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Are you kidding me? after spending $1000’s of dollars to make my entire house sync together I now can not link my new with my old? I use to tell everyone that this is the best system ever and now you have just lost the trust of all your customers….. this is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of! not supporting your products when they are the most expensive out there is amazing. I hope there is a fix to this and if not shame on you!

It was explained to you on your post on fb …nothing new to be heard here.

I don’t know about losing trust in “all” your customers. This customer is very happy and satisfied. 

Are you kidding me? after spending $1000’s of dollars to make my entire house sync together I now can not link my new with my old? I use to tell everyone that this is the best system ever and now you have just lost the trust of all your customers….. this is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of! not supporting your products when they are the most expensive out there is amazing. I hope there is a fix to this and if not shame on you!

Is your computer still running MS-DOS on an Intel 386 processor? And are they still supported? Technology moves on. Eventually, everything becomes obsolete. 

@elether . So have you just noticed this, two years on?:And you decided to join the Community today to complain about it?

I cannot understand why the trolls keep coming back to this topic. It's deader than the Dodo.


