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Share current track with Social services (Facebook, Google+)

  • 8 January 2013
  • 10 replies

Hi - We have a nexus 7 running the sonos controller (version 3.8.3 build 19459140). Everything looks pretty good except i cannot "share track with facebook". I can share with google/gmail/google+ no problem! please help thanks
Hello Graham, Which service are you referring to? You can't share the tracks you are listening to through Sonos with Facebook or Google. However, you can do it with certain services, outside of Sonos, and their specific programs, Spotify is one of them. I will go ahead and move this over to the Share an Idea section so that other users can show their support for this feature as well. I have also edited the subject line to better reflect this idea.
Hi, I asked the same question to Sonos about 4 months ago, there is a way at present you can share with Facebook, this is through Twitter. At present the controller App lets you post what you are listening toTwitter, if you connect your Facebook and Twitter accounts together this then shows up on your Facebook page, my friends love my posts, to see what I'm listening to. Hope at same point Sonos will make a direct link to Facebook, but hope this helps you.
Good point User, that's a fix for someone that wants to pass Twitter posts on to FB. I generally post directly to specific networks that have an interest so I keep them interested. Mostly Sonos would go to FB - it's where my music friends are.
I will explore the twitter option - I haven't seen it, but sharing directly to facebook is an option I would love.
This was 2 years ago! Is there any chance this can be acted upon or do we have to wait more years?
Being able to share albums/tracks/playlists from Sonos to facebook along with comments would be amazing.

Please consider this for future upgrades.
The option to share with Facebook exists, and it generates a post on FB - but the actual track doesn't show?! I'm trying this function on my mobile.
Same as you Betsla. Blank post on Facebook. Such a shame, would be a great function. I do everything through my sonos and never use Spotify on its own. Why can't this work???
Same - when trying to share to Fcaebook it just generates a blank post "XNowsharing"... Someone at Sonos please fix this!
I see this is old post and still can't post on fb!

Thank you for the tip on doing it via twitter?