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I have a ray and an amp.  The amp is hard wired to outdoor speakers.   Can i set up the am p and ray to play the same music but with separate volume control

Just ‘group’ the two rooms, you can play music and have separate volume controls for each ‘room’. 

Just ‘group’ the two rooms, you can play music and have separate volume controls for each ‘room’. 

The volume control by default controls all speakers/rooms in the group. Tap the slider and individual volume controls for each room come up. 

Thank you.  I will give it a whirl

When I click on groups it says”this feature only available on systems with three or more rooms”.    I only have two. 

When I click on groups it says”this feature only available on systems with three or more rooms”.    I only have two. 


That’s not grouping.  That’s setting up named groups for easy grouping later.  This is how you group:



That worked.  Thank you. 

Can i use a splitter with the Sonos Amp.  Splitter will give me separate volume control for each of two sets of speakers