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Sonos f***ed-up my S1 system. I do not have any post-2020 speakers, just old ones, circa 2016. Overnight (via automatic update?), all of my old Play 1’s (six in total) that were powered on at the time disappeared from the S1 controller. I tried to add them back: no dice. Then I factory reset them and was told that they were no longer s1 compatible and had to install s2 controller and “downgrade” them back to s1. WTF?! So far the downgrade has NOT worked and I’ve been in an endless loop of frustration. I’m a scientist and fairly digital savvy, but not a high-end IT dude. This is effing ridiculous, and SONOS needs to get its programming act together so average users can readily fix this SONOS f***up.

And . . . WHY have you shut down all the threads with people posting about this issue? It looks like you’re trying to sweep it under the rug, which is not a good look.



Hi ​@dlc_atx, welcome to the Sonos Community!

I’m sorry to hear that you’re having issues after your Play:1s updates to S2. This shouldn’t have happened as the upgrade option is separate from general updates, but we can still get your speakers back on S1.

You’ve factory reset and downloaded the S2 app which are necessary for the process, but knowing exactly where the process fails help with further troubleshooting. Our Downgrade a Sonos Product to S1 support article lists the steps in order: If you’ve followed them and it fails, what step is it stopping at at when you’re attempting the downgrade?

It may help to temporarily wire the Play:1 that you’re trying to downgrade to your router via an Ethernet cable. You can always unwire and move the speaker back when it’s done.

Regarding threads you may have seen about this, we don’t shut down any topics or conversations unless the break the Community Code of Conduct. You may be seeing threads that have been automatically closed after three months of inactivity.

I hope the above helps, and please let me know if you’re still having trouble downgrading to S1.
