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Please release a version of the Sonos controller software that is compatible with Ubuntu / Debian based Linux distributions. I can't believe it's not possible to control my Sonos system from my Ubuntu laptop.

Also I find it ironic that Sonos has chosen not to support the very operating system that their speakers all run on "Linux", which a lot of engineers made available to them for free.

The least Sonos can do is support that community by making the controller software also run on Linux.
Hi ben534wq13,

Thanks for your feedback and suggestion. You are correct that Linux is not a supported platform for our software controller at this time, but we've passed your feedback along to the team. For your reference here's our system requirements page.

While not officially supported, some folks here have discussed workarounds for the situation. Check out this post for more.
While I can't recommend others to install software not provided by Sonos, I've had plenty of good luck using the Electron based Sonos client:

The source code can be compiled on any platform that can run Javascript, and Pascal even provided a packaged installer for Debian based distros.
I am considering moving to Spotify beacuse they have a native Linux client.
I have used SONOS for a while, it is really pathetic how slow you are in responding to the request for a Linux based controller. Are you really that arrogant that you feel you can ignore your Linux clients?
I see no hope for a Linux based controller. Which Linux, there are hundreds? Which desktop, there are probably a dozen? What do the Sonos folks say to all the folks with unsupported distributions and desktops?

I'd pin any hopes for a Linux compatible controller from Sonos on one running in a browser.

There are a lot of interesting Sonos controller projects if you really want one bad enough to put it together yourself.
Yes there are many but Ubuntu and CentOS would be a good start.
You have just angered every Linux user except for the ones using Ubuntu and Centos. :-)

Everyone using a higher ranked distribution than your suggestions is likely doubly offended!

Rank Distribution HPD*

1 Mint 2872>

2 Manjaro 2833>

3 Ubuntu 1730>

4 Debian 1565<

5 Solus 1301<

6 elementary 1201>

7 Antergos 970<

8 Fedora 962=

9 MX Linux 923>

10 TrueOS 904<

11 openSUSE 770<

12 Zorin 648<

13 Arch 600<

14 antiX 598<

15 Kali 589>

16 CentOS 577
Main distributions are Debian and RedHat as I have indicated. So if the excuse is there are too many, those two will be a start. I guess that could give SONOS an excuse to do nothing.
Main distributions are Debian and RedHat as I have indicated. So if the excuse is there are too many, those two will be a start. I guess that could give SONOS an excuse to do nothing.

Or the number of people who will not buy Sonos because they do not have an Ubuntu controller is so minuscule, it is not worth the man-hours to build and maintain one. That is a far more likely scenario.
Main distributions are Debian and RedHat as I have indicated. So if the excuse is there are too many, those two will be a start. I guess that could give SONOS an excuse to do nothing.

Or the number of people who will not buy Sonos because they do not have an Ubuntu controller is so minuscule, it is not worth the man-hours to build and maintain one. That is a far more likely scenario.
Undoubtedly. Presumably it hasn't put off anyone on this thread.
For me it would be nice to have an option other than Android but I have to be realistic Sonos isn't going to care about Linux until there is a reason to and that means lost sales because they don't have it on offer.

A browser based controller might tempt them as they could do that in a cross-platform, cross-browser design that would give them and us a fall-back from the current Android, Apple, Windows options.
I would also like this.
Got Ubuntu controller up and running in a manner of minutes and I am listening to music from Spotify.

Check out this repo on github:

For ubuntu download the .snap file and execute: `snap install sonos-controller-unofficial_0.1.4_amd64.snap --dangerous`
I tried the AppImage Controller version and the basics I have tested (haven't tried music services yet, just library) are happily working on my OpenSuse Linux with a couple Suse firewall tweaks to open ports. The AppImage install works on a lot of distributions.
I've just updated my ubuntu laptop to the 18 something software and found a Sonos controller in the app store called Noson. I know it isn't by Sonos because it's on Ubuntu but I was so hoping it would work, I thought I'd give it a try and for some reason, it wouldn't connect. my thoughts are that My Sonos is one of the first makes and I have had it for more than 6 years. my Sonos is a connect amp model. please could you let me know your thoughts on why this didn't work, thanks
I fooled with noson for a while and got frustrated, tried this one and it seems to work well, at lest the basics and playing my local library. I plan on looking into it a bit deeper as time allows but I'd suggest trying it.

The forum search should find a couple hits on that url too.
I am using NOSON on Ubuntu. Works great, only with Google Play exists a registration problem and I am not able to use Google Play on this Ubuntu controller. It would be great if Sonos develop a Linux Controller, but I guess this won't happen in the next time.

I am member of a Linux community and a lot of people there are using other speakers, cause for lack of a good Linux support.