? Why not just one icon per artist and show me a dozen artists in the same screen space? Just have a tap on the icon go to the "See All" screen.

Speaking of icons, it gets really old waiting for them to switch from the placeholder to the album cover. If that can't be done quickly and reliably maybe skip the icon.