Sonos alarm/clock - display the time

  • 8 November 2012
  • 66 replies

It would be great if SONOS made a sonos 2 clock radio with a digital screen showing the time and all the normal features. A smaller bedroom version of the sonos where if you wake up at 5am and wanna know the time you can just look yet also have all the great features that sonos otherwise brings. Got to be a good seller and far cheaper than buying the controller to just keep in the dock showing the time!!!

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66 replies

The Amazon Echo works well as an alarm clock and is available today. Its probably less critical for an alarm clock to be part of your Sonos ecosystem than it is for 
No but we are talking about an alarm clock function. Not saying Echo should replace your main stereo.
Userlevel 2
Sono should find a way to accommodate this request.  It is a natural addition to their line of speakers which are billed as a  complete house audio sound system.  This addition of a better functioning alarm clock is needed in their repertoire. 

I would like it to auto on at the alarm time.  It should have a fully "dimmable to off" display, snooze button and have a  battery/chime backup should the Wifi or power fail.

I do hope they get this message.  I am in for two units.
You need to add an alarm clock , Come on Sonos , it's nearly Xmas, imagine how many teenagers would want this in their bedroom , I would buy 3 of them .
I too might like to see a clock. How about an accessory, something like this?
Userlevel 3
The thing is if people are consistently asking, why would you not do this? With the advent of some genuine competitors emerging a good product manager should be all over such differentiators. I would also be up for 2. And would be.happy to meet with your customer experience team (if any) when next in the US to share my now considerable experience across your product range
Userlevel 7
Badge +22
The thing is if people are consistently asking, why would you not do this? With the advent of some genuine competitors emerging a good product manager should be all over such differentiators. I would also be up for 2. And would be.happy to meet with your customer experience team (if any) when next in the US to share my now considerable experience across your product range

They don't do it because Sonos don't manufacture an Alarm clock. They manufacture a wireless range of audio speakers. It is testament to the quality of the product that people do use them as alarm clocks (I do).

I can honestly say that I have never once bemoaned the lack of a clock display on the Sonos units.
So this request for a simple Alarm Clock has been in the forum for over 3 years now. No response from SONOS yet, but lots of community posts discussing how to do it with products from competitors. Since SONOS seems to thoroughly disregard the wishes of their customers, one must wonder: which alternative competitor is out there that offers what SONOS offers - but actually listens to its customers?
So this request for a simple Alarm Clock has been in the forum for over 3 years now. No response from SONOS yet, but lots of community posts discussing how to do it with products from competitors. Since SONOS seems to thoroughly disregard the wishes of their customers, one must wonder: which alternative competitor is out there that offers what SONOS offers - but actually listens to its customers?

Three years and 61 posts, half of which support the idea. Do you really think Sonos is going to waste considerable time and money on a feature almost no one wants? Really?

Once voice control is implemented, asking Sonos the time will most likely be available. It's simple enough to add via voice at minimal cost.
Totally agree with @chicks. This is a hifi system not an alarm clock. Of course Sonos have done nothing about this nonsensical suggestion.
Userlevel 3
And I guess 10 years ago Nokia said we make phones and who needs music on them. I love all my sonos gear but they are there to be disrupted.
And I guess 10 years ago Nokia said we make phones and who needs music on them. I love all my sonos gear but they are there to be disrupted.
You're saying adding a clock (basic) to a multiroom hifi system (sophisticated) can be compared to adding 4G internet etc (sophisticated) to a phone (basic)? I don't think this is where the competitive battle will be won and lost......
Play 1 with digital clock and nice alarm features. I would put one in each bedroom!
I’d buy 2 more if they came with a clock.
Totally agree with @chicks. This is a hifi system not an alarm clock. Of course Sonos have done nothing about this nonsensical suggestion.
Totally agree with @chicks. This is a hifi system not an alarm clock. Of course Sonos have done nothing about this nonsensical suggestion.

Couldn’t agree more ..... oh.
Ha ha

Perhaps a bit late to the party but:

The idea is only nonsensical due to current production methods where every "silly" model needs an enormous start up cost. When we finally get high quality, cheap automated, single item manufacture then Sonos could easily do a Play:X with a clock (or a coffee maker or ...) for the few people you think will want it for a modest design cost. I already buy properly bound books with a print run of one which was unthinkable when I was younger.

My point is that much of the discussion is based on assumptions that there will be no disruptive technology and look what happened to telephone exchanges, mainframe computers, broadcast TV, video rental stores etc.

Think big or you might become a small footnote in a history book.