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Is it possible to reduce the maximum attainable volume, making each increment of movement of the volume slider smaller to allow finer control of the volume?
There's not a way in the current software to do so, no. Might be a good suggestion for Sonos, though. There's been many a request for similar features here in these boards: Higher Volume, Lower Volume, more gradation in adjustments, etc.
Tapping to the left or right of the button on the controller gives a 1% change - 100 steps. Isn't that enough?

The hard button doesn't give that fine a control, but I suggest that will yield a longer service life of that button!
I've been wondering the same thing. Being fairly new to the Sonos products, I'm seeing everything for the first time.

Being able to carefully control low volumes seems to be tricky and while not a crisis, certainly less than ideal.

Tapping to the left or right of the controller button (as Kumar suggested) seems problematic since at low volumes the button is right next to the mute button.

A potential solution might be as simple as putting a +/- on either side of the slider that could easily be touched. An option to convert the slider to a numeric scale might also be something to think about - that would also allow for reliably returning to the same volume at another time.

While I'm truly impressed with the quality, engineering and thought that's gone into the Sonos products, there is always something that can be fine tuned 🙂.

Absolutely agree with the above posters - my wife often refuses to sit in the living room with me because the background music is too loud for her. The next level down switches the music completely off!
Still waiting for the solution to reduce the maximum volume with is a big problem for a lots of clients apparently...

Thanks in advance for SONOS TEAM to understand what we want....