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  • 7 November 2017
  • 17 replies

I am so sad to say that they have not yet done this.

However, if they read any of the feedback that customers are leaving on Google Play or here on this website they must be thinking about it.

But it is hard to announce that you made a HUGE mistake. It takes guts. PLEASE HELP TO ENCOURAGE THEM TO ROLL BACK.....

Sonos ALL COULD BE FORGIVEN, just tell us that you will give us back the old phone App or something that looks, feels and works like it did.
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17 replies

You aren't getting the old one back. There was a dozen threads asking for this after 5.0, including one that hit the 45 page limit. Didn't do a damn thing. What did do something was calm, rational discussion on what one would like to change about the new app. So you are better off calming down, taking a few breaths, and giving some constructive criticism on how to improve 8.0. That will do a heck of a lot more than starting misleading nonsense threads like this.
+ 1 to the response.
Userlevel 3
I calmly demand they put back the black interface and get rid of the blinding white. (or, if someone at SONOS lives in a white world, give us UI color options so we can get our black back).
calmly demand
Userlevel 6
Badge +1
What did do something was calm, rational discussion on what one would like to change about the new app.

Care to point to some examples where Sonos did so, because for this version 8 stunt we are still waiting for the first sign of acknowledgement? Doesn't matter how rational the issues may have been raised, they're eerily silent on what might get fixed.

Care to point to some examples where Sonos did so, because for this version 8 stunt we are still waiting for the first sign of acknowledgement? Doesn't matter how rational the issues may have been raised, they're eerily silent on what might get fixed.

Sure, there are many examples, but here is the first, a couple days after the release by Ryan S from Sonos:

Certainly. We're listening and continue to pass on feedback to the development team. They've been hard at work for a long time on this app, and this version is just the first public edition, there will be more revisions to come. The current app is a foundation, so make sure you share your feedback and suggestions. I don't have any details that I can share on what's up next, but I think it addresses many of the largest criticism so far. We look forward to hearing what you guys think when the next version comes out. I don't have a timeline to share on when that one is launching since they're still looking at feedback and working on incorporating it.

Want more?

In addition, when 5.0 came out (you know, the app everyone now thinks is perfect) there was 10 times the amount of criticism than seen here for 8.0. One thread was 45 pages, and had to be closed for too many posts. Sonos listened to criticism and made some changes to that app as suggested by the users. Did they completely redo the app? No. They made some tweaks, and by the time those tweaks came out, people had gotten used to the app and the complaints died down. 3 years later, 5.0 has gone from an abomination that would be the end of Sonos and had people selling their Sonos in droves, to being an ergonomically perfect app that everyone is now pining for (including some of those people who supposedly sold their Sonos 3 years ago because 5.0 sucked). New UI designs are funny like that.
Userlevel 2
You aren't getting the old one back. There was a dozen threads asking for this after 5.0, including one that hit the 45 page limit. Didn't do a damn thing. What did do something was calm, rational discussion on what one would like to change about the new app. So you are better off calming down, taking a few breaths, and giving some constructive criticism on how to improve 8.0. That will do a heck of a lot more than starting misleading nonsense threads like this.

Ok here is one major complaint/suggestion. All the functionality that used to require one click and now requires two+ clicks should be restored to one-click. All the functionality that used to require two clicks and now requires three+ click should be restored to two clicks.... Etc.

Ok here is one major complaint/suggestion. All the functionality that used to require one click and now requires two+ clicks should be restored to one-click. All the functionality that used to require two clicks and now requires three+ click should be restored to two clicks.... Etc.

Great. Nice contribution. Very calm, specific, well though out, and rational. I'm sure that will go a long way in fixing the new app to your liking. Thanks for helping! :8
Userlevel 6
Badge +1
Want more?
yes, a month and a release later I'd expect more that a vague statement that some of the critique may one day be addressed.

With the amount of feedback we've seen the past weeks, It would be no more than normal to see an official statement by now. And I'm clearly not alone in that expectation.

New UI designs are funny like that.

No, badly researched and tested designs are like that. There are tons of apps out there that get updated on a regular basis that manage to do so without a huge backlash.
Want more?
yes, a month and a release later I'd expect more that a vague statement that some of the critique may one day be addressed.

With the amount of feedback we've seen the past weeks, It would be no more than normal to see an official statement by now. And I'm clearly not alone in that expectation.

You asked for examples of how they have acknowledged the criticism, requested feedback and promised changes, because in your mind they have been "eerily silent". I gave you an example that actually acknowledged the criticism, requested feedback and promised changes. Now you say it was vague and ask for something "official" (as if a statement by a Sonos rep was somehow "unofficial"?). I believe I met the criteria you laid down, you can't go and change the rules after the fact. So until you are actually willing to accept the response to your request at face value, there is no use in you and I going on about this. You might as well just keep ranting to yourself.

Good day!
This new version is a disaster. I have helped create UX initiatives (Google Material Design, Sony PS4, etc.) and this is the biggest failure I have ever seen. Didn't anyone prototype this? A simple focus group would confirm how terrible it is. Sonos, you need to revert asap.
Userlevel 7
Badge +26
Thanks for the feedback everyone. I know there are a lot of threads around the new app on the community, so the replies from us are kind of spread out a bit too much. We've heard your criticism and feedback, and it's been sent to the right team to look into the app and ways to incorporate that into the software.

Though rolling back controllers and software isn't available, we will make sure to keep improving the app in future versions. There will be changes that come over time which we hope make the app better for everyone. If you have constructive criticism or suggestions, we'd love to hear them. Feel free to post it and I'll make sure to get it to the team for you.
Userlevel 6
Badge +1
Though rolling back controllers and software isn't available, we will make sure to keep improving the app in future versions. There will be changes that come over time which we hope make the app better for everyone. If you have constructive criticism or suggestions, we'd love to hear them. Feel free to post it and I'll make sure to get it to the team for you.

While this feedback is appreciated, it does feel empty. What quite some of us would expect by now is an official acknowledgement that mistakes were made - and that it's not just some criticism - and a commitment to actually prioritize the necessary fixes over the rest of your product roadmap. Because until those fixes have been made and released we are confronted with the current app several times a day.

I'll be happy to type up a list of issues and suggestions over the weekend, but would already like to point out the fundamental issue underlying all of this.

What made Sonos stand out was ease of use and simplicity , with this version 8 however things went to complete opposite way. As a company you should be reflecting on how this could happen, and what you can do the address it, as just ignoring the problem and hope it goes away won't work. There are too many other fish in the sea by now.
Userlevel 3
Though rolling back controllers and software isn't available, we will make sure to keep improving the app in future versions. There will be changes that come over time which we hope make the app better for everyone. If you have constructive criticism or suggestions, we'd love to hear them. Feel free to post it and I'll make sure to get it to the team for you.

While this feedback is appreciated, it does feel empty. What quite some of us would expect by now is an official acknowledgement that mistakes were made - and that it's not just some criticism - and a commitment to actually prioritize the necessary fixes over the rest of your product roadmap. Because until those fixes have been made and released we are confronted with the current app several times a day.

I'll be happy to type up a list of issues and suggestions over the weekend, but would already like to point out the fundamental issue underlying all of this.

What made Sonos stand out was ease of use and simplicity , with this version 8 however things went to complete opposite way. As a company you should be reflecting on how this could happen, and what you can do the address it, as just ignoring the problem and hope it goes away won't work. There are too many other fish in the sea by now.

Good points, but unfortunately, like Apple, I don't think SONOS will ever admit fault. Almost everyone hates the new white UI theme, but all we get from SONOS is "great idea, maybe someday in the future we will implement a "night mode". Why does it have to be night mode? I use SONOS in the daytime and want the black theme back. Don't call it night mode. Just give a choice of "eye-burning white" and black.

I've asked for transparency from SONOS and up-front (easily found on support page) info on plans to "improve" (aka FIX) the new app, but nothing.

So my tablets I use for controllers sit there with a bright white screen on them 24 hours a day, burning into them the images of the app screens.
Userlevel 3

In addition, when 5.0 came out (you know, the app everyone now thinks is perfect) there was 10 times the amount of criticism than seen here for 8.0. One thread was 45 pages, and had to be closed for too many posts. Sonos listened to criticism and made some changes to that app as suggested by the users. Did they completely redo the app? No. They made some tweaks, and by the time those tweaks came out, people had gotten used to the app and the complaints died down. 3 years later, 5.0 has gone from an abomination that would be the end of Sonos and had people selling their Sonos in droves, to being an ergonomically perfect app that everyone is now pining for (including some of those people who supposedly sold their Sonos 3 years ago because 5.0 sucked). New UI designs are funny like that.

So let me get this straight...we are supposed to be happy and find some sort of solice that SONOS stole from us a version that took them 3 years to "perfect" and gave us a new, redesigned version that will take them another 3 years to perfect? Wow. That is comforting. We should all stop complaining now that we know in a short 3 years, we will have something that resembles what we already had just last month!!! And then as soon as they perfect it, they will rip it out from under us and gift us with another lousy redesign that will take them another 3 years to fix. Is that the cycle?
You are missing the point. It didn't take 3 years to perfect. In fact, they barely changed it at after the release; a few tweaks is all. People just got used to it over time, and as they did, it magically transformed from an abomination when it was first released to the perfection people long for today. You did get one thing right, though. In another 3 years when the next UI comes out, you and others will be back here saying how great 8.0 was. Just as I predicted would happen with the abomination that was 5.0. ?
Almost everyone hates the new white UI theme
You mean out of everyone that says they hate the new UI - there may be a silent majority that is fine with it? I certainly am one that is fine with it.