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I do not see a topic with the same question. So I am wondering if I only have this issue with the new app (Android release 80.07.05).


I cannot search within all services.


In case I select a single service like Deezer or Soundcloud and then do a search, I then get the result from that service. But searching within all services results in an error showing the “Check service status”.


Odd though, I did a clean install and the problem was solved. The next day the same issue occurs.


The tested the search all service option on and it works as it should be.

Unfortunately the app still doesn't.

This time I did not made a clean install but cleared the data from the app.

Had to connect to my system, login, etc.

It worked. I was able to search again within all services.


However… The next day, same issue appears. Again I am not able to search within all services. Only one by one.

This is so ignoring. And I am wondering if I am the only one as now one is complaining about it.

Strange, as the search across all services seems to be working okay here on both Android and iOS… example from my Android tablet is attached.


Thanks Ken. Unfortunately that doesn't work on my Android app. See attachment.


First I search within all services. No results. Thereafter I select Deezer. There I get results.


Thanks Ken. Unfortunately that doesn't work on my Android app. See attachment.


First I search within all services. No results. Thereafter I select Deezer. There I get results.


Maybe first try signing out/in on the App and see if that resolves the issue, or perhaps even try a ‘reset’ of the Sonos App from App Preferences and connect back to the ‘existing’ system. Finally, if still no joy, try a reboot of the local network. Hope you can get it sorted. 👍

I reset the app. Didn't worked. I reset my networked. It didn't worked.

I reinstalled the app. Didn't worked. I again reinstalled the app again. I did not logged into my account to see if that would make a difference. It worked. I then logged into my account. It still worked. But just like other times… Only temporarily. Because half a hour later it stopped working. I during that half hour I tried it a few times. But only half an hour later, it stopped working again.


I did not changed anything. Not within the app, and als no other settingsbon my phone.


See screenshots from the moment it worked, today at 21.37h. And from the moment it stoppes working at 22.11h.



It’s a strange one in that it works intermittently. Maybe try resetting the mobile device network connection. What happens if you try a different mobile controller? (That’s if you have one available you can perhaps test with temporarily?)

If the problem persists, then it maybe best to reproduce the issue(s) seen and immediately submit a Sonos system diagnostic report from within the Sonos App, note it’s reference and contact/chat with Sonos Support Staff via this LINK and see what the Staff can perhaps suggest to help you to resolve the matter.


In Android app permissions there is the option „stop app activity if not in use“. Do you have this enabled? If so I would try to disable that. Just a suspicion…

Just got off the phone with the support department. After speaking for an hour I received the answer that there is an error within the app which some of the other users experience as well. No clear details on what this may be. But hopefully the next update will resolve the issue.

In the meantime I cleared all my favorites, playlists etc to have a full reset as I noticed that some of the old playlists could not be found in the IOS app but they did appeared in the Android and desktop app. It didn't resolved the issue immediately so I did an app reset again. I can find within all services again, but that was also the case when I reset the app earlier. So I am wondering how long it will last before I get the issue back.


@Schlumpf I already have that deactivated that by default so that did not resolved the issue. But thanks for the advice.


@Ken_Griffiths also thank you for your support.


Seems that I just have to be patient for the next fix from an upcoming update.


Thanks for sharing… useful information. 👍🏻
