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I just recently updated SONOS but have no idea what was updated and what the affect was. I have searched for the info on that and can not seem to locate any info. Where do I get that info?
The latest update really didn't have much it was all background stuff for what's ahead.

It did bring full support to the new feature in settings to make system ask you what room you want to play to after system has been idle for a while (keeping you from accidentally picking up controller and forgetting to switch rooms from last playing).
Thanks for the quick response. Can we trust that the future settings will include using Alexa to play my local playlists? :?
Sonos has indicated that they want to provide that, but (as always) we're not sure when they'll be able to deliver. It certainly could be in the next release....or it might not.
Local playlists and files. I would not expect within next 12 months if ever. I would not plan on that happening.
"keeping you from accidentally picking up controller and forgetting to switch rooms from last playing"

Stopped my system from being able to select any room except one - need help after another shocking update ...... keep it simple and make it work please.
what is your issue?
Issue resolved - just a frustrated customer who invested significant funds into your product and the controller is horrible. I'd go with an alternative if I could. Each update requires me to add all devices again and then re-group what I want and where etc etc etc. Sometimes it works first time and other times it takes multiple attempts and WiFi router reboots.
Well I disagree
Your issues are network related and if your frustrated I would recommend calling Sonos
I disagree with your disagreement; the network is fine until Sonos is involved ...... Look at the people with frustrations and complaints about Sonos. Wake up and sort out your problems please.
I disagree - this is a support forum for most people and people with no issues don't come complaining.

I have my Sonos units with reserve IPs and have updated Sonos probably 20 times in the past 5 years and I never have any trouble. If you have a problem it is a network problem - you can deny all you want. If your frustrated call Sonos on the phone and have them troubleshoot your network issue.
Apologies for contacting a support forum for support. Do you work for Sonos or are you a helpful consumer?
I'm saying that yes you do see a lot of people here with issues - its why most come here! You can't quote seeing lots of issues here as proof its a Sonos problem. Sonos problems is a symptom of network problems 90% of the time (there are some hardware failures / software not updating properly type issues that crop up in addition).
Reserving IP address on network equipment also alleviates about 90% of future issues.
Once again we are faced with a problem, similar to the SMB v1 issue, that has multiple possible solutions.

Solution # 1, you set up reserved / static IPs in your router and this class of issues goes away.

Solution # 2, you complain about the issue and demand Sonos fix it, the problem keeps biting you until they do the fix.

Solution # 3, you get your router manufacturer to implement a more robust DHCP system that avoids changing IPs when devices connect.

Being lazy and tired of bitching at the Sonos folks here and on the phone (they are nice folks, but can't solve the problem) I have taken the easy route, both here and on the SMB v1 issue. Now my Sonos stuff works and I don't have to bitch at Sonos aside from a dig or two so they don't forget I'm still here.

Yes it should be fixed - but you can't fix it, Sonos may fix it in their own good time or you can avoid the problem.