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The volume buttons on my iPhone and iPad don't have any effect in the Sonos controller app after installing iOS 11.2 beta. Am I the only one experiencing this issue?
I suggest you post this on the beta community rather than here !
Maybe not... because it's an iOS beta and not a Sonos beta, the Sonos beta community wouldn't have anything to do with it. I would say that this is a valid place to post about issues with the latest release version of Sonos running on a beta version of iOS.
I was myself wondering if I should post it on the Sonos beta forum but, as you write, this applies to the latest official release of the Sonos app, as well as the latest beta version. I eventually did it on both forums
Just curious, have you tried deleting the app, rebooting the phone, then downloading a fresh version of the app? Actually, I might even try toggling the feature off and on, too, just to see.
Oops - sorry, my mistake!
Did both things, still no response from the volume buttons
Well, that was the only thing I could think of as a potential issue, i.e. a corrupt binary. I think I would submit a diagnostic at this point. Since I think the beta has been out for only a day or so, I suspect there hasn’t yet been a ton of effort by Sonos on it yet, although I could be wrong. But I’d bet they would appreciate more data on the issue.
Same for me. The iPhone volume buttons no long work using IOS 11.2 Beta.
Again, I suspect if you want to help, you could submit a diagnostic.
I have submitted a diagnostic. I was just concurring with the issue in the forum.

Ah, great. You need to post the number of it here in the forums, so that they know what they're looking for in it.
Thanks updated previous comment. I also submitted via email to Support.
If you happen to get an answer outside of this forum, please come back and let us know what they said. Nothing more irritating than to see them say "I see you got your answer from our help desk, if you need anything else, let us know" and the rest of us get left hanging 😉
I have tested on an iPhone 6 and iPad Air 2. Picking up a new iPhone X later today, I’m curious to see if the problem is related to older hw
Did the test on an iPhone X running iOS 11.2 beta. Same story so, you iOS developers outhere developing on the latest iOS beta versions: be aware of this issue. Hopefully will Sonos come with a patch release of the iOS controller app when Apple releases the final ver. of iOS 11.2
Typical support response, expected more from Sonos. Answer is to downgrade and see if that works. Of course it works I was just raising the issue of it not working in the iOS beta might be something they would like to know:

Hello ,

Thank you for contacting Sonos Customer Care. Are you able to try to downgrade from the Beta and let me know if the system works as intended or if you still cannot control the volume? This may be an issue with the Apple software version you are using.

If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me by replying to this email or you can browse our online FAQ forum at

Your reference number for this incident is 171111-000467.


Daniel D.

Sonos | Technical Support Specialist, Sonos Customer Care
the issue has been fixed in the latest beta of iOS 11.2 (b3) which was released yesterday. Hardware volume controls work again
Fascinating. Thank you very much for posting that!
yeah my ipad is fixed but its not out for iphone x yet it seems