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I have a ZP100. I was able to control from my iPhone and Android devices using the S1 app. Those devices no longer work and the S1 App doesn't let me "Connect to an existing system". In fact, the buttons that are illustrated in the app do not match those of the ZP100, but I have completed updates in the past that required holding in the correct sequence and I attempted that sequence with no luck. When I Iog into the Sonos site, my device is connected. So I downloaded the Windows app and I am able to connect and play as normal. Up until a few days ago, I was also able to play using the Android device and a week ago the IOS device. Now I am limited to just the windows app. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Hi @cpcook99.

Thanks for reaching out.

I appreciate the detailed post outlining this issue, and to verify, you can’t connect to Sonos using your mobile devices.

With regards to “Connecting to an existing system", if you are prompted to do a button press, you can swipe the screen to illustrate the appropriate button of you’re Sonos device.

You may check the article above for additional steps on how to join an existing Sonos system.


To better understand, kindly provide the following details:

  • What is showing on the Sonos App when you’re using mobile controllers (iPhone and Android)?
  • We have to ensure that the controllers are connected to the right home WiFi network where Sonos was set.
  • Is the Sonos component connected via hardwired (using an ethernet cable) to the router, or is it via wireless / Wifi?
  • Can you describe the connection of the Sonos device, where are the cables/wires connected from?


Kindly please submit a diagnostic report through the Sonos app using the affected controller(s), and reply with the confirmation number.

I’d be glad to check it further and see if there’s anything else under the hood that might cause your issue.


Let us know how it goes and if you have any other questions or run into any issues,  please do not hesitate to reach out. 

Your confirmation number is: 1209049164.


Photo title All your music in one app.

Photo titled Play any song in any room.

Set up new Sonos system or Connect to an existing system or Learn more about Sonos

Hardwired to ethernet hub to router.


Please understand that the Sonos works but only from the Sonos Windows app,so the connectivity is not the issue

Hi @cpcook99.

Thank you for the reply and for the additional details.

Upon checking the diagnostic report, this was submitted using the Windows controller.

Kindly please submit a diagnostic report using the affected controller(s).

Since these are the devices having the issue, getting a diagnostic from these devices will help to identify the issue.

To do so, using your (iPhone and Android), open the Sonos app, and tap More Options > Submit Support Diagnostics


I understand that Sonos works but only using your computer as a controller.

When you’re unable to connect with multiple controllers, it’s often due to a connectivity issue either between the network, controller, or Sonos.

Note: In order for Sonos products and controllers to associate with each other, the network must pass different packets.

If any of these transmissions are interrupted or not forwarded correctly across third party devices, this association will fail.


After you choose Connect to an existing system”  option, what happens next?


If you have any other questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out.

From IOS device


Connect to an existing system

Existing system not found - Press Continue - 

Connect to Sonos System - I don’t see this button - Connect to Sonos System.  Press and release the buttons simultaneously as shown below:  (Note, the buttons illustrated are not exactly the buttons on the ZP100.  The illustration shows Play/Pause and + (Volume).  The ZP100 buttons are actually Mute and + (Volume).  That is what I selected.  The result:

Not connected

Your Sonos product was not found.  If your product is a long way from your router,you may need to try moving it closer.  Please select “Try again.”  This has been setup for many years and worked flawlessly.

Try again,same result.

Your process to submit a Support Diagnostic from the App.

“To do so, using your (iPhone and Android), open the Sonos app, and tap More Options > Submit Support Diagnostics.”  This is not an option in the S1 app.   Also, I am able to control the Sonos On/Off thru the Amazon Alexa as well as from my IOS phone in the Smartthings app (Only on/off).

Not sure how you can still believe this is a network issue.   Also, search the forums for this same exact issue by other loyal Sonos users.

I await your next recommendation. 


Resubmitted diagnostics as SONOS support has seem to have gone dark on me.

Hi @cpcook99.

Thanks for your response and sorry for the delayed reply.

I appreciate your effort in submitting the diagnostic, please include your confirmation number(s) in your reply so I can review your system and see what might be causing this.


If you have any other questions or run into any issues,  don’t hesitate to reach out.



After much reading and trying I finally was able to get my ZP100 back online, controlled by my IOS and Windows devices.

After numerous attempts, here is what worked for me.

I factory reset the Sonos device, S1 app saw ZP100 but S1 app would still not let me connect.

Logging into my router I continually saw the SONOS device, before and after factory reset.  I reserved the address that the Sonos was given so each and every time the same IP would belong to the Sonos.  I rebooted the router.

I once again factory reset the Sonos, the S1 app saw the ZP100 and this time the S1 app did allow me to connect.  All of my music services were gone but I would take that over not ever being able to connect.

Good luck to you all trying to resolve the issues and hope this may help.  



Hi @cpcook99.

Thanks for your response and for the update here.

I appreciate your time and effort providing the resolution, I’m glad that it’s now working.

Definitely this thread will help community members that might encounter the same concern. 


Let us know if you have any other questions or concerns, we are always here to help.
