
Reverse list from Spotify

  • 30 July 2017
  • 4 replies

Spotify: I like to play my newest added songs easy from the top of a playlist. Sonos always show the playlist the opposite way. The latest added in the bottom. Today I have to start to play from my Spotify-app from my phone to get it done the right way... 😞

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4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +23
You need to ask Spotify to add that as an option to their SMAPI service. A controller has no idea about dates of anything, so sorting cannot be done by the controller.
Ok. So you are not talking to Spotify? Can't you give them the message?
controlav isn't a Sonos employee. They're all marked as such, where it says "Enthusiast" next to his, and "Novice" next to your name.
Ok. Thanks!